Jumat, 30 September 2016

60 Alkaline Foods That Fight Cancer, Inflammation, Diabetes and Heart Disease!

Our health is dramatically affected by the balance of the pH levels in our body. These levels need to be about 7.4, or in an alkaline range.

Therefore, following an alkaline diet, consisted of nutrient- rich natural vegetables and fruit, will be of great help for maintaining god health and proper body functions.

The following list of alkaline foods will help you maintain a healthy pH balance in the body, and thus fight even the more severe illnesses, like diabetes, cancer, heart diseases, and inflammation:

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

-This oil is rich in vitamin E and monosaturated fats and  is highly alkaline.


-Melons eliminate toxins from the body and hydrate it.

Flax Seeds

-Flax Seeds have potent anti-inflammatory properties and are high in fiber and vitamin E.

Swiss Chard

-It has strong antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral properties, and is highly alkaline.


-They are one of the healthiest foods, and they are loaded with fiber and antioxidant.

The following list contains alkaline foods which should be included in your diet:

Alkalizing protein

  • Tofu
  • Almonds
  • Millet
  • Chestnuts
  • Tempeh

Alkalizing fruits

  • Figs
  • Watermelon
  • Apple
  • Tomato
  • Grapes
  • Tropical Fruits
  • Dates
  • Lemon
  • Tangerine
  • Pineapple
  • Avocado
  • Apricot
  • Banana
  • Coconut
  • Grapes
  • Lime
  • Orange

Alkalizing vegetables

  • Carrot
  • Tomatoes
  • Been Greens
  • Onions
  • Cabbage
  • Eggplant
  • Sprouts
  • Spinach
  • Green peas
  • Mustard Greens
  • Mushrooms
  • Rutabaga
  • Wild Greens
  • Celery
  • Wheat Grass
  • Garlic
  • Beets
  • Dandelions
  • Cucumber
  • Brocolli
  • Peas
  • Parsnips
  • Spirulina
  • Green Beans
  • Cauliflower
  • Chlorella
  • Alfalfa
  • Barley Grass
  • Sea veggies
  • Collard Green
  • Edible Flowers

Alkalizing spices and seasonings

  • Tamari
  • Curry
  • Chili pepper
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Mustard
  • All Herbs

Other alkalizing foods

  • Molasses
  • Mineral Water
  • Veggie Juices
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Bee Pollen
  • Probiotic Cultures
  • Green Juices

Sources and References:
dailyhealthpost.com — Original Article Source


Image Credits

Doctors Hide This, Learn How To Heal Your Thyroid Naturally

Unfortunately, the problems related to the thyroid gland are very common these days, and some people are not even aware that they suffer from such an issue.

The thyroid is the gland responsible for the metabolism and energy, and represents a vital mechanism in the complexity of the system, as every single body cell has receptors for the thyroid hormone.

The issues linked to the thyroid gland can be treated with regular exercise, proper diet, rest, and reduced stress.

Yet, you can discover the cause of the problem by a discussion with a holistic doctor, and find an effective treatment to treat it.

We will suggest several ways to naturally heal the thyroid:

  1. Optimize the consumption of vitamin A, D, and K2,as these vitamins are extremely important for the overall health and the thyroid hormones. According to recent research, the deficiency in these vitamins may lead to thyroid problems.
  2. Seaweed and other sea vegetables– You should regularly consume algae and other sea vegetables such as nori, kombu, and wakame, as they are the major dietary source of iodine and are extremely high in nutrients.
  3. Coconut Oil – This oil does not interfere with the conversion of T4 to T3 as other oils, so you should use it for cooking. It will stimulate weight loss, improve your metabolism, and it will also support your immune health which is extremely important in the case of thyroid issues. You should consume at least a tablespoon a day.
  4. Avoid Gluten – Gluten may result in an autoimmune response in some people, and it is believed to lead to Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune common thyroid disease.
  5. Drinking Bone Broth on a daily basis–This healthy elixir will boost the immune system, and cure and seal the intestinal mucosa, which are vital for an improved thyroid health. Therefore, drink a cup of this broth every day with seaweed flakes and a pinch of sea salt.
  6. Especially if the thyroid problem is due to trauma, severe depression, very disturbing news, or constant stress, you should try some relaxation techniques, like yoga, meditation or tai chi.

Moreover, you should not consume peanut butter and peanuts, as they contain goitrogens.

Source: www.healthytipsworld.net


Kamis, 29 September 2016

Mysterious Honey Discovered That Kills All Bacteria Scientists Throw At It

Australian scientists recently made an incredible discovery.

They have found that one obscure type of honey is capable of killing just about every virus and disease scientists throw at it, including some of the worst bacteria known to man.

The study was published in the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (June 2009 edition). It really is being seen as hugely significant at a time when many of the world's top antibiotics are failing, especially against resistant "superbugs."

The amazing honey we are eluding to is known as manuka honey, which is a  New Zealand produce and also goes by the name of jelly bush honey.

Manuka honey has boomed in sales so much over the past few years that shortages have been reported. This has lead to fake products being sold, leading New Zealand manuka producers to seek trademark protection (similar to French champagne or Scottish whiskey for example).

Now that the secret out, It's easy to see why is this honey's incredible health benefits and being widely regarded as nothing short of miraculous.

Manuka Honey Kills MRSA, Other Superbugs

Bees foraging on the nectar of Leptospermum Scoparium, the New Zealand manuka bush,  make the mauka honey. These trees are native only to Australia and New Zealand.

In the study Australian researchers concluded that the honey killed every bacteria or pathogen they tested it on. According to a report by The Australian, the honey can be applied topically to help fight against infections of the skin, cuts and insect bites, or taken internally.

Manuka honey is darker than most traditional honey.

The most promising result of the manuka honey test was that none of the superbugs killed by the honey were able to build up immunity, a major problem with today's antibiotics and the future of mankind.

Dr. Dee Carter of the University of Sydney's School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences said:

"New antibiotics tend to have short shelf lives, as the bacteria they attack quickly become resistant. Many large pharmaceutical companies have abandoned antibiotic production because of the difficulty of recovering costs. Developing effective alternatives could therefore save many lives."

Dr. Carter states that manuka honey contains a compound called methyglyoxal. This compound binds with other unknown compounds to cause "multi-system failure" that destroys the bacteria.

Where Can You Find Manuka Honey?

The supply levels have fluctuated in recent years and fake honey scams have been documented. When looking for manuka honey it is best to look for one that is UMF certified.

You can buy the honey from health stores and online market places but always ensure that you know what you are buying.

'UMF' stands for Unique Manuka Factor. It is the phytochemical property derived from the manuka bushes that gives it its unique fighting properties. This term is regulated by the Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association of New Zealand.

The brand Comvita manuka honey is UMF certified. One particular customer said that it this type of honey helped to erase their MRSA:

"I had done a fair amount of research when a friend of ours got MRSA, and then, unfortunately, I got it too. Thankfully, I had already done the research so I knew exactly what to do. As soon as I saw the red bump (thinking the first day that it was a mosquito bite) I scratched it, but the second day I realized that it had to be something else. My husband immediately knew what it was since we had been dealing with our friend's case of MRSA. I got my hands on this Manuka honey and put on the area of skin that was affected and then it is very important that you cover it with a bandaid. Within hours I felt relief and within a few days it was completely gone…"

As with all new developments, further research needs to be done. However, it's safe to say that manuka honey shows plenty of promise in defeating one of the biggest health challenges faced by humanity in the 21st century, and this research should not be taken lightly.


The New Cannabis Capsule Is So Powerful It Can Replace Any Pain Killer

The almighty health benefits of cannabis are becoming increasingly accepted in mainstream society and are being bolstered by numerous recent studies.

The Foria Relief Company has even invented a vaginal suppository, based on aromatic cocoa butter, which is a perfect substitution for Vicodin, Midol, and Ibuprofen.

It effectively treats menstrual cramps by relaxing the muscles. Additionally, it does not lead to psychotropic property.

It is produced from pesticide and additive-free cannabis. Therefore, their active ingredients are used in a process without microbials and are combined with exact doses; 60 mg of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and 10 mg of cannabidiol (CBD).

The pain is blocked by the THC, which inhabits the pleasure areas to the brains cannabinoid system. CBD relaxes the muscles, treats the spasms, and has a favorable effect on inflammatory mechanisms within the body.

According to a woman who tried the vaginal suppository, it relaxed her clenched and cramped muscles and soothed the pain in her midriff. She explained that she felt the area below the waist to the thighs "as if floating in some other galaxy".

Yet, this amazing remedy is only sold in California and is still not approved by the FDA. However, if you decide to use it, make sure you consult your doctor beforehand, even though there have been no complaints from people who have tried it.

Source: http://www.organicandhealthy.org/



Russian Doctor Claims Your Immune System Can Recover In Only 15 SECONDS!

Professor Sergei Bubnovskiy from Moscow has an innovating new technique that can strengthen your immune system in an amazing new way!

According to the professor, soaking your legs in an ice-cold bath for 10-15 seconds after coming home from work can reinforce your immune system and prepare it for the fight against colds and the flu!

Also, a study from England found that taking daily cold showers increased the numbers of disease-fighting white blood cells (compared to people who took hot showers).

The investigators at Britain's Thrombosis Research Institute suggested that as the body tries to warm itself during and after a cold shower, metabolic rate speeds up and activates the immune system, which leads to the release of more white blood cells.

And, according to a German study, an occasional winter swim in cold water causes oxidative stress, but, done regularly, such swimming leads to an adaptive antioxidant response; in other words, the body is better able to combat oxidative stress in general once it's accustomed to cold-water swims.

Ice Foot-Bath Technique

Pour cold water in a bathtub or basin, then add as much ice as you can get and soak your feet in the tub for 10-15 seconds. Repeating this method every night before going to bed will improve your immune system quickly.

The method is especially beneficial for people with weak immune system – in this case, soak your feet in icy water every 4 hours.


When Snoring Is More Than What It Seems: Telltale Signs Of Adult Sleep Apnea

Around 9% of women and 25% of men in Australia have clinically significant OSA and that 4% of men and women have symptomatic OSA, according to SNORE Australia. This is one of the primary reasons for the current wide usage of Resmed masks and other medical devices for snoring and sleep apnea. Despite this, a large proportion of Australians with OSA remain undiagnosed and untreated.

Perhaps your spouse isn't waking you up in the middle of the night just to prank you (or because it's sexy time). The complaints about your snoring may be an indication of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and it could be affecting more than the quality of your sleep, but your health as well.

Sleeping for seven to nine hours every night has awesome benefits like reducing stress, bolstering the immune system, aiding critical thinking, and reducing risk of chronic diseases and other serious conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, according to the National Health Institute.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Individuals with OSA will have a hard time sleeping at night or even napping in any time of the day. Sleep Apnea is a common type of breathing issue that happens when your airway collapses during sleep, preventing enough air, and thus oxygen from reaching the lungs. This condition has been linked with an increased risk for Type 2 diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and even obesity.

Check these signs if you think you think there's more to you or your spouse's snoring problem:

  • An intense need to drink water after you wake up. Snoring and sleep apnea causes severe dry mouth and a sore throat.
  • A sensitive teeth or sore jaw. Grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw at night happens in an effort to force enough air through the airways.
  • A pounding head in the morning. Sleeping poorly will leave you with a headache when you wake up. Sleep apnea also causes oxygen-deprivation in your brain, which gives you that head-splitting pain.
  • Lots of bathroom or night-time breaks. Sleep interruption can also lead to more frequent urges to go to the bathroom.
  • Feeling extra-tired during the day. If you feel like a zombie walking the streets or you often find yourself staring at random stuff because you're just so tired all the time, it may be because of poor sleep due to snoring and sleep apnea.
  • Less focus and a grumpier mood. Even normal people get grumpier the less sleep they got. Poor sleep due to snoring and sleep apnea will cause you trouble in concentrating, soling issues, and being friendly or courteous towards others.

What should I do now?

If you have one or more of these symptoms, then do yourself and your loved one a favour by consulting with your doctor or a sleep specialist for a consultation.

As a first line of treatment, you'll be asked to change parts of your lifestyle or use sleep apnea devices like continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) coupled with Resmed masks. Also, make sure that you only get these medical devices from legitimate brands.

Don't take this lightly – early treatment of sleep apnea goes a long way in helping you overcome serious health issues that are sure to come in the future.

Image Credits: wikimedia

10 Everyday Foods That Monsanto Has Completely Destroyed

This article is shared with permission from our friends at foodmatters.tv.

With the debate continuing to swirl around genetically modified foods (GMO's), consumers and shoppers are left confused about shopping for food and how to best feed their families.  While it may not be a possible to avoid GMO's completely, knowing the most common foods with GMO's may help navigate the grocery store aisles better.

Unfortunately, unless a food is now labeled organic or non-GMO verified, then chances are that it does contain genetically modified organisms.

Here are 10 of the most common genetically modified foods on our shelves today:


Corn is one of the larger genetically modified food sources, with the majority of field corn in the US from genetically modified seeds.  Recently, sweet corn joined the fray of GMO's as Monsanto introduced its variety of this American favorite.  The two most common varieties of sweet corn that are genetically modified include Syngenta's Attribute sweet corn and Monsanto's Performance series.  If you want non- GMO corn, look for the label, USDA certified organic, as the only guarantee that your corn is not genetically modified.


As of 2007, 91% of the soy planted in the United States is genetically modified, making soy the largest genetically modified food source in the US.  The US is also one of the largest exporters of soy. Soy is used in many ways- from soybeans as a protein source to ingredients like soy lecithin and emulsifiers used to thicken and preserve food and soybean oil for cooking.  The health benefits of soy continue to be debated, but the best soy is again labeled clearly that it is organic and is fermented. Choose soy foods like tempeh or tofu and read your edamame labels carefully.


Rice has also been subject to genetic modification, with a variety of different genes overexpressed- some with the intent to make up for nutritional deficiencies.  Some varieties include overexpression of genes to increase the iron content of rice while golden rice contains added vitamin A to address this micronutrient deficiency through Africa and Asia.  The US again leads efforts on bio-engineered rice.


Genetically modified tomatoes were the first GMO food to hit the market in the early '90s. These tomatoes did well initially but did not flourish as well as was hoped.  There are continued efforts to hybridize tomatoes, but currently, very few tomatoes are genetically modified compared to just a decade ago.


All sugar beets and sugar beet products are now genetically modified in the United States. Sugar beet farmers voted to adopt GMO beets as a unanimous decision, leaving no non- GMO beet options in the United States.  Most beets are grown in the Willamette Valley in Oregon.  This decision impacts sugar as well since almost 50% of sugar in the United States comes from sugar beets.  We will all have to pay attention to labels and buy certified organic sugar and stay away from beets!


Genetically modified potatoes hit the market in 2015, with the Russet and Atlantic potatoes produced by Simplot the most commonly available varieties.  Many food manufacturers are not using GMO potatoes, including Con Agra and McCain.  Pick your potatoes wisely, and look for supplier information from your local grocery store.

Canola Oil

Almost 93% of canola oil from canola seeds is genetically modified.  Canola oil is derived from the rapeseed plant, a plant whose health benefits are contested.  Canola oil is a processed oil, going through multiple steps to be shelf stable. It is an oil that can easily become rancid, attracting mold when in baked and processed goods.  Avoid canola oil and opt for healthier cooking oils like olive, grapeseed or coconut instead.


Dairy from cows injected with r-BGH,  a compound that increases growth hormone in cows, has been shown to be associated with a higher risk of cancers and fraternal twin births than non r-BGH cows.  Many schools are trying to pull away from r-BGH milk, while as parents, the best we can do is to continue reading labels.  Companies like Organic Valley offer non-GMO dairy options.


I was disappointed to learn that papaya is genetically modified.  Genetically modified papaya trees were introduced to Hawaii in 1999. This healthy fruit also needs to be screened in grocery stores for appropriate labeling and sourcing.

Yellow Squash

There are three main types of genetically modified squash produced by Monsanto's brand Seminis. These include yellow crookneck squash, yellow straightneck squash, and green zucchini.  There are non-GMO varieties of squash available as well.

Pay attention to these ten commonly genetically modified foods.  For many of us, we don't want to risk the debate on the ramifications of genetically modified foods. The many animal studies on GMO's are disturbing enough and motivation to know our grocer's suppliers and farmers.

Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

There is no question that procedures to whiten, brighten and improve your smile are on the rise. Cosmetic dentistry has grown significantly in the past decade, leading to more and more patients achieving the dazzling smile they have always dreamed of. When it comes to cosmetic dental procedures, there are a number of options available, which means you should consult with a cosmetic dentistry Aurora CO to determine what is best for you.

Teeth Whitening

This is also commonly referred to as teeth bleaching and is used for whitening and brightening your smile from any staining or discoloration that may be present. The procedure is able to be completed at home, or in the dental office. It is important to realize that not all teeth are able to be whitened, which is why you should check with your dentist prior to undergoing the procedure.


This is a thin shell that is created from composite or porcelain material. They are custom made to fit the front side of your teeth. A veneer is able to be used for treating a number of dental conditions, such as chipped teeth, spaces between teeth, discolored teeth and teeth that are slightly crooked.


Dental implants are types of metal devices that are specifically designed for replacing teeth that are missing. Usually, the device is made from titanium, which is placed surgically into the jawbone. Implants are permanent, which is a better option for many over the dental bridge. Dental implants are designed to act as the root of your tooth and are used as anchors for crowns.


A crown, which is also referred to as a cap, is made to custom fit after your entire tooth after it has been prepared by the dentist. They are typically made from porcelain or acrylic that is fused to metal in order to withstand the pressure of biting. Crowns are typically used to treat teeth that are not shaped well, decayed, chipped or broken.


This is the process where a tooth colored material is adhered to your tooth to improve the appearance of, or repair a tooth that is chipped, broken or badly stained.

Understanding the different cosmetic procedures that are available, will help you understand which one will best suit your needs. The fact is, proper dental care Aurora CO is essential regardless of a person's age. By finding a quality dentist and seeking dental care, anyone can keep their smile healthy and looking great throughout the years.

Rabu, 28 September 2016

How to Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a big concern for women; just the thought of it can make them feel nervous. Most people know someone who's been affected by the disease and have witnessed their struggle throughout.

Genetics has been found to be a factor leading to breast cancer in many cases. Experts on breast cancer care in France believe there are two genes which contribute to its susceptibility. Studies have shown that nearly 60,000 women are known to carry one of these genetic mutations, increasing the risk of one day developing breast cancer.

Other studies of breast cancer have been associated to factors other than genetics, having to do more with our bodies and environment. Although there is no sure way to prevent breast cancer, there are a few ways to lower its risk.

Get healthy

Lifestyle changes have been shown to decrease the risk of breast cancer. This means making big changes such as quitting smoking or other substance abuse, or simply doing it in moderation. It also means cutting back on junk food, therefore being able to have a better concept of your weight. Being overweight can cause you to be at risk for different cancers including breast cancer. Being physically active may also help keep your body healthy and your weight in check.

Reduce toxins

Toxins exist all around us whether we are aware of them or not. We may find them in our food and beauty products. Pollution even comes from our computers and cellphones. Becoming aware of it may limit the amount of contamination around us. For example eating organic food and using natural beauty products as well as limiting exposure to Wi-Fi and cellphones may be a helpful step to take.

Consider discontinuing your birth control pills

Birth control pills exhibit different risks and benefits for our bodies. At a young age, the risk seems to be smaller. However, in general women who take birth control pills may have a slightly higher chance of developing breast cancer. If possible, it may be best to find other methods of contraception.

Remember to talk to your specialist about any questions or concerns you may have in relation to breast cancer. You may also want to support French Cancer Foundation, helping in research prevention and treatment of breast cancer for many other women.

Image Credits: Flickr

Wristbands Matter: Why Awareness Is Essential for Your Cause

Some people think that having wristbands made for an awareness campaign is not the best thing that a non-profit should spend its money on. After all, these dollars could be better spent on helping out those who really need it, right? There are those who even say that wearing a wristband is just a cop-out from actually creating real change for a specific cause.

Yes, it's true that some charities and non-profits may be better off delegating more money to communities in need. But that doesn't discount two facts about awareness campaigns.

Why You Need an Awareness Campaign

First is that awareness of a problem is the first step to solving it. Good examples are campaigns for diseases such as ALS or Lou Gehrig's Disease, HIV/AIDS, and the many different types of cancer. How can you ask people to donate time or money to help those people suffering from those ailments, when they don't even know much about those diseases?

Second is that wristbands do help in creating awareness. It's a tangible reminder of the cause. A well-designed, customized silicone wristband can catch the attention of the wearer's family or friends, getting those people to ask what the cause is all about. That, and people can take pictures of the wristband to upload on social media to further spread the word.

These wristbands can also help reframe the conversation into something more positive. For example, HIV/AIDS still has a negative stigma attached to it. But if there are a good number of people wearing wristbands about HIV/AIDS, it can catch other people's attention, paving the way for a discussion on an otherwise taboo subject.

Going Beyond Fashion Accessories

Granted, there's a fair amount of criticism leveled at these wristbands being used only as a fashion accessory. Some people accuse wearers of these wristbands as not knowing what the cause behind them is all about.

However, most of these problems that people associate with wearing wristbands are actually problems that are more related to an awareness campaign's execution.

For example, when a wristband is sold or given away to a number of people, does it come with information about that cause? Do the persons giving away or selling the wristband explain what the cause is all about? When you fail to answer yes to both of these questions, then yes, your wristband may just end as an accessory.

On top of that, some organizations make the mistake of thinking that the creation and distribution of wristbands are already the awareness campaign. In reality, these wristbands are only a tool for a campaign to work.

After people get their wristbands, the next steps to get more involved in a cause should be made clear to them. Sure, not all wristband wearers may be able to get more involved in a cause. But those who are willing to commit to a cause will certainly know what to do next.

With these arguments, it's clear that wristbands are a great tool to spread the word about your cause. When paired with a well thought-out awareness campaign, you are sure to gain valuable supporters that will help you change the world for the better.

Image Credits: Flickr

Selasa, 27 September 2016

New Non-Invasive Alzheimer’s Treatment FULLY Restores Memory Function!

For an individual to be diagnosed with Alzheimer's, it's more than being frustrated and confused at the forgetting of names, it's to live with a disease that dramatically increases one's risk of death.According to ALZ, Alzheimer's, the #6 cause of death in the United States, presently takes more lives than prostate and breast cancers combined! In fact, it is reported to affect 50 million individuals worldwide.

But thanks to a team from the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) at the University of Queensland, Australia, a promising solution might soon exist. After trials showed a FULL restoration of memory in 75% of the tested lab mice, the team invested real hope into the idea that this disease might soon be treated conventionally.

The researchers created a non-invasive ultrasound technology that clears the brain of neurotic amyloid plaques, the structures that are responsible for memory loss and a decline in cognitive function in Alzheimer's patients.

Published in Science Translational Medicine, the report shares that if a person has Alzheimer's disease, it's usually due to the build-up of two different types of lesions – amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles.

Amyloid plaques sit between the neurons and end up as dense clusters of beta-amyloid molecules, a sticky type of protein that clumps together and forms plaques. And neurofibrillary tangles are found inside the neurons of the brain; they are caused by defective tau proteins that clump up into a thick, insoluble mass which causes filaments, called microtubules, to get all twisted. In effect, this disrupts the transportation of essential materials such as nutrients and organelles along them, similar to when you twist up the vacuum cleaner tube.

While some research has been released showing the importance of preventative medicine in reducing one's likelihood for developing Alzheimer's, at present there are no pharmaceutical drugs or vaccines on the market which can prevent or remedy the disease.

It makes sense, then, as to why it has been a race to figure out how to best treat Alzheimer's, and scientists have started by trying to figure out how to clear the build-up of defective beta-amyloid and tau proteins from a patient's brain.

The team describes the technique as using a particular type of ultrasound called a focused therapeutic ultrasound, which non-invasively beams sound waves into the brain tissue. By oscillating at an incredibly high speed, these sound waves are able to gently open up the blood-brain barrier, which is a layer that protects the brain against bacteria while also stimulating the brain's microglial cells to activate. Microglial  cells are basically waste-removal cells that help to clear out the toxic beta-amyloid clumps responsible for the worst symptoms of Alzheimer's.

Amazingly enough, the team reports fully restoring the memory function in 75% of the mice they tested on, with ZERO damage to the surrounding brain tissue. They even found the rodents to display improved performance in three memory tasks – a maze, a test to get them to recognize new objects, and one to get them to remember the places they should avoid.

Stated Jürgen Götz, one of the team members, in a press release:

"We're extremely excited by this innovation of treating Alzheimer's without using drug therapeutics. The word 'breakthrough' is often misused, but in this case I think this really does fundamentally change our understanding of how to treat this disease, and I foresee a great future for this approach."

As shared in Science Alert, the team plans on starting trials with higher animal models, such as sheep, and has ambition to get human trials underway in 2017.

The full ABC radio interview with the team can be found here. 

Original source: True Activist

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The Healthiest Drink Ever – Treats Arthritis, Relieves Pain & Inflammation and Protects Your Heart

Turmeric is considered the king of spices; in India, people add it to almost every dish that they cook. Turmeric is also an invaluable ingredient in many natural remedies. The spice contains more than 300 antioxidants and is beneficial to consume daily.

This juice recipe is made from turmeric; you can use powdered turmeric or fresh turmeric root. This elixir can be used as an analgesic, thanks to it's anti-inflammatory properties. It also provides a wide range of health benefits.


  • 1 tbsp powdered turmeric or grated, fresh turmeric
  • ½ tsp grated ginger
  • 5 organic carrots
  • 1 organic orange
  • 2 organic lemons
  • 1 organic cucumber


Peel the citrus fruits. Cut the cucumber and carrots into pieces. Blend everything together in a high speed blender. Serve alone or with ice. For optimal results, drink this juice in the morning half an hour before you eat breakfast.


Helps Arthritis: Turmeric juice relieves inflammation caused by arthritis. When consumed, curcumin (one of the antioxidants found in turmeric) becomes active and relieves stiffness and swollen joints.

Treats Depression and Dementia: American scientists have proven that turmeric reduces the risk of depression and dementia and also relieves the symptoms of these conditions.

Lead researcher Dr. Ajay Goel analyzed the properties of turmeric together with his team. They found that turmeric is only 2-5 % less effective than pharmaceutical antidepressants. Turmeric can treat depression and dementia without causing side-effects.

"Speaking in the aspect of medicine, we have a natural remedy that is just 2% less effective than pharmaceutical drugs, and this 2% mean absolutely nothing," says Dr. Goel. He adds that "turmeric is safe, even when consumed in large amounts."

Scientists are still trying to determine how turmeric affects depression. They believe that it blocks the enzymes that increase the risk of depression, and also reduces the level of cytokines in the body; cytokines can affect the body's response to stress.

Eliminates Toxins: This juice successfully flushes toxins out of the body and also improves the complexion.

Reduces Pain: According to researchers, turmeric is effective in the treatment of pain and inflammation caused by steroid drugs.

Experts at the National Institute of Health believe that turmeric is effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis because it stops the destruction of joints. Turmeric contains Nf-kB, a protein that activates the defensive mechanisms in the body that help fight pain.

Helps in Cancer Treatment: Antioxidants interfere and regulate the growth of free radicals in the body; free radicals lead to many diseases including cancer. Turmeric juice provides prevention against ovarian, colon, prostate, and breast cancer.

Nourishes Heart and Blood Vessels: Turmeric juice regulates cholesterol and protects heart and blood vessels. Turmeric also helps to prevent potential cardiovascular diseases.

Treats Digestive Problems: This juice reduces bloating, relieves heartburn, and heals gastritis. Add turmeric as a spice to every meal for better digestion, or take a teaspoon of turmeric in water every day.


What Happens To Your Teeth When You Brush with Sea Salt and Baking Soda?

Whether you're cued in to the health hazards of commercial toothpastes, or just looking for some bi-weekly TLC to add to your dental discipline, brushing your pearly whites with some sea salt and/or baking soda is a safe and natural way to ensure strong teeth and gums, break down plaque buildup, and protect against bad breath. Either used alone or together, sea salt and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) are inexpensive, time-tested treatments for tooth care.

Let's Talk Sea Salt

Calcium, magnesium, silicon, phosphorus, sodium, nickel, iron—just a few of many trace elements and minerals found in sea salt. These nutrients strengthen gums, protect against tarter and bad breath, and may even whiten your teeth over time. High in iodine, sea salt has antibacterial properties and helps neutralize acids in the mouth. Salt makes you salivate, and your saliva creates an antibacterial barrier that protects your enamel.

You can either dip a wet toothbrush into a half teaspoon of sea salt and brush your teeth as you regularly would…or you can rinse with a saltwater solution. Mix a half teaspoon of sea salt with four ounces of warm water. Let the salt dissolve, and then slosh the solution around in your mouth for 30 seconds. Be sure to spit and not swallow when done! A saltwater rinse helps allay swollen, inflamed gums and rinses away bacteria in the mouth.

Let's Talk Baking Soda

Baking soda has long been praised as the natural way to whiten teeth. It's gritty enough to clean your teeth of tarter and plaque without being so abrasive that it wears away your tooth enamel.

Sodium bicarbonate is highly alkaline, and as such counteracts acids in the mouth (acids cause tooth decay), kills bacteria and germs, and combats bad breath.

You can mix baking soda with water into a paste-like consistency to clean teeth. Or you can combine baking soda and salt to make your own homemade toothpaste. If you aren't comfortable ditching your traditional toothpaste entirely, brush with sea salt and baking soda once or twice a week as supplemental dental care.

Are there any side effects to be wary of? According to Dr. Paul H. Keyes D.D.S., clinical investigator at the National Institute of Dental Research, NO! Keyes maintains, "Over the years when I was lecturing, I asked thousands of dentists and hygienists to raise their hands if they had ever seen destructive periodontaldisease in person[s] who had regularly brushed with salt and/or [baking] soda. I have never seen a hand! And although I have not seen many such cases, the periodontal health in these patients has always been excellent."

Source: Undergroundhealthreporter.com

Image Credits: Flickr

Senin, 26 September 2016

14 Cleaning Recipes That Use Powerful Essential Oils, NOT Toxic Cancer-Causing Cleaners

This article is shared with permission from our friends at foodmatters.tv.

Did you know that the average American home is filled with thousands of artificial chemicals? Only a small percentage of these chemicals have been thoroughly tested for safety! It's crazy considering how often we're exposed to these chemicals, and how little we know about their effects on our health and the environment.

Of those that have been studied, at least 150 common household chemicals have been associated with cancer, psychological disturbances, allergies, gastrointestinal disorders and various health issues. Shocking right?!

Cleaning agents contribute a substantial amount to the toxic chemical load in our home. Many top brand cleaners are filled with known toxins such as solvents, ammonia, formaldehyde, phthalates and ethanolamine.

With so many viable natural cleaning solutions now available, how could the potential (and known) risks of these toxins ever be worth a bleached-clean home?

Many essential oils mimic the results of chemical cleaners. They can dissolve grease, brighten stains, kill mold spores and fight bacteria… But without all the scary health dangers!

Check out these eco-friendly cleaning solutions that are natural, non-toxic, simple and actually work!

But please note, when working with essential oils on a new surface, always patch test first to check for suitability. Even though they come from Mother Nature, these oils are potent!


Recommended Essential Oils:

  • Clove (removes mold & mold spores)
  • Cinnamon 
  • Pine (also kills yeast spores)
  • Tea tree

Suggested Uses:

  1. Mix 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil with 2 cups of warm water.
  2. Spray and leave on shower surfaces to detract mold.


  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of clove oil with 1 cup of vinegar and 1 tablespoon glycerine.
  2. Spray over moldy areas and leave for 15 minutes before wiping away with a damp cloth.


Recommended Essential Oils:

  • Tea Tree
  • Eucalyptus
  • Thyme oil

Suggested Uses:

  1. Combine 2 cups hot water, ¼ cup washing soda and 10 drops of your choice of the above essential oils.
  2. Spray as needed and wipe away with a microfibre cloth.


Recommended Essential Oils:

Suggested Uses:

  1. Combine ½ cup water, ½ cup vinegar, 1 tbsp castile and 10 drops of either of the above oils.
  2. Soak a sponge in this mixture and use light pressure to lift grease.
  3. Wipe away soapy residue with a warm damp cloth.

CLEANING PURPOSE: Floor Wash (not suitable for timber flooring)

Recommended Essential Oils:

  • Tea Tree
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lemon (brightens and removes stains, eg white tiles)
  • Pine

Suggested Uses:

  1. Use a 1:1 mixture of vinegar and hot water and add 15 drops of any above oils.
  2. Mop and enjoy the bright, streak-free and fresh finish!

CLEANING PURPOSE: Combs and Makeup Brushes

Recommended Essential Oils:

Suggested Uses:

  1. Combine ½ cup warm water, 1 tablespoon vinegar and 5 drops of any of the recommended oils in a jar.
  2. Soak brushes for 15 minutes then rinse thoroughly.
  3. Leave in the sun to dry out thoroughly.

CLEANING PURPOSE: Shower Scum & Grime Build Up

Recommended Essential Oils:

Suggested Uses:

  1. Wipe or spray your shower surfaces with a little water containing several drops of lemon oil. Do this once or twice a month, this will help to prevent grime build up!


  1. Buy an empty spray bottle and fill with vinegar along with 2 tablespoons of tea tree oil. Use as a daily antibacterial cleaning spray for your shower and bath.


Recommended Essential Oils:

Suggested Uses:

  1. Combine 1:1 hot water and vinegar and add 10 drops of either of the oils listed above.
  2. Wipe over windows and use a 'squeegee' to remove the liquid.
  3. Use old newspaper to polish glass to a streak-free shine afterwards!

CLEANING PURPOSE: Antibacterial Solution

Recommended Essential Oils:

  • Lemon (also antiviral)
  • Tea tree (also antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial)
  • Rosemary (also antiseptic)
  • Lavender
  • Cinnamon (also antibacterial)

Suggested Uses:

  1. Soak dirty tupperware in vinegar and a few drops of the above oils before rinsing through a hot cycle of the dishwasher.


Recommended Essential Oils:

  • Lavender
  • Eucalyptus (also fights dust mites)

Suggested uses:

  1. Add a few drops of eucalyptus or lavender oil when washing quilts, mattress covers and pillows.


  1. Add a few drops of lavender oil to your linen spray for a beautiful, natural fresh scent on your clothing.

CLEANING PURPOSE: Stove & Cooktops

Recommended Essential Oils:

Suggested Uses:

  1. Mix 10 drops of orange oil with ¼ cup castile soap to wipe down stove tops and counters.
  2. Wash clean with a little warm water.


Recommended Essential Oils:

Suggested Uses:

  1. Combine 1 cup of liquid castile soap, 10 drops lime oil, 10 drops orange oil. (Optional: Add a few drops of glycerine to emulsify the oils into the mixture, otherwise simply shake before use.)
  2. Got some REALLY greasy pots and pans to take care of? Try adding ½ cup vinegar and lemon juice to the above mixture.

CLEANING PURPOSE: Toxin-free Kitchen Wipes

Recommended Essential Oils:

  • Lavender
  • Eucalyptus
  • Organge
  • Lime
  • Tea Tree
  • Peppermint

Suggested Use:

Ditch the paper towel and toxic antibacterial wipes!

  1. Cut up some old white colored rags into hand-sized squares.
  2. Fill a large jar with 1 cup of water, 1 ounce castile soap, 1 ounce vinegar and 10 drops of any of the above oils.
  3. Soak the cloth squares inside and remove as needed to wipe away spills or wipe down bench tops.
  4. Simply wash and reuse the square cloths time and time again!


Recommended Essential Oils:

  • Rosemary
  • Eucalyptus
  • Tea Tree
  • Lemon (particularly if greasy)
  • Orange (particularly if greasy)

Suggested Uses:

  1. Combine ¼ cup of washing soda, ¼ cup baking soda and 10 drops of any of the above essential oils.
  2. Smear over sink surface and leave for 15 minutes before rinsing away with 1 cup vinegar and hot water.


  1. Combine 1 cup baking soda, ½ cup pure castile soap and 5 drops of the above oils in a small bowl.
  2. Mix well and scoop the mixture onto a sponge to give your sink a good scrub over.
  3. Wash well with warm water.


Recommended Essential Oils:

Suggested Uses:

  1. Make your own bottle of non-toxic toilet cleaner by combining 2 cups water, ¼ cup castile soap, 1 tablespoon tea tree oil and 10 drops of eucalyptus or peppermint oil.
  2. Spread mixture over surface of inner toilet bowl and soak for 20 minutes.
  3. Lightly scrub with a toilet brush before flushing away the muck and leaving sparkly clean results!


  1. Pour 1 cup baking soda and a few drops of the above essential oils into the toilet.
  2. Pour over 2 cups of vinegar.
  3. After the fizzing settles down, scrub the toilet bowl over with a toilet brush and flush several times.

Ready to make your own DIY home cleaners? Stock up on the essential oils listed above, PLUS these simple ingredients: 

  • Bicarb soda
  • Salt (scrub)
  • Vinegar
  • Washing soda (also called sodium bicarbonate or soda ash)
  • Liquid castille soap
  • Glycerine (emulsifier)

Add a little of the relevant essential oil to any of the above for a quick, easy, effective and natural DIY cleaning kit!



Image Credits: Wiki How

Discover The Top 5 Benefits Of Oil Pulling

In this article, we're going to be looking at the top 5 benefits of oil pulling. Now, if you've never hear about oil pulling then you might already be skeptical at this point. I know I was when I first heard someone mentioning this. In fact, the term "oil pulling" conjured up images in my mind of some burly Scotsman lugging a drum of oil around at the Highland games in Scotland.

Once I did a bit of research however, I soon became a big fan of oil pulling, and hopefully this article will be enough to persuade to try oil pulling yourself. Oil pulling is an ancient remedy, and when a remedy continues to be used for such a long time, then I for one believe it deserves some credibility.

Although this remedy has been used for centuries already, it was only introduced to the modern world during the 1990s by Dr. F. Karach. Like all folk remedies, there is little scientific evidence to support the benefits of oil pulling, so my advice to you is: Try it and then you can be the judge. Okay, so what is oil pulling and how is it done? In a few words, oil pulling involves nothing more that you swishing some oil around in your mouth for around ten to fifteen minutes. Let's go ahead and dig a little deeper:

How Is Oil Pulling Done?

To begin with, you should only use pure organic oils for oil pulling. These work best to pulling bacteria and other harmful organisms out of you gums; your mouth, and to a certain extent your throat. You only need to use about one tablespoon of good quality organic oil at a time. I personally recommend sesame oil, but you can use cold pressed coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil.

Once you've chosen your preferred oil, place one tablespoon of oil in your mouth, and then begin swishing it around slowly in your mouth. The first thing that happens is the oil mixes with saliva, at which point it starts absorbing bacteria, fungi, and other potentially harmful organisms. Once the oil and saliva have become saturated with these harmful organisms the mixture with thicken and be a sort of dirty white color. At this point, you need spit it out in order to prevent any unwanted bacteria from being reabsorbed by the skin in your mouth.

How Does Oil Pulling Benefit Your Health?

As mentioned previously, many of the reported benefits of oil pulling lack scientific backing. However, carefully controlled studies have shown that it can in fact be very beneficial in terms or oral health. The top 5 benefits of oil pulling are:

  1. 1. Stronger and healthier teeth and gums
  2. 2. Reduced risk of tooth cavities and gum diseases such as gingivitis
  3. 3. Prevention of bad breath
  4. 4. Can be used as a treatment for bleeding gums
  5. 5. Reduces the risk of developing mouth ulcers

Most of the people I know who use this remedy use it primarily for oral health, but that's not to say the benefits stop there. The internet is is awash with articles relating to oil pulling, and if you do a little research, you'll find that this historical remedy has also been linked to several other health benefits. These include but are not limited to:

  • Reduces the severity of allergies
  • Relieves migraine pain
  • Offers relief for bronchitis sufferers
  • Can help to reduce the severity of eczema
  • May help to reduce arthritis related inflammation
  • May help to reduce or prevent insomnia

These are just a few of the many benefits of oil pulling which have been reported, hence the reason why it is routinely a part of most holistic health programs. It is also still used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine. Okay, so we've looked at some of the benefits of oil pulling, but are there any convincing studies to support all these claims? Yes, there certain are:

Sesame Oil Under The Spotlight

To begin with, sesame oil is well known for its antibacterial properties and its antifungal properties. For example, sesame oil is a safe; natural and effective treatment for things like athletes foot. It is also rich in antioxidants, and as you might already know, antioxidants are necessary in the fight against free radicals in the body. Free radicals are the rogue cells that cause cancer and so many other dreadful diseases. Sesame oil is also an excellent source of vitamin E, but the best thing of all is the fact that sesame oil can be absorbed by the skin, thereby allowing it to enter the bloodstream.

In summary, it only stands to reason that one can only stand to benefit from oil pulling if you are using organic sesame oil.

Okay, now you might be wondering why I've not really made much mention of olive oil. The reason for this is simply because my own personal favorite is sesame oil. However, if you prefer olive oil, that's fine as well, but always opt for extra virgin olive oil. Apart from the obvious oil pulling benefits, olive oil is well known for its many other health giving properties. Many people favor using olive oil in their kitchens, while sesame oil on the other hand isn't quite so popular. Obviously if you already have olive oil in your kitchen, but you don't have any sesame oil, then just use the olive oil you have. However, I would certainly recommend using some cold pressed coconut oil occasionally as well since it really has an awesome aroma and taste.

Original source: Healthy Holistic Living

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The Warning Signs of Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome is not something that is yet recognized by the conventional medical society, but there is an increasingly strong body of evidence to suggest that it does exist, and that is it is responsible for several unwanted conditions. The alternative medicine school does however recognize it, as it does with many other conditions that conventional medicine seems to choose to ignore, such as Candida overgrowth.

Feeling fit and healthy – The holistic way

Many people who follow a holistic health lifestyle have faith in alternative medicine and why not? By dealing with and treating these seemingly "unrecognized" conditions, "hollies" (my made up name for those of the holistic health persuasion) maintain and improve their health and overall well-being. If it's all in the head – which I say quite emphatically, it isn't – as long as you feel fit and healthy – go for it!

Okay, now I've had my little rant, I'll get down off my soapbox.

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Leaky gut syndrome is a condition that affects the lining of the intestines. It's also known in the alternative medicine fraternity as intestinal permeability. The theory is that the damage to the intestinal lining reduces the intestines ability to protect your body system. The result is that certain bacteria, and some toxins, along with only partly-digested proteins and fats, leak from the intestines into the bloodstream.

The many probable Causes of Leaky Gut Syndrome

There are many possible causes of Leaky Gut syndrome, but in reality the condition is probably brought about by a combination of several of the following:

  • Chronic inflammation
  • Sensitivity to certain foods
  • Damage from consistently taking NSAIDS
  • Reaction to certain antibiotics.
  • A compromised immunity system
  • Excessive alcohol consumption

 Gluten – The Number 1 Cause of Leaky Gut Syndrome

Because many people believe that Gluten is the number one cause of Leaky Gut Syndrome, I'm giving it a little paragraph all too itself. It is thought that as many as one in every two people have some form of sensitivity to foods containing gluten. If you check out the symptoms for gluten sensitivity, you will note that many of them coincide with some of the symptoms of Leaky Gut syndrome, which is hardly surprising of course given that gluten is one of the main causes of a Leaky Gut.

Avoiding supposed Gluten Alterrnatives

If Gluten is indeed the cause of your leaky gut, avoiding it will cure the problem. You may be tempted to start using Gluten free products, but as many supposed substitutes still contain small amounts of Gluten, (which can build up an accumulate), this is not the way to go. Its far better to get the energy you would normally get from your gluten foods, by eating fresh organic fruit and vegetables, and certain low fat, organic products such as organic free range eggs, and low fat organic fish and poultry.

Knowing what causes leaky gut is one thing; now we need to be thinking about finding out if you've got it in the first place.

Leaky gut doesn't result in having a wet tummy that results a tell-tale damp patch on the front of your pants our skirt. Not that easy I'm afraid! It's a little trickier to spot because it describes a leak inside the body that stays inside, not one that leaks through to the outside. So how do you know that you might have it? – Let's find out.

What to Look-out for

The "leakage" of the substances from the intestines into the bloodstream causes the auto immune system to kick in, which leads various gastrointestinal and other problems and conditions. These are the things to look out for that could indicate you've acquired the condition.

  • Bloated abdomen
  • Painful stomach cramps
  • An excess of gas resulting in flatulence
  • Sensitivity to certain foods (IBS)
  • The appearance of seasonal allergies including asthma
  • Hormonal conditions like PMS or PCOS.
  • Mood swings, anxiety, and bouts of depression
  • Candid overgrowth
  • Pain in the joints
  • Skin inflammations manifesting as acne, eczema, or rosacea
  • Fibromyalgia – follow this link for more information
  • Fatigue

 Getting Back on Track

Many people aren't even remotely aware of the existence of Leaky Gut syndrome. They spend much of their time running down blind alleys, by trying to eliminate some of the conditions, which they believe to be manifested by other causes. If you're one of these people, then this article may lighten you darkness and could lead you to finding a cure for several irksome symptoms that have been troubling you for years. You could get you holistic health right back on track.

Original source: Healthy Holistic Living

6 Steps to Reduce Inflammation

6 Easy Steps to use to Reduce Inflammation

Contrary to what you might believe, it is often possible to reduce inflammation without having to take any drugs, many of which can cause very nasty side effects. The internet is awash with home remedies which people have found useful, but as is to be expected, what works for one person might not work for the next. Basically, if you want to stop inflammation without have to take drugs, then you'll almost certainly have to try a few different approaches before you find the one that works best for you. In the paragraphs that follow, I going to discuss six possible candidates, but before I do that, I think we should fist take a look at inflammation itself.

What Is Inflammation?

According to Medical News Today inflammation is a natural process that takes place within the body when the body is attempting to eradicate harmful stimuli, including things like pathogens or damaged cells.

Many people associate inflammation with an infection, but this is not actually the case. An infection can and often does result in inflammation, but it does not directly cause the inflammation. Instead, the inflammation is the body's response to the inflammation. It's a sign that your body is aware of a problem, and it is attempting to rid itself of the problem.

Let's for example say that you twist your ankle. Some damage has occurred so your immune system immediately goes to work in order to protect and repair your ankle and the surrounding muscles and tendons. This attempt at self repair manifests itself in the form of inflammation. Unfortunately however, the immune system sometimes mistakes inflammation for being something harmful, in which case it moves in to fight the inflammation, thereby causing further inflammation.

At this point, let's just say that inflammation is a complex and extremely vital function of the immune system. However, when it gets out of control, it can cause devastating health problems, including:

  • Coronary artery disease (the leading cause of death internationally)
  • Arthritis
  • Bronchitis
  • Asthma
  • Appendicitis
  • Tuberculosis

Believe me, the above mentioned condition are just the tip of the iceberg as far as inflammation related illnesses are concerned. In fact, many health experts are now starting to call inflammation the Secret Killer. To make matters even worse, people, and especially medical professional have historically always tried to stop inflammation by suppressing it through the use of pharmaceutical drugs. Let's think about this for a minute. How can the body heal itself if we are doing everything we can to prevent it. Of course there are times when it's in your best interest to stop inflammation, but is it not better to work with your immune system rather than work against it.? For this reason, I always recommend trying a natural approach before turning to pharmaceuticals. Let's take a look now at some natural remedies which have helped countless people reduce inflammation.


Now, I realize that there are many people out there who really can't even stand the thought of having to do some exercise, but since you're reading this article, I'd like to believe that you aren't one of them. If holistic health means anything to you, then you'll already know just how beneficial some regular exercise can be. And, if you want to stop inflammation, then you'll be pleased to know that regular exercise can reduce inflammation by up to 30%.

Studies have shown that stroke risk can be reduced by 12% simply by doing 30 minutes of moderate exercise five times a week. You don't need to join a gym or go jogging every day either. A nice brisk walk is just as effective, as is working in the garden, or even mowing your lawn. Any type of activity that increases you heart rate counts.

2. Diet

I'd be very surprised if you told me you weren't expecting to see me mentioning diet, because let's face it, diet and healthy living go hand in hand. Just like a poor diet can cause an untold number of problems, a good healthy diet can help you to prevent a myriad of problems, with inflammation being one of them.

Certain foods are known to aggravate diseases such as arthritis, and we all know that the type of food we eat contributes to the thickening of arterial walls, which in turn puts you at risk of stroke or heart attack. Remember, coronary artery disease, which is essentially inflammation of the artery walls, is the number one cause of death in the world today.

Now for the disappointment – I am not even going to attempt listing all the foods you should or should not eat. There is plenty of information on the internet, and besides, most health conscious people already know which foods are best avoided. If you would like to learn more about anti inflammatory diets you can do so by visiting the WebMD website here.

Before I even mention anything about supplements that can help to stop inflammation, I must first make it clear that I always believe that it's best to get all the vitamins and nutrients you require from proper whole foods. Having said all that, I also believe that certain supplements do have their place when it comes to holistic health.

3. Omega 3 Fish Oil

A good example of an anti inflammatory supplement would be omega-3 fish oil supplements, but care must be taken to find a high quality supplement, and one which is free of any additives. Many people don't eat enough fish, and there are also concerns about heavy metal poisoning when it comes to seafood. In this regard, a good supplement can help to fill the gap considering that omega-3 fatty acids are well known for their anti inflammatory properties.

4. Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 supplements are also worth considering because vitamin D deficiency has be directly linked to inflammation, and experts claim that at least 50% or more of the world's population has inadequate vitamin D levels. Countless studies have shown that risk of developing coronary artery disease can be significantly reduced simply by maintaining an adequate level of vitamin D in your blood. Again, care must be taken when choosing a particular brand of supplement.

5.) Aloe Vera

The healing properties of aloe vera have been known and appreciated for thousands of years already, but only today are we starting to truly understand just how amazing this plant actually is. Experts now also know that it contains some powerful enzymes capable of destroying free radicals which responsible for certain types of inflammation. Oral aloe vera gel is routinely used by patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease, and it's currently be evaluated for its effectiveness at treating other inflammatory diseases. You can learn more about this by visiting the National Institute of Health website.

6. Olive Oil

It's a well established fact that olive oil is beneficial to health, providing you only use extra virgin olive oil. We now also know that olive oil can help to stop inflammation. The reason for this being that it contains phenolic compounds that are known for their ability to suppress a number of genes that are associated with inflammation. If you'd like to find out more detailed information regarding the anti inflammatory properties of olive oil, I would recommend visiting the US National Library of Medice website here.

Original source: Healthy Holistic Living

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The Top 10 Teas for Your Herbal Medicine Cabinet

When you're sick, little is more comforting than holding a steaming mug of fragrant tea in both hands, warming your face with the hot steam. Somehow, no matter how rotten you felt before, you instantly feel just a tiny bit better.

Whether you are lucky enough to grow your own tea herbs, you purchase loose teas, or you use tea bags, your cabinet is not complete without the following ingredients. These teas are delicious and beneficial, with many different healing qualities.

Considering that we most often turn to herbal teas for healing purposes, it's especially important to purchase or grow organic herbs for this purpose. If your leaves are bathed in pesticide and then you add them to boiling water, instead of healing goodness, you are steeping toxins.

When making tea for medicinal purposes, be sure to steep the tea in a teapot with a lid, or to cover your mug while the herbs are steeping. This helps to make a more potent brew by keeping all of the healing oils in the tea, instead of allowing them to drift into the room. Most herbs should be steeped for about 10 minutes for maximum results.

There are many different herbs from around the world that have wonderful healing properties. I've concentrated this list on ones that can either be easily acquired and stored, or ones that can be easily grown in a backyard garden or a sunny window. Just like band-aids, antibiotic cream, or aspirin, these items are vital additions to your pantry, allowing you to dispense a hot, steaming, fragrant cup of nurturing in as little time as it takes you to boil water. Be prepared by keeping the following ingredients close at hand, and be self-sufficient by producing for yourself as many as possible (always the best way to make sure that the items were grown using safe, organic methods).

In no particular order…

1. Mint

Mint tea is the classic herbal tea. Mint is an ingredient in many different commercial tea blends and is much-loved for its refreshing fragrance.

Growing it:

Mint is an herb that doesn't just grow easily – it can quickly overtake your garden! For this reason, it is recommended to grow mint in either a container or its own bed. There are many varieties of mint and the healing properties are similar. Whether you grow peppermint or spearmint, the active component is menthol.


If you suffer from acid reflux, mint tea may worsen your symptoms. Mint has antispasmodic properties

Mint tea can be used to:

  • Reduce congestion in a cold or flu sufferer
  • Reduce pain and bloating from gas
  • Reduce cramping from diarrhea
  • Act as a mild expectorant for a chest cold or bronchitis
  • Induce sweating, the body's natural cooling mechanism. This is a natural way to reduce a fever
  • Relieve nausea without vomiting

2. Ginger

This homely root is an ingredient in many natural cough, cold, and nausea treatments. Instead of giving your child gingerale when they are suffering from an upset stomach (and all of the HFCS and artificial flavors that come in it) brew up a nice cup of ginger tea sweetened with honey for a real dose of soothing ginger!

Growing it:

Ginger is a tropical plant that is apparently not difficult to grow indoors. It requires excellent soil, warmth, humidity, and filtered sunlight.

You can learn how to grow ginger HERE.


It's not recommended to exceed 4 grams of ginger per day – components in the herb can cause irritation of the mouth, heartburn and diarrhea if taken in excess.

Click HERE to find a recipe for a delicious honey-ginger cough syrup that can also be the basis for a night-time hot toddy.

Ginger tea can be used to:

  • Reduce nausea
  • Prevent or treat motion sickness
  • Warm the body of someone suffering from chills
  • Induce sweating to break a fever
  • Soothe a sore throat

3. Chamomile

Chamomile tea should be steeped a little longer than other herbal teas in order to get all of the medicinal benefits. This soothing, slightly apple-flavored tea has mild sedative properties. The petals of the tiny flowers are where the medicinal values lie.

Growing it:

Chamomile is easy to grow from seeds. Start them in the late winter and transfer outdoors when the risk of frost has passed. Once the plants are well established, chamomile can thrive with little water during hot weather. When buying your seeds, note that German chamomile is an annual and Roman chamomile is a perennial.


Chamomile tea should be avoided by people who take blood thinners. As well, those who suffer from ragweed allergies may also have an allergic reaction to chamomile, as the two plants are related.

Chamomile tea can be used to:

  • Relieve anxiety
  • Induce sleep
  • Soothe mild nausea and indigestion
  • Relieve a cough from throat irritation

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon doesn't just smell like a holiday in a cup, it is anti-bacterial, antiviral, and antifungal, making it an excellent all-around remedy for whatever ails you. Cinnamon is a wonderful source of immune-boosting antioxidants.

Growing it:

Cinnamon is the fragrant bark of a tropical evergreen tree. This article from Mother

      1. 1-1/2 tsp of cinnamon powder or a cinnamon stick

2. 1 tea bag

3. honey to taste

4. Milk to taste

Stir cinnamon powder well into boiling water and steep for 8 minutes. Add a tea bag and steep for 2 more minutes. Stir in honey and warm milk.

Cinnamon tea can be used to:

  • Encrease blood flow and improve circulation
  • Reduce nausea
  • Ease stomach discomfort, bloating, gas and indigestion
  • Warm the body of someone suffering from chills
  • Soothe a sore throat
  • Reduce cold symptoms

5. Lemongrass

Lemongrass is another herb that is loaded with healing properties. The spiky, easy-to-grow plant has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, and antifungal properties, making it helpful in treating a plethora of ailments.

Growing it:

You can actually root the lemongrass that you buy at the grocery store to start your own patio lemongrass farm. It grows beautifully in a large pot, making it a good herb for the apartment windowsill farmer to cultivate. It can be grown year-round indoors. Check out this article for more information.

Lemongrass tea can help to:

  • Aid in digestion
  • Calm nervous disorders and anxiety
  • Aid in the treatment of high blood pressure if a daily cup is enjoyed
  • Dilate blood vessels and improve circulation
  • Act as a mild diuretic to reduce fluid retention

6. Echinacea

This lovely flowering plant is probably the pinnacle of herbal preventatives. Echinacea is not only anti-bacterial – but it stimulates the body's immune system to fight off bacterial and viral attacks. The medicinal properties are in the leaves and the purple flowers.

Growing it:

Echinacea is also known as the "purple coneflower". The plant has deep taproots and is somewhat drought resistant. It is a perennial. Sow seeds outdoors in the early spring before the last frost. These plants like full sun and they don't like too much moisture.

Echinacea tea can help to:

  • Enhance the immune system
  • Relieve pain
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Provide antioxidant effects
  • Shorten illness time for sufferers of the common cold

7. Rosehips

Rosehips make a tart, tangy pink-colored tea. They are the seed-filled pod at the base of a rose blossom, giving you a practical reason to have more rose bushes in your garden. It mixes well and enhances the flavor of any berry or fruit-flavored tea.

Rosehips tea can help to:

  • Provide a nutritional supplement of Vitamin C
  • Improve adrenal function
  • Boost the immune system
  • Provide minerals such as calcium, iron, silicon, selenium, natural sodium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus and zinc
  • Increase energy
  • Heal tissues and cells

8. Blackberry leaf

Dried blackberry leaves give a luscious fruity flavor when steeped in boiling water. Not only are they the basis of many delicious teas, they are loaded with a beneficial component called tannins. (Bonus tip: add a blackberry leaf to a jar of pickles when canning – the tannin helps to keep the pickles crisp.)


Excess consumption of blackberry leaves (or anything containing tannins) can cause liver damage.

Blackberry leaf tea can help to:

  • Provide vitamin C
  • Treat diarrhea
  • Reduce pain and inflammation from sore throats
  • Provide an antibacterial effect against H pylori, the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers
  • Provide immune-boosting antioxidants
  • Provide high levels of salicylic acid, which gives them similar properties to aspirin, such as pain relief and fever relief
  • Reduce inflammation of the gum

9. Clove

Cloves are a wonderful addition to herbal tea just for the taste. Not only is the flavor delicious, but cloves have been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. The multipurpose little seed packs a mighty punch with its antiviral, antifungal, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Growing it:

Cloves are the dried buds of a flowering evergreen tree that is native to Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar. They are generally imported and, unfortunately, are not easy to cultivate in other climates or greenhouse atmospheres.


In high amounts cloves can cause liver damage, blood in the urine, diarrhea, nausea, and dizziness.

Clove tea can help to:

  • Provide pain relief – it is a powerful analgesic
  • Break up mucous and work as an expectorant
  • Provide a fragrant decongestant in a steaming cup of tea
  • Treat strep throat or tonsillitis – it relieves pain and provides a wash of antiviral and antibacterial components

10. Lemon Balm

Lemon balm, also known as Bee Balm, was first recorded to have been used by the ancient Greeks as an overall tonic for good health. It is an ingredient in the old world Carmelite water, a recipe created by Carmelite nuns in the early 1600s to treat headaches. (The traditional mixture also contained coriander, lemon-peel, nutmeg, and angelica root.)

Growing it:

Lemon balm is easy to grow and produces throughout the summer. The more you harvest, the more it produces. It is perennial in warmer climates. Lemon balm like rich moist soil with organic compost and partial shade in the hottest part of the day. It is another one of those herbs that can take over a garden, so plant it in a confined area.

Lemon balm tea can help to:

  • Fight off viruses – it was used historically against shingles, mumps, and cold sores
  • Calm anxiety and nervousness
  • Aid in sleep
  • Aid the digestive system by reducing spasms and quelling heartburn
  • Reduce nausea

What do you keep in your herbal medicine cabinet? Why is it an important natural remedy for you?

Daisy Luther is a freelance writer and editor. Her website, The Organic Prepper, offers information on healthy prepping, including premium nutritional choices, general wellness and non-tech solutions. You can follow Daisy on Facebook and Twitter, and you can email her at daisy@theorganicprepper.ca

Article reposted from NaturalBlaze.com

Image Credits: Wikimedia

12 Symptoms Of Kidney Disease You Shouldn’t Ignore

Most people are not aware of the fact that kidney diseases can be silent killers. They may not show any symptoms for a long time till the situation becomes critical. (Why is it silent?) Even young people are now prone to it. It is important to recognize the symptoms of kidney diseases to catch them early. There are many reasons why kidney disease is caused. The most common causes are diabetes and hypertension. Even an unhealthy lifestyle with a high calorie diet, certain medicines. lots of soft drinks and sugar consumption can also cause kidney damage. Here is a list of twelve symptoms which could indicate something is wrong with your kidney:

Changes in your urinary function: The first symptom of kidney disease is changes in the amount and frequency of your urination. There may be an increase or decrease in amount and/or its frequency, especially at night. It may also look more dark coloured. You may feel the urge to urinate but are unable to do so when you get to the restroom.

Difficulty or pain during voiding: Sometimes you have difficulty or feel pressure or pain while voiding. Urinary tract infections may cause symptoms such as pain or burning during urination. When these infections spread to the kidneys they may cause fever and pain in your back.

Blood in the urine: This is a symptom of kidney disease which is a definite cause for concern. There may be other reasons, but it is advisable to visit your doctor in case you notice it.

Swelling: Kidneys remove wastes and extra fluid from the body. When they are unable to do so, this extra fluid will build up causing swelling in your hands, feet, ankles and/or your face. Read more about swelling in the feet.

Extreme fatigue and generalised weakness: Your kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin which helps make red blood cells that carry oxygen. In kidney disease lower levels of erythropoietin causes decreased red blood cells in your body resulting in anaemia.  There is decreased oxygen delivery to cells causing generalised weakness and extreme fatigue. Read more about the reasons for fatigue.

Dizziness & Inability to concentrate: Anaemia associated with kidney disease also depletes your brain of oxygen which may cause dizziness, trouble with concentration, etc.

Feeling cold all the time: If you have kidney disease you may feel cold even when in a warm surrounding due to anaemia. Pyelonephritis (kidney infection) may cause fever with chills.

Skin rashes and itching: Kidney failure causes waste build-up in your blood. This can causes severe itching and skin rashes.

Ammonia breath and metallic taste: Kidney failure increases level of urea in the blood (uraemia). This urea is broken down to ammonia in the saliva causing urine-like bad breath called ammonia breath. It is also usually associated with an unpleasant metallic taste (dysgeusia) in the mouth.

Nausea and vomiting: The build-up of waste products in your blood in kidney disease can also cause nausea and vomiting. Read 13 causes for nausea.

Shortness of breath: Kidney disease causes fluid to build up in the lungs. And also, anaemia, a common side-effect of kidney disease, starves your body of oxygen. You may have trouble catching your breath due to these factors.

Pain in the back or sides: Some cases of kidney disease may cause pain. You may feel a severe cramping pain that spreads from the lower back into the groin if there is a kidney stone in the ureter. Pain may also be related to polycystic kidney disease, an inherited kidney disorder, which causes many fluid-filled cysts in the kidneys. Interstitial cystitis, a chronic inflammation of the bladder wall, causes chronic pain and discomfort.

Read more about causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease.

It is important to identify kidney disease early because in most cases the damage in the kidneys can't be undone. To reduce your chances of getting severe kidney problems, see your doctor when you observe one or more of the above symptoms. If caught early, kidney disease can be treated very effectively.

Here are 10 tips that can help you to prevent kidney disease.

Tips for maintaining health kidneys by expert nephrologist Dr Deepa Jayaram (video)

Image Credits: Wikimedia

Ginger, The Perfect Home Remedy For Indigestion

by TheHealthSite

If you frequently suffer from digestive problems and flatulence (gas in the stomach), try ginger.

Ginger helps in digestion and improves absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients. It also helps break down the proteins in your food. Ginger promotes mucus secretion and protects your stomach against ulcers. Apart from that, its carminative (gas expulsion) property provides relief from bloating and gas and helps reduce flatulence. Here are some tips to keep flatulence away.

Apart from these, ginger has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, and anti-emetic properties. It helps to decrease inflammation, swelling and pain due to its ability to inhibit prostaglandin and leukotriene synthesis. Ginger also inhibits serotonin receptors and has the ability to break up and expel intestinal gas (carminative effect) which makes it a good antiemetic agent. Its antioxidant activity, the ability to induce cell death (apoptosis) and suppressing certain protein bestows it with anticancer properties as well. Moreover, compounds found in ginger are known to suppress allergic reactions as well. All these properties make ginger a powerhouse of health benefits.

So,  if you are suffering from indigestion you could try the following home remedies:

Tip#1: Wash and peel some fresh ginger. Now crush it and squeeze out the juice. Collect it in a small cup and drink the concentrate once a day. You will definitely find instant relief.

Tip#2: Cut fresh ginger into thin slices. Now place the piece at the back of the mouth and bit into it once. Do not swallow it and allow the juice of the ginger to slowly enter your stomach. This remedy also helps in relieving indigestion.

Tip#3: This remedy is great for those of you who suffer from indigestion with nausea. Take a thin slice of ginger and sprinkle some salt on it. Chew on it the same way as in tip#2. This will also help reduce nausea and indigestion.

Image Credits: Wiki How

Say Goodbye To Arthritis With The Help Of This Homemade Cream!

Gout — a complex form of arthritis — can affect anyone. Men are more likely to get gout, but women become increasingly susceptible to gout after menopause.

An attack of gout can occur suddenly, often waking you up in the middle of the night with the sensation that your big toe is on fire. The affected joint is hot, swollen and so tender that even the weight of the sheet on it may seem intolerable.

Fortunately, gout is treatable, and there are ways to reduce the risk that gout will recur.

Joint pain is a severe, degenerative condition characterized by aggravation in the joints that causes agony and solidness. This horrible disease often causes unbearable pain, so the people who suffer from it need to manage this pain and thus incline toward routine medication.

Another common type of joint pain is osteoarthritis, which deteriorates with age and brings wear and tear throughout the years.

Fortunately, there is a DIY solution to this problem and here in this article we are also going to present you with three extra methods which are highly effective when it comes to addressing joint pain.

Homemade Recipe: Millennial Cream

For the preparation of this remedy, you would need to go to an herbalist's store and look for a plant called 'millennial flame'. Use this plant combined with about 20 grams of Vaseline, and make sure you get a homogenous mixture. Then, use this mixture by applying it on the area affected before going to sleep.

Here are three more DIY cures:

1. Cucumber Juice

Start by squeezing 150 grams of cucumber. Next, combine the cucumber juice with a glass of water, and add 75 grams of turmeric powder. Consume this drink every day before lunch so that you maximally utilize its effects.

2. Parsley Drink

Make a mixture by combining a liter of boiling water and a fistful of washed parsley. Put this mixture on heat and leave it simmer for nearly twenty minutes. Then, let it aside until it cools down, and once this mixture is cooled, have a small glass of it. Do this before each meal.

3. Turmeric

For the preparation of this natural remedy, you would need a glass of milk and a teaspoon of ground organic turmeric, as well as a little honey so that you improve the taste of the remedy.

Mix all ingredients, and that's it, your remedy is done. Take this solution three times weekly so that you alleviate the symptoms of this disease.


Minggu, 25 September 2016

10 Foods that Fight Candida

Did you know that candida is a genus of yeast that we all have, living in our guts. Candida is what is known as "Dimorphic". In other words it can exist in 2 forms at the same time. One form (as yeast) is beneficial. It helps to ferment sugar and is 100% non-invasive.

The other form that Candida can take is a fungal form, in which it develops extended root type structures that are known as "Rhizoids". These roots are able to penetrate our mucous membranes, and therefore become invasive.

80% of US Citizens may have Candida Overgrowth

In its yeast guise, Candida is a so called "friendly bacterium", and its growth is normally held in check by a healthy immune system. But when our immune systems are compromised in some way, or the pH level in our intestines is adversely affected, Candida begins to change to its fungal state and multiply into what is termed as Candida overgrowth. What may surprise you is that it is thought that as much as 80% of the US population may be suffering from Candida overgrowth!

When Candida becomes Systematic

In its fungal states Candida, via the Rhizoids it develops, breaks out of our intestinal tracts and into our circulation, allowing partly digestive proteins to invade our bloodstreams and contaminate our immune systems. This is what is known as systematic Candida, or a Candida Albicans overgrowth, and it is very difficult to eradicate.

Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth

The symptoms of this overgrowth are many and varied, and are sometimes confused with other conditions. They include itchy irritated skin, anxiety, depression and irritability, flaky skin, (which may also be itchy), heartburn, indigestion, lethargy and joint soreness. In women it can also cause cystitis, vaginal infections, and premenstrual tension.

Causes of Candida

The exact cause of a Candida overgrowth is not known. There are however many things that could cause it and these include:

  • A compromised immune system
  • Extended use of antibiotics
  • Regular use of steroids
  • Regular use of oral contraceptives
  • A high sugar diet

It is also thought that Candida feeds on stress, which further increases the overgrowth.

Those of us who follow a holistic health lifestyle, try to avoid many of the artificial causes of Candida as part of our natural way of life. We avoid taking steroids, we minimize the use of any medications, including antibiotics, and many of us do not take oral contraceptives. But besides all of these factors, a Candida overgrowth can still develop if we have too much sugar in our diets.

#1 Food that Fights Candida – Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an excellent antifungal that has the ability to destroy Candida. The health benefits of coconut oil are well documented, but in terms of Candida, the Lauric and Caprylic acids that it contains assist with preventing the spread of the fungus, and also add strength to your immune system.

Coconut oil is extremely heat tolerant and is therefore great to use in cooking and frying. It is also relatively inexpensive and has a longer shelf life than many other vegetable oils.

#2 Food that Fights Candida – Garlic

Another food that has excellent antifungal properties is garlic. Garlic benefits us in two ways with particular regard to Candida, because not only can it destroy the fungus itself, but it can also help to promote the good bacteria in your digestive system. In addition, garlic boosts liver and colon function, thereby promoting a detox effect,

Cooking with garlic is great fun anyway because it adds such wonderful taste to so many various dishes. If however you are one of the people who dislikes the taste of garlic (poor you!), then you can take a garlic supplement in capsule form. Natural is however always best – 2 to 4 cloves per day will suffice.

#3 Food that Fights Candida – Apple Cider Vinegar

Although not much research is available with regard to Apple cider vinegar, it is believed by many, that the enzymes it contains can help to break down Candida overgrowth.

#4 Food that Fights Candida – Onions

Onions contain powerful antibacterial, antifungal, and anti parasitic substances. But they can also help Candida overgrowth sufferers in another way too. Many people who have a Candida overgrowth retain too much water in their bodies. Onions have the ability to assist the body to lose excess fluids. 1 little tip. Eating onion can be a little anti-social, so try taking a little parsley with it to neutralize onion breath.

#5 Food that Fights Candida – Ginger

Ginger is another of the natural spices that is beneficial to health in many ways. Not only can it promote a detoxing effect in the body by helping to increase circulation, assisting the liver to detox, but it also enhances digestive health and assists in minimizing intestinal gas. Ginger, can also have a calming effect on the inflammation that a Candida overgrowth can cause in the intestinal tract.

Ginger, can be added to many food dishes to impart flavor, or made into a tea or tincture.

#6 Foods that Fights Candida – Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables include things such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and radishes. These vegetables include substances known as isothiocyanates. These contain sulfur and nitrogen compounds that can attack and destroy Candida.

#7 Food that Fights Candida – Seaweed

Seaweed is power house of nutrients that nourish natural body function enabling the body to control and reduce Candida overgrowth. It is especially rich in Iodine, a mineral that helps to balance the Thyroid Gland, a gland which, in many people that suffer from Candida overgrowth, is the source of hypothyroidism. Eating seaweed can help to redress this condition.

Seaweed has the ability to flush heavy metals and other toxins from your body and helps to clean the intestinal tract.

#8 Food that Fights Candida – Fresh Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice contains mild antifungal properties that help to limit the growth of Candida. Drinking plenty of lemon tea is also an important aid in detoxifying your liver.

#9 Food that Fights Candida – Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Quality extra virgin olive oil contains a chemical known as Oleuropein. This chemical has powerful anti-fungal characteristics and can also stimulate the body's immune system to help to regulate the balance of bacteria in the gut.

Olive oil is also able to stabilize blood sugar levels, which is important because yeast (Candida) feeds on sugar.

#10 Food that Fights Candida – Pumpkin Seeds

Another excellent food to help combat Candida is the humble pumpkin seed. Pumpkin seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids. These essential oils have antifungal, anti-viral, and anti-parasitic capabilities. They also help to ward any inflammation of the digestive tract that is caused by Candida.

Pumpkin seeds can be easily added to cereals, salads and smoothies and are also great to carry round as handy, natural, snack.

The Benefits of Overcoming Candida Overgrowth

A Candida overgrowth is not life threatening, but it does have many adverse effects on your general health, as highlighted at the beginning of this article. Defeating a Candida overgrowth can therefore be a welcome boost to your holistic health and well-being, by helping you to get rid of many symptoms you may be suffering from, that so far, you have not been able to find a cause of.

Because it is not a serious condition or at least according to mainstream medical professionals, it is rarely spotted by conventional medical practitioners, and the symptoms are easily, and often, misdiagnosed. But take my word for it. If you do have a Candida overgrowth, and you bring it under control by eating the foods mentioned above, your overall holistic health will benefit big time.

Original source: Healthy Holistic Living

Jumat, 23 September 2016

5 Easy Ways to Maintain Activity at the Office

It's become widespread enough to get its own name. Enter the sitting disease. Chances are high you're in line to get it too because anyone who sits for work is susceptible. And the fallout is harsh. Organ damage, heart disease, over-productive pancreas, and more. The list of ill effects to the body resulting from an inactive lifestyle require an article dedicated to that alone.

The basics are this: Your body was not made for inactivity. If it were, we would have stumps for legs and look more like a bean bag chair than a primate. So what can desk workers do to prevent that kind of negative fallout?

Here are 5 ways you can still be active, even in an office setting.

  1. Grab every opportunity to help others.

Photocopies to be made. A coffee run for your boss. Not only will you be thought of as a super nice person, you'll be spending less time at your desk and more time moving about. Worried that people might take advantage of you/this? Actually, you want people to take advantage of you when it comes to running errands. Because the more time you spend moving about, the better it is for your body. If you are worried that your desk work will suffer, train your brain to become highly productive when you are at your desk by avoiding time drains. You may be surprised how much more productive you become when you allow yourself to become slightly busier.

  1. Take breaks every hour.

There will be days when there will be no need for you to run office errands for others. Should you shelve being active that day? Nope. Take a break at the top of each hour. Set an alarm so that you remember to do so. Walk to the break room. Walk up and down your flight of stairs. Go outside and breathe some fresh air. Get the blood flowing through your body through motion or massage.Release back tension by using a handheld massager. You can even keep your back healthy through massage, so one of those tools are a worthwhile investment in your health.

  1. Alternate between sitting and standing at your desk. 

Standing desks and desks that are adjustable are flooding the market. We understand why. Now, you can stand as you make that phone call or write out that letter. Get an adjustable desk and you can have the best of both worlds. Stand for a bit, and then when you're tired, sit down. The goal is to keep your body moving about and not remaining still.

  1. Stretch it out.

Stretches are a great way to maintain activity. Particularly if you've already used your hour break and have run enough errands for the day, but you still feel stiff and need to unwind. There are any number of stretches you can do while sitting in an office chair that will help get the blood flowing through your limbs. Try twisting to each side. Or stretching your arms straight up to the ceiling. Or leaning down and forward so that your head is resting on your knees. Think of moves that will target stiff areas. And you'll be feeling better in no time.

  1. Get your heart pumping during your lunch break.

Before you chow down on your sandwich, go outside and run a lap, or do 100 jumping jacks. This is one of the best ways to add activity into your office life. Bring an extra shirt to the office and some deodorant so you won't worry about breaking a sweat. Get your heart beating fast for 10 minutes. And then once you've sufficiently worked up an appetite (and changed your clothes) eat your lunch in celebration. You'll feel more energetic after your mini-workout and ready to tackle the rest of your day.

Most of all, remember you don't need to resign yourself to catching the sitting disease. Keep yourself healthy and happy with just these few adjustments and additions to your work day.

Video Wellbeing: An Introduction of the Holistic Health Model By Mr. Vatsal Doctor HELP Talk Videos

Wellbeing: An Introduction of the Holistic Health Model By Mr. Vatsal Doctor HELP Talk Videos For info log on to www.healthlibrary.com. ...