Rabu, 30 November 2016

10 Reasons Why You NEED to Get a Himalayan Salt Block

You've probably heard about some of the magical things a Himalayan salt LAMP can do for you. But have you heard of the wonders of the Himalayan pink salt block? Or perhaps the idea of cooking on a big brick of sunset-hued crystal is totally new to you. Either way, you're in the right place.

The Himalayan pink salt block is catching on and for good reason. Not only do these colorful prehistoric crystals make healthier, tastier and more interesting meals, they're also just darn pretty to look at! Not enough, you say? Here are our top 10 reasons that the Himalayan pink salt block is a must-have natural health tool that everyone needs in their kitchen.

1. Adds Healthy Minerals To Food

Cooking on a pink salt block naturally imparts the incredible health benefits of Himalayan pink salt into your food. Such health benefits include balancing your body's pH, stabilizing hydration levels, improving digestion and reducing acid reflux. Of course, the amount of salt that is absorbed depends on a number of factors – moisture level, thickness and oil content of the food being prepared, as well as the temperature of the block being a few of the major determinants.

2. More Complex Taste Than Table Salt

In addition to NaCl (plain old table salt) Himalayan pink salt contains over 80 trace minerals and other elements. Not only does this make HPS better for your health, it also has a much more complex flavor. Meals prepared on a Himalayan salt block will take on some of that complexity, turning familiar foods into a new and interesting experience.

3. A Hint of Salt, Not A Lot

Himalayan pink salt crystals have very low porosity and minimal moisture retention. Because of these two traits, HPS won't immediately upon contact transform food into an unbearable salty mess. Instead, your pink salt block will impart just a hint of its very interesting salt flavor into your food.

4. Naturally Anti-Microbial Surface

Unlike other food-preparation and cooking surfaces, you'll never have to worry about germs on a Himalayan pink salt block. This is also due to the low porosity and moisture retention of the salt which creates a naturally anti-microbial environment. (See the Use & Care section below for some quick cleaning tips.)

5. Extreme Temperature Resistance

In order to prevent cracking of the surface, salt blocks must be heated slowly (no more than 200 ºF per 15 minutes.) That said, Himalayan pink salt also has extreme temperature resistance with a melting point of just over 800 C (a little under 1500 ºF) making it excellent for high-heat cooking! Just be sure to have a good solid salt block holder for safe carrying of your super-hot HPS block.

6. Superior Heat Distribution

Due to the crystalline structure of Himalayan pink salt, heat spreads evenly through the entire block instead of radiating out from the middle and cooling toward the edges. Food prepared on the block will cook at the same pace whether it be in exact center, in a corner or anywhere in between.

7. Holds Temperature Longer

Also because of its crystalline structure, Himalayan pink salt blocks hold their temperature – whether it be hot or cold – longer than other cooking and serving surfaces. This means you won't have to worry about food prepared on your salt block getting cold or too warm while you finish up any accompanying dishes.

8. Use Heated or Chilled

While most of us probably got our salt blocks with the idea to cook food on them, some of the most interesting dishes you will prepare (and serve!) on your block are those best served cold.

If you're anything like me and you love sashimi, the pink salt block will be your new best friend. Imagine serving sake, hamachi and maguro arranged artfully on a chilled pink salt block. Your friends will be talking about it for months!

9. Food Cures Through Contact

Raw foods like sashimi will actually begin to cure the longer they rest on the salt block. This is fascinating to watch for both children and adults!

10. Blocks Double As Serving Platters

These blocks are so beautiful and intriguing that it is almost impossible to notuse them as serving platters. Mark Bitterman – American food writer and owner of The Meadow – captured this idea perfectly when he said, "There is a tactility and an immediacy to having this giant white hot block of 600-million-year-old salt on a table that turns us all into apes. It's just this gorgeous, luminous thing."[source: Reuters]

This article was originally published on: naturallivingideas.com. via TheHeartySoul.com

Selasa, 29 November 2016

First Paralyzed Human Treated With Stem Cells Has Now Regained His Upper Body Movement

Imagine losing control of your car and waking up in the hospital paralyzed from the neck down. This is the story of Kristopher Boesen, who experienced a life-changing moment where his car spiraled out of control on a slippy road surface, slamming into a tree and lamp post. Doctors warned Kris's parents that he might never be able to function from the neck down again.

The Procedure


Kris was offered the opportunity to go through a potentially life-changing procedure involving stem cells, which 'have the capability to repair injured nervous tissue through replacement of damaged cells' (1). The experimental procedure did not guarantee any restoration to Kris's paralysis, but to him, the risk was worth taking.

The process began in April where Dr. Liu injected 10 million AST-OPC1 cells directly into Kris' cervical spinal cord. Dr. Liu explains that; "Typically, spinal cord injury patients undergo surgery that stabilizes the spine but does very little to restore motor or sensory function. With this study, we are testing procedure that may improve neurological function, which could mean the difference between being permanently paralyzed and being able to use one's arms and hands. Restoring that level of function could significantly improve the daily lives of patients with severe spinal injuries." (2)

The Results

After a mere 3 weeks of therapy, Kris started showing signs of improvement, and within 2 months he could answer the phone, write his name and operate a wheelchair.  He had regained significant improvement in his motor functions; which are the transmissions of messages from the brain to muscle groups to create movement (3).

Kris recovered two spinal chord levels which made a huge difference in his movement abilities. It was the difference between minimal movement or none at all and being able to function on his own. Kris regained the incredibly important aspect of independence.

After seeing the results of stem cell therapy, Kris was bowled over, saying; "All I've wanted from the beginning was a fighting chance…But if there's an opportunity for me to walk again, then heck yeah! I want to do anything possible to do that."


Although doctors are not able to make any promises that Kris's condition will further improve, they can keep experimenting with stem cell research to try and improve the likelihood of it working fully on paralysis.

So far, they have made huge steps forward and will hopefully continue to do so in their quest to solve paralysis, by teaming up with 'associate faculty based in departments across KSOM and the University to study stem cell-driven new medicine', Dr. Liu and his team at USC are determined to keep researching stem cells and much more!

Stem cell research is ongoing and can be used in many ways other than paralysis; from Parkinson's and diabetes to cancer (4). To find the latest news regarding stem cell research check this website out.

(1)Stem Cell Basics.  https://stemcells.nih.govPublished: N/A. Accessed: November 23, 2016.
(2)Experimental stem cell therapy helps paralyzed man regain use of arms and hands https://news.usc.edu/ Published: September 8, 2016. Accessed: November 23, 2016.
(3)Assessment of Motor Function. http://www.lhsc.on.ca/ Published: November 19, 1999. Accessed: November 23, 2016.
(4)Understanding Stem Cells. http://dels.nas.edu/ Published: N/A. Accessed: November 23, 2016.
Science Daily. https://www.sciencedaily.com/ Published: N/A. Accessed: November 23, 2016.

Image Sources:


Original source: The Hearty Soul

Senin, 28 November 2016

Monsanto is Trying to Patent the Marijuana Genome!

Medicinal marijuana is fast becoming more accepted as a a legitimate treatment thanks to scientific studies and patient's testaments. A recent change in legislation has created fears that Monsanto are about to try and cash in on this new treatment.

Despite the fact that the U.S. Government are unwilling to change national laws, five states are about to vote to change their marijuana laws in November, and it looks likely that they will vote to join the states that have already legalized it. With more states choosing to legalese, there is a real fear that big pharmaceutical companies that are notorious for being profit-driven at the expense of health will wade into this new market.

In 2015, it came to light that Monsanto, the agrochemical corporation wanted to get involved in the marijuana business.

The news was met with a great deal of contempt from medicinal marijuana enthusiasts, and was followed by a statement from Monsanto that they had no interest in expanding into this field. In April, Spokeswoman, Charla Lord told the Willamette Week "Monsanto has not, is not and has no plans for working on cultivating cannabis."

But activists kept a close watch on Monsanto's movements and sure enough their suspicions were correct when it was revealed that they had made the  first ever genetically modified strain of marijuana, and was also looking to patent the product.

In an effort to stop Monsanto having the monopoly on this,a pioneering biotechnology startup based in Portland have launched an online interactive guide that maps the genetic evolution of the marijuana genome, thus making it public property and harder for Monsanto to lay a claim to it.

The startup is called Phylos Bioscience, and it has been collecting samples of marijuana strains for over two years in order to sequence the plant's DNA. The are developing a software that presented a 3-D visualization of the data, and it is about to be revealed.

Named 'Galaxy' the interactive guide allows you to take a tour round a three-dimensional projection of the genetic information they have drawn from the plant.
Phylos Bioscience hope that by making this information public, they can keep the information in the hands of the underground societies where it began, and out of the hands of the commercial companies.

Sales and Marketing Manager of Phylos Bioscience, Carolyn White has said "Sample collection was a huge part of this process. One side was a collaboration with growers, dispensaries and labs to collect modern samples, and the other a process of hunting down ancient landrace strains from all over the world."

"We've collected samples from all over the world, and cataloged the genetic information encoded in their DNA," Dr Holmes, Phylos's chief science officer and molecular and evolutionary biologist and Phylos Bioscience co-founder  told The New York Times.

Because of this data collected by Phylos Bioscience, it could mean better protection of intellectual property rights of marijuana growers and keep it away from the likes of Monsanto.


Global Research Shows Dairy Products and Calcium Supplements Do Not Make Bones Stronger

The dairy industry has finally been given one big swift kick where they need it most, in the scientific credibility department where top officials have been falsely linking dairy and bone strength for decades. The study, published by the British Medical Journal, found that people don't get stronger bones by eating dairy products or taking calcium supplements.

Dairy products, specifically milk is one of the beverages still aggressively pushed on children as a health promoting food, especially relating to strong bones.

What interesting about cow's milk is that the more people drink, the more likely they are to die or experience a bone fracture and other diseases. The risks are especially pronounced for women.

Taking into account studies from around the world, the systematic review and meta-analysis found that those who took calcium were just as likely to suffer from fractures as those who did not.

Dr Ian Reid from the University of Auckland in New Zealand stated that the focus on treating bone diseases, such as osteoporosis, needs to be elsewhere.

"I think we've actually misdirected a whole lot of effort into the use of calcium supplements, in particular in North America, where use has been higher for last 30 years," he said.

The dairy industy has been hard at work the last 50 years convincing people that pasteurized dairy products such as milk or cheese increases bioavailable calcium levels. This is totally false. The pasteurization process only creates calcium carbonate, which has absolutely no way of entering the cells without a chelating agent. So what the body does is pull the calcium from the bones and other tissues in order to buffer the calcium carbonate in the blood. This process actually causes osteoporosis.

Pasteurized dairy contains too little magnesium needed at the proper ratio to absorb the calcium. Most would agree that a minimum amount of Cal. to Mag Ratio is 2 to 1 and preferably 1 to 1. So milk, at a Cal/Mag ratio of 10 to 1, has a problem. You may put 1200 mg of dairy calcium in your mouth, but you will be lucky to actually absorb a third of it into your system.

Over 99% of the body's calcium is in the skeleton, where it provides mechanical rigidity. Pasteurized dairy forces a calcium intake lower than normal and the skeleton is used as a reserve to meet needs. Long-term use of skeletal calcium to meet these needs leads to osteoporosis.

Dairy is pushed on Americans from birth yet they have one of the highes risk of osteoporosis in the world. Actually, people from the USA, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Australia, and New Zealand have the highest rates of osteoporosis.

The research investigated putative mechanism by which calcium intake affects bone health namely by increasing bone mineral density (BMD). BMD is a surrogate endpoint for fracture risk that allows biological effects to be explored in randomised controlled trials of modest size.

Following old information

The results from the new study flies in the face of long-held beliefs that calcium makes for stronger, better bones.

For years, US guidelines have advised men and women to take anywhere from 1,000 to 1,200 mg of calcium per day to help prevent fractures and improve bone density.

Reid said this likely lasted for so long due to an overreliance on studies from the 1970s and 1980s.

Now, there are more sophisticated bone density studies, and none have shown the need for anything more than 500mg of calcium per day for bone density health.

Going a step further, the study said too much calcium may cause build ups in the arteries or in the kidneys, which can cause ailments such as heart disease or kidney stones respectively.

"Dietary calcium intake is not associated with risk of fracture, and there is no clinical trial evidence that increasing calcium intake from dietary sources prevents fractures," the study said.

"Evidence that calcium supplements prevent fractures is weak and inconsistent."

Methodology of the study

The researchers looked at two studies, finding in one that increasing calcium intake from supplements increases bone density by 1% to 2%, something they said is unlikely to create a meaningful reduction in the risk of fracture.

"This is not a cumulative benefit," Reid said. "It's only 1% at any year. It's a one off small gain. When you look at the fracture data in the large high quality studies carried out in the last 10 to 15 years, we found there is no total benefit to total number of fractures. There may even be an increase. I think we should really be deleting calcium as a significant tissue in management of osteoporosis."

In another study, researchers found that dietary calcium is not associated with risk of fracture, with no clinical evidence finding that increase in consumption helps prevent fractures.

Professor Karl Michaelsson from Uppsala University in Sweden wrote in an accompanying commentary with the study that the although recommendations point to those over 50 taking calcium, most will not benefit by increasing their intakes.

"The weight of evidence against such mass medication of older people is now compelling, and it is surely time to reconsider these controversial recommendations," he wrote.

Supplement Quality Key

While some dairy may be useful to help the elderly keep weight on their body as they get older, many low-quality calcium supplements appear to be ineffective for bone health.

Most supplements on the supplement market today contain calcium carbonate which is an inferior form of calcium and manufacturers attach a simple chelating agent like citric acid to make it more absorbable, however the end product is inferior to other calcium supplements such as calcium orotate, which is the only known form of calcium which can effectively penetrate the membranes of cells.

Many of these supplements are increasing the risk of kidney stones and abdominal problems and whose risks are greater than the benefits.

"They've been so entrenched and supported by industry for so long that it's taking a while to turn around," Reid said.

Effective Supplementation

If you want to supplement for calcium intake you must seek a reputable and balanced calcium/magnesium formula. Researchers examined 21 formulations of calcium carbonate (both natural [i.e., oyster shell] and refined). Four out of seven natural products and four out of 14 refined products, including brand products, had measurable lead content. A research team in California found essentially the same contamination in calcium supplements.

Acid rebound. Calcium carbonate may cause acid rebound: the stomach overcompensates for the high dose of calcium carbonate, which is alkaline, by churning out more acid. For that reason, people with a history of stomach ulcers are advised that they may not tolerate it and may have to switch to calcium citrate.

Constipation. Calcium supplements can have a mild binding effect but by themselves don't usually cause serious constipation. But if you're taking another supplement or medication that binds the stool, the addition of calcium supplements could cause a problem.

Too much calcium. Although it doesn't happen often, some people have taken so much calcium that it causes hypercalcemia, an above-normal level of calcium in the blood since most of the calcium carbonate is not absorbed. Hypercalcemia may cause nausea, vomiting, confusion, and other neurological symptoms.

The type of minerals in the formula determines the absorption levels: Opti-Cal/Mag with Vitamin K2 is a co-enzyme complex, heat-stabled molecules that must be associated with another enzyme for them to perform their function in the body. It is necessary in the utilization of vitamins and minerals for proper delivery to the cell nucleus. One study found that Opti-Cal/Mag complex is 8.79 times more absorbed into the blood than calcium carbonate and 2.97 times more than calcium gluconate.


1. Eat calcium rich foods
Eat foods high in calcium. The best food sources are non-pasteurized raw dairy sources such as raw milk/yogurt, as well as bony fish, such as sardines. Leafy green veg such as kale, broccoli and spinach are also rich in calcium. Dried herbs and dried fruits such as figs and currants are also good choices. Seeds such as sesame, chia and flax are also rich sources of calcium. Also, enjoy foods that contain sulfur such as garlic and onions.

2. Food selections/combinations are critical
Try not to eat whole grains and calcium-rich foods at the same time. Whole grains contain a substance that binds with calcium and prevents proper absorption. Some foods that contain compounds such as oxalic or phytic acids, such as sweet potatoes, beans, rhubarb, celery and beets, can also decrease the amount of calcium that's absorbed when eaten at the same time as calcium-rich foods.

3. Avoid the causes of mineral excretion
Pass on phosphate-containing foods such as soft drinks. Phosphorus causes the body to excrete calcium. Limit or avoid high-protein animal foods. A diet high in protein causes calcium to be excreted from your body. Decrease caffeine consumption. People who smoke have significantly lower bone density, while drinking alcohol can also prevent your bones from absorbing the maximum nutrients from your food.

4. Get more Sunlight and Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Although some is found in oily fish, our main source comes from the effect of sunlight on your skin. It's estimated that half of us have a deficiency because we don't get outside enough or because we always use sunblock. It is especially important to maximize sun exposure between May and September to keep vitamin D levels topped up. Just 10 minutes of sunlight a day on bare arms and your face can cut your risk of bone fractures by a third. A half hour exposing your torso is equivalent to roughly 10,000 units of Vitamin D.

5. The right exercise
Another vital way to boost your bones is weight-bearing exercise –basically anything that has you upright and using your body weight. Good choices include squatting, rope skipping, aerobics, plyometrics, dancing or brisk walking. "Research shows that if you don't exercise you end up weeing out all the calcium you take in instead of storing it in your bones," warns Professor Dawn Skelton, an aging and health specialist at Glasgow Caledonian University. "Ideally we should aim for 150 minutes of moderate activity per week. "Put simply, the more hours we spend on our feet, the fewer bone breakages we should have in later life."

6. Avoid Medications and Medical Therapies
Acid-blocking medications used for heartburn and other gastrointestinal conditions can block the absorption of calcium through the stomach walls. Stomach acids break down food during the digestive process, allowing the nutrients to become absorbed into your body. Medications designed to stop acid production or decrease the amount of acids present in your stomach can have a negative effect on calcium.


Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.

Source: Prevent Disease

Statins Kill, Cholesterol Does Not – The Real Effects Of Statin Drugs

The truth about statin drugs is finally getting attention in scientific journals, and it's the same truth we've been telling customers for years: statins are cellular poison. They accelerate aging and cause diabetes, heart attacks, muscle fatigue and memory loss.

The findings were published in the American Journal of Physiology. Lead author and stem cell biologist Professor Reza Izadpanah stated, "People who use statins as a preventative medicine for health should think again as our research shows they may have general unwanted effects on the body which could include muscle pain, nerve problems and joint problems." In fact, after only a few weeks of use, the study revealed that statins "prevented stem cells from performing their main functions, to reproduce and replicate other cells in the body to carry out repairs…[statins also] prevented stem cells from generating new bone and cartilage…[and] increased ageing."

Recently, a customer who had been on statin drugs and Metformin for several years reported having all of these symptoms: he recently had a heart attack, he has diabetes sores on his toes, loss of memory, and muscle pain.

Though these findings are getting public attention, they are hardly the first. Even in a 2003 article published in the journal Pharmacotherapy,researchers noted that cognitive impairment and dementia were associated with statin therapy.

Natural alternatives have shown they can fill the role of statins without side effects. In fact, a study in BioFactors found that when usage is discontinued, CoQ10 can reverse statin damage. Another natural remedy is Nattokinase, a natural enzyme that breaks down blood clots and acts as a blood thinner. However, it and others are now removed as being NHP by Health Canada.

Life Choice products can be beneficial, too. Consider products like Neurotransmitter Support, SAM-e, L-Arginine, and L-Taurine. It is important that people know there are natural alternatives to statins, but they must be sought out. I would encourage those on statins to re-evaluate if they are truly needed, and under the care of their health care provider, get off statin drugs and on to natural remedies.

Source: Prevent Disease

‘Heal All’ Herb Used For Centuries For About Every Ailment Known To Man

Prunella Vulgaris has a long history of medicinal use. It shows antiviral and antibacterial properties, and in China it is used as an anti-cancer drug. It can also be used for the prevention and treatment of cognitive impairments associated with Alzheimer's disease or schizophrenia.

Prunella vulgaris var. lilacina Nakai (Labiatae) is commonly known as the 'self-heal' herb or heal-all. It is widely distributed in Europe, Asia and North America.

Daily consumption of extracts from Prunella vulgaris var. lilacina may enhance cognitive function in lab mice, says a new study from South Korea. It is often found growing in waste ground, grassland, woodland edges, usually on basic and neutral soils.

Once proclaimed to be a Holy herb and thought to be sent by God to cure all ailments of man or beast, and said to drive away the devil, which lead to the belief that Heal-All was grown in the Witches garden as a disguise. The root was used to make a tea to drink in ceremonies before going hunting by one Native American tribe to sharpened the powers of observation.

Heal-All is edible and medicinal, can be used in salads, soups, stews, or boiled as a pot herb. Used as an alternative medicine for centuries on just about every continent in the world, and for just about every ailment known to man.

Prior to World War II, it was used to staunch bleeding and for treating heart disease. A decoction of the leaves was used to treat sore throats and internal bleeding. Although in western medicine it is used externally for treating minor injuries, sores, burns, bruises, it has far more powerful applications therapeutically.

The plants most useful constituents are Betulinic-acid, D-Camphor, Delphinidin, Hyperoside, Manganese, Oleanolic-acid, Rosmarinic-acid, Rutin, Ursolic-acid, and Tannins. The whole plant is medicinal as alterative, antibacterial, antipyretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, febrifuge, hypotensive, stomachic, styptic, tonic, vermifuge and vulnerary.

A cold water infusion of the freshly chopped or dried and powdered leaves is a very tasty and refreshing beverage, weak infusion of the plant is an excellent medicinal eye wash for sties and pinkeye.

It is taken internally as a medicinal tea in the treatment of fevers, diarrhoea, sore mouth and throat, internal bleeding, and weaknesses of the liver and heart. Clinical analysis shows it to have an antibacterial action, inhibiting the growth of pseudomonas, Bacillus typhi, E. coli, Mycobacterium tuberculi, which supports its use as an alternative medicine internally and externally as an antibiotic and for hard to heal wounds and diseases. It is showing promise in research for cancer, AIDS, diabetes, and many other maladies.

Cognitive Enhancements

New data from scientists from Kyung Hee University and CJ Foods R&D indicated that two weeks of intake of the 'heal-all' extract was found to directly or indirectly activate the NMDA receptor in nerve cells, which is linked to synaptic plasticity changes.

"The results of present study demonstrate that the sub-chronic administration of [the standardized ethanolic extract of Prunella vulgaris var. lilacina] EEPV enhanced cognitive performance in the passive avoidance task in normal naive mice," they wrote in Phytotherapy Research .

"To our knowledge, the present study marks the first report of the role of EEPV in cognitive improvement resulting from adult hippocampal neurogenesis and the activation of various signaling cascades."

Commenting on the potential bio-actives, the researchers point to rosmarinic acid as the key mediator of cognitive improvement.


Original Source: Prevent Disease

Image Credits: Wikipedia

Minggu, 27 November 2016

Frankincense Essential Oil Suppresses Multiple Cancers

Frankincense Essential Oil Suppresses Multiple Cancers: Previous research has shown the essential oils of both frankincense and myrrh to potently suppress growth of human breast cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, liver cancer and skin cancer cells. But in this new study, further refined extracts of frankincense essential oils were found to be much more potent, killing up to 97% of liver cancer cells and 96% of colon cancer cells.

In fact, the researchers stated that these new extracts were comparable in potency to the chemo drugs doxorubicin and 5-flourouracil! Frankincense and myrrh are the dried resin (sap) from small trees that grow in the Middle East and Northeast Africa. They've been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine for relief from pain, fever, coughing, sore throat, swelling, and digestive problems, and have potent natural antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Surprising health benefits of frankincense have also been verified in recent clinical trials: it significantly reduced brain swelling in brain cancer patients, reduced symptoms in patients with asthma (product used: Casperome), reduced pain and stiffness in osteoarthritis, lowered pain in healthy volunteers (product used: Shallaki) and even reduced the damage of photo-aging in women's skin, actually making their skin look younger!

Cancer will kill over 8 million people this year.

True cures are being suppressed and the mainstream media has played a big role in keeping people in the dark on how to prevent such a dire diagnosis.


10 Products Linked To Cancer That Are Hiding In Almost Every Home

In the modern era, we are exposed to many different harmful chemicals on a daily basis. Workplaces and restaurants all have to adhere to certain safety measures to ensure that workers and customers alike are not exposed to dangerous amounts of these substances.

However, just as many toxic chemicals can be found in your home as well. This is why I'm going to tell you about five common household items that you need to get rid of to improve your health and the natural alternatives that you can replace them with.

Non-Stick Cookware

Non-stick cookware is by far the most common cookware used by Americans, yet there is an adverse side effect they have on our health. They are proven to release toxic chemicals into food during cooking. When non-stick cookware is heated up, its coating begins to break down at a molecular level.

When the coating breaks down it releases a variety of toxic particles and fluoride-based gasses, many of which are carcinogenic (cancer causing). Instead of toxic non-stick cookware, purchase glass or ceramic pots and pans that don't release harmful fumes.

Artificial Sweeteners

Many people think that they are doing their body justice when swapping sugar for one of its alternatives. Although there are many healthy natural sweeteners out there, the most commonly used ones tend to be a lot worse for you than sugar. If you have any of the following sweeteners, throw them out immediately:

Acesulfame K may be carcinogenic, causes tumors and affects pregnancy

Aspartame has been linked to skin cancers and can be deadly for people with phenylketonuria

Saccharin, may cause bladder cancer, is indigestible and gets excreted by the liver unchanged

Sorbitol, is only partially digested in the intestines, causes diarrhea, bloating and gas

Instead, replace these artificial sweeteners with ones that can be naturally found and cultivated without refining. This includes:

  • Stevia can lower blood pressure and blood sugar
  • Erythritol has no effect on blood sugar, insulin or cholesterol levels
  • Xylitol, can improve bone density and reduce risk of tooth decay
  • Yacon syrup feeds good bacteria in intestines and can help fight against constipation

Plastic Bottles And Food Containers

When you drink liquid or eat food from containers made out of plastic, the chemicals in that plastic leach into whatever you are putting in your mouth and eventually gets digested in your body along with it. Among these chemicals are Bisphenol A, which is used to harden plastic in products such as water bottles.

Many studies have linked Bisphenol A to having adverse health effects. In 2010 the FDA changed their stance on the chemical, expressing "some concern" over its effects on the brain, behavior and prostate glands in fetuses, babies, and young children.

Instead of using disposable plastic water bottles, opt for reusable metal or glass ones. The same goes for food containers. Not only are you saving the environment, but you're keeping your body safe as well.

Air Fresheners

Air fresheners are often advertised as being able to rid your house of pungent odors and noxious gas. However, recent research suggests that the fumes emitted from air freshener cans are actually more dangerous than cigarette smoke. These fumes have also been found to cause many health problems:

  • Respiratory conditions such as asthma
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Cancers- One study showed that common air fresheners contain a "considerable" amount of formaldehyde, which the United States classifies as a "known human carcinogen." Overexposure to air fresheners has been linked to cancers of the nose and throat.

A natural alternative to conventional air fresheners is the use of essential oils. Not only are they effective at creating pleasant aromas, but they have also been proven to be able to provide numerous health benefits as well. One study found that inhaling rosemary oil could improve your mood and stimulate the nervous system.

To use essential oils as an air freshener, add 10 to 15 drops of essential oil into a spray bottle with approximately one cup of distilled water. Spray this around the house as your would a conventional air freshener.

Commercial Cleaning Products

The average household usually has a variety of cleaning products for many different parts of the house. Although cleaning substances are necessary to keep your house free from the build up of harmful bacteria, most commercial cleaning products have been linked to many health problems, such as:

  • Respiratory disorders and asthma
  • Hormone disruptors- Studies found that these cleaning products include substances such as parabens, triclosan, phthalates, and BPA.

Thankfully, vinegar and baking soda provide natural antimicrobial cleaning properties without the same side effects as commercial cleaners. One study found that they were effective against a variety of bacteria including staph, salmonella, and E.coli.

For more ways that you can rid your house of toxic chemicals, click here.

The Humble Toothpaste

Unfortunately, the innocent looking toothpaste found in a regular household holds many scary secrets! With ingredients such as Saccharin and Fluoride, both carcinogens (cancer causing), toothpaste is not something you would want anywhere near your mouth.

Saccharin-  an artificial sweetener, mentioned above. It is said to be approximately 350 times sweeter than sugar. Considered to be a human carcinogen, so it's something to keep away from!

Fluoride- Another human carcinogen, fluoride can have a myriad of unhealthy effects; from causing cavities to severely damaging your thyroid. Find out how using coconut oil could be the healthy alternative to supermarket toothpaste you never even thought of.


Anti-dandruff shampoo like Head and Shoulders "Dry Scalp 2-in-1" product contain methylchloroisothiazolinone, which is a suspected mutagen. They also contain ammonium laureth sulfate, which, although won't cause any health problems on its own (apart from stinging if it gets in your eye), can sometimes be contaminated during the manufacturing process such as 1,4-dioxane.  Early rat studies found that this contaminant causes cancer, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has said it's reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen as well.


There certainly is a reason they prevent your clothes from getting eaten by moths- they're highly toxic! Containing an ingredient called Naphthalene, these innocent looking balls can cause many healthy problems, such as:

  • Kidney and liver damage
  • Hemolytic Anemia (it destroys red blood cells!)
  • Can cause cancer in animals- so keep them well away from pets! This means it has been labeled a human carcinogen, but there is no sound proof that they are directly linked to one another.

Try creating this DIY, all natural moth ball to prevent holes in socks without the use of chemicals! Find it here!

Antibacterial Soap

Antibacterial soap certainly sounds like it's going to do what it says- get rid of bacteria and nasty germs! However, recent studies by the FDA have shown that these soaps contain an ingredient called Triclosan, which:

  • Interferes with hormone levels in animals
  • Spurs the growth of drug-resistant bacteria- yikes!
  • Increases risk of infertility, early puberty, and cancer.

Avoid using chemical ridden soaps and opt for a more natural approach. This homemade soap is a great way to avoid Triclosan and any other unwanted chemicals found in antibacterial soap.

Flea and Tick Treatment

You might think you're helping your beloved pooch out, but unfortunately, flea and tick treatments may be more harmful than helpful! Tests on laboratory animals have shown an enormous amount of problems with the substance Fipronil, found in many liquid fleas and tick treatments. This product can cause:

  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Mild Skin irritation
  • Weakness
  • Headaches
  • Seizures and dizziness
  • Considered a 'possible human carcinogen'.

Discover some all-natural ways to prevent your pets from getting fleas or ticks here!

So if you haven't done it already, get to it! Ditch these common household products to prevent so many health problems that you could do without.

Source: The Hearty Soul

Image Credits: Flickr

Sabtu, 26 November 2016

She Rubbed Garlic On Her Foot, And Then Something Unexpected Happened

There are huge amounts of cosmetic items available, however the principle inquiry is – what number of individuals really think about the things you put on your body?

Anna Jimenez chose to explore what was placed in the most prevalent cosmetic items, and to find what is dangerous and what is definitely not.

She sat down with the supervisor of a famous TV show, Suzanne Hall, to examine a percentage of the hurtful fixings that can be found in arrangements for cosmetics and different items for healthy skin.

Amid their discussion they found a mixture of data, yet the craziest moment touched base around 2:30 minutes, when Suzanne found that on the off chance that you rubbed garlic on your feet, a couple of seconds later you will feel it in your mouth!

Anna Jimenez couldn't accept this, and chose to attempt it herself and check whether this is valid. She took off her shoes, and rubbed garlic on her feet…

Take a look at the video below:

Source: www.healthylifetricks.com
(Obtained permission from the content owner)

Healthy Food House

Jumat, 25 November 2016

He Pours Eggs Into Cauliflower – What Happens Next, Changes EVERYTHING!

Decreasing carbohydrates is a decent approach to eliminate calories, and supplanting them with a nutritious vegetable is even better for your wellbeing.

Cauliflower may not be a standout amongst the most energizing vegetables, yet in the wake of viewing this feature I never envisioned it could be such an adaptable substitute for sugars!

These formulas demonstrate an assortment of ways you can utilize cauliflower rather than pasta, bread or rice. From making a barbecued cheese sandwich to tater tots, these cauliflower dishes look easy to make and they're flavorful as well!



Healthy Food House

Kamis, 24 November 2016

All You Need To Know About Sleep Deprivation And How It Affects Your Health

Earlier this week, American singer Kanye West cancelled the rest of world tour because of poor health condition. According to Billboard Magazine, West was suffering from "temporary psychosis due to sleep deprivation and dehydration." This underscores the serious impact of lack of sleep to one's health and performance.

What is sleep deprivation?

The National Sleep Foundation recommends seven to nine hours of sleep for adults aged 18 to 64 years. Older adults, aged 65 years and above, should be getting seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night. These recommendations are supported by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. If you're not meeting these endorsements, you are suffering from sleep deprivation.

What are the effects of sleep deprivation on your mental health?

Have you ever had a groggy morning, heart palpitations, and an overall foul mood throughout the day? Chances are, you were suffering from lack of sleep. Dr. Steven Feinsilver, director at the Center for Sleep Medicine at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, said that sleep deprivation causes "tremendous emotional problems" to the point that is has been used as "a form of torture,"

One of the first effects of sleep deprivation is the lack of positive emotions. "When people get sleep-deprived, they don't show positive emotion in their faces," said Dr. David Dinges, professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. The more serious mental impacts of missing adequate zzz's are delirium and hallucinations. Dr. Feinsilver recalls his own experiences with chronic sleep deprivation. During one of his night duties in the ICU, he saw a pumpkin by the nurses' station. "I had a very vivid feeling of the pumpkin talking to me."

People who fail to get sufficient sleep also tend to be emotional. Dr. Kelly Baron, an assistant professor of neurology at Northwestern University in Chicago, said: "You become over-reactive to emotional stimuli" when you're sleep deprived.

Effects on your physical health

Fatigue due to sleep deprivation can increase the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin. Thus, people who don't get enough rest crave for fatty and sugary foods. This can lead to obesity and type-2 diabetes. Sleep deprivation also slows down metabolism and reduces the fat cells' ability to respond to insulin by 30%. The hormone insulin helps the body use glucose for energy.

Generally, when you're not getting at least seven hours of sleep per night, the first manifestation on your body is evident tiredness. Dr. Chris Winter, owner of the Sleep Medicine in Virginia, said: "When you're tired, there's a lapse in how you neurologically function in general." The brain of sleep-deprived people exerts greater effort to process, thus they have lowered reaction time and concentration. A driver who lacks sleep is as dangerous as a one driving under the influence of alcohol.

According to a study, healthy adults who only got a four-hour shut-eye had a higher blood pressure in the morning than when they slept for eight hours. In the long-term, sleep deprivation is said to result to serious heart disease. Another study involving adult men suggested that those suffering from sleep disorder are 2 and 2.6 times more likely to have a heart attack.

Death by sleep deprivation?

American singer Prince, who passed away earlier this year, reportedly "worked 154 hours straight" in the days leading up to his death. A couple of years back, a number of 20-something employees and interns died after missing sleep for three nights. Sleep deprivation is also partly blamed for the deaths of overworked Japanese workers.

Can lack of needed shut-eye lead to premature death? Unlikely, said sleep experts. "Can you die of sleep deprivation? It's not easy because you'll fall asleep," according to Dr. Feinsilver. Dr. Dinges adds that most effects of sleep deprivation dissipate after sleeping.

How can you prevent sleep deprivation?

We are living in a multitasking and highly-stressful society. We are busy to finish as many tasks as we can with the little time we have. Unfortunately, we are neglecting our basic biological needs, including adequate sleep, in exchange for career success and material wants. How can we prevent sleep deprivation and improve our quality of life?

If you're having a hard time falling and staying asleep, it's important to visit  a doctor to know whether your sleep difficulties is linked to any underlying medical condition. Our lifestyle choices have a lot to with our ability to sleep well at night. Drinking too much caffeine, smoking cigarettes, lack of exercise, and not eating a balanced diet can lead to sleep disorders.

The sleeping environment is also a factor you should consider. Keep your bedroom temperature between 18 degrees and 24 degrees Celsius. It's ideal to sleep in a dark room as artificial light keeps the brain awake. You can mount thick curtains or blinds to block outdoor lights. Check whether there's a need to buy a new bed. The quality of your foam mattress and memory foam can affect your sleep quality. If you're getting cramps, developing stiff muscles, and suffering from back pain, it's time to visit the home depot for a new bed.

Some tips to get a good night's sleep

The UK National Health Service suggests winding down hacks to help prepare for a good night's sleep. Take a warm bath to help your body reach a temperature ideal for rest. To shut down too much thinking, write a "to do" list for your activities the next day. Relaxation exercises such as yoga and tai chi relax the muscles and prepare the body for bedtime. Vigorous exercise in the early evening can keep you awake all night. You can also listen to relaxing music before bedtime. Finally, turn off your mobile phone and other electronic gadgets at least an hour before sleeping. The blue light in these gadgets tricks the brain into thinking that it's daytime.

No one should be too busy for sleep. Remember that adequate sleep is as important as balanced diet and regular exercise. What good is a job promotion or a new car if you're too sickly to enjoy the fruits of your labor?

Image Credits: Flickr

Choosing the Right Dentist for Your Child

These days, going to the dentist is probably something you do out of habit. As a child, though, the dentist seemed like the scariest person on earth, ready to do all sorts of dreadful things to your precious teeth. The worst part is that you couldn't even see what they were doing inside of your mouth. That's the same kind of fear and uncertainty your child is probably experiencing each time you bring him or her to the dentist.

However, dental check-ups don't have to be stressful–both for you and your kid. How can you help your child become more comfortable with the idea of visiting the dentist? Besides sitting your child down and reassuring them, the most important thing you can do is to look for a professional pediatric dentist in Brisbane. But how do you go about doing that? If you're not sure what you need to do, then keep reading for some basic tips.

Why You Need a Paediatric Dentist

Don't make the mistake of assuming that your regular dentist can take care of your child's dental care needs. For one thing, paediatric dentists are specially trained so that they can address your growing child's specific concerns. Paediatric dentists undergo two to three more years of training specifically focused on understanding and working with a child's physical, emotional, and mental needs But besides knowing the differences between a child and an adult's teeth, they also know how to properly interact with children. A general dentist's straightforward way of explaining things could end up making a child feel incredibly uncomfortable. On the other hand, a paediatric dentist has the capability of calming down even the most frightened child using a warm and friendly approach. Paediatric dentists also invest in equipment specifically designed for children, taking into account their smaller physical stature. Their offices are decorated to be welcoming for any child, which are more appealing than the clinical and bare set-up of general dental clinics.

How to Find the Right Paediatric Dentist

Consider the Most Important Factors
1. How close is the dentist's office to your home, workplace, or your child's school? The more convenient it is for you to go there, the more likely your check-ups will push through. Additionally, many children can't stand long car rides. The faster you can get to the clinic, the less cranky or anxious your child will be.

2. Does this dentist have all of the credentials you're expecting? Remember: a paediatric dentist requires additional years of training. Make doubly sure that they really are accredited with whatever organisations they are affiliated with. Unfortunately, in the online age, it's surprisingly easy to make work experience up, so it pays to play it safe. Also, consider how much the dentist charges for his or her services. Are you willing to pay a higher price for better service, or are your options limited in terms of budget?

3. What are the clinic's office hours? Even if you find a place near you, it'll be hard to go for your child's check-ups if they are open for a limited time. Make sure to find one that has a schedule compatible with your schedule as well as that of your child's.

Do As Much Research as You Can

  1. Try searching the internet for some dental clinics near you. Does the dentist have his very own website or a personal profile on a reputable online directory? Does their site or profile look well made and easy to navigate, or is it full of typos and errors? Does it have all of the information that you're looking for? Watch out for these subtle signs, as they can tell you a lot about how careful they are with their practice.
  2. Ask your friends and family for referrals. They may know a great paediatric dentist in your area. It's also highly unlikely that they would send you to a dentist that they had a bad experience with. On that note, they'll be able to steer you away from any dentists that they found unprofessional.
  1. Reach out to former clients, if possible, especially if the dentist provides testimonials about his or her services. This is a good way to confirm whether or not the feedback is true. You could also try joining parenting forums to ask if other people have had any experience with the dentist in question. You may be surprised at some of the feedback you'll get.

Visit the Dental Clinic for Yourself

  1. Get to know the dentist. Don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions. If the dentist can answer all of your questions, this means that they've got the knowledge and expertise you want for your child. If they're more focused on selling you services you don't need, that may be a sign that they only have their own interests in mind.
  1. Take a good look at the clinic itself. Does it look like it has been customised to be more suitable for children? Is it clean and tidy? Is the dentist using the latest available technology, or are they using equipment that is outdated? Are there books or toys available for the child in the waiting room?
  1. Observe the dentist and staff's speech and body language. Is the dentist polite and approachable when addressing your concerns? Does the staff exude a warm and friendly personality? If they constantly frown, tap their foot, or seem impatient and annoyed, they may not have the patience to take good care of your child.

Finding the right dentist may take a lot of time and effort, but it'll be more than worth it in the end. The most important thing is to make sure that your child can feel safe and comfortable in the dentist's office. At the same time, you want to get only the best quality dental care for your little one, too. Your child will thank you for it.

Hey Mom, This Is Why It’s Important For Kids Not To Make Their Bed

The headline may catch many Moms off guard and the average 12-year old will be dying to forward this article to their parents, but there's an excuse backed by science to leave your bed undone in the morning.

If you immediately make your bed with the sunrise, the tight sheets will trap millions of dust mites that live on your bed, feeding off your dead skin cells and sweat and potentially contributing to asthma and allergy problems. An unmade and open bed, however, exposes the creatures to fresh air and light and will help dehydrate and kill them off.

Dr. Stephen Pretlove from Kingston University School of Architecture, offers a simple explanation. When you make your bed, especially immediately after waking, you're trapping your body heat, your skin cells, and most importantly, your sweat, all over the bed. But leaving the bed unmade exposes the sheets to air and light, drying them out and thus, depleting the mites' lifelines.

When we sleep, we sweat. The average person may sweat up to a liter of fluid per night. This creates an ideal breeding ground for the mites.

The reason behind this advice? Curbing the number of dust mites that live in your bed.

Scientists estimate that there could be as many as 1.5 million dust mites living in the average bed feeding on our old skin cells that we shed onto our sheets as we sleep.

It's not so much their existence – as what they leave behind that poses problems for humans. Their excretions can irritate dust allergies and cause asthma flare ups when inhaled.

Carolyn Forte, director of the cleaning lab at the Good Housekeeping Institute, told Good Housekeeping that since there are dust mites everywhere, leaving your bed unmade might not make much of a difference. But she did say it'd be wise to leave your bed unmade for some time during the morning so the sheets have an opportunity to dry from your nighttime tosses and turns.

As we sleep during the night we sweat and our skin flakes onto the sheets – providing a veritable feast for our bed's dust mite inhabitants.

If your bed is made directly after getting up, all of the skin cells, moisture from your sweat and dust mites remain trapped beneath the sheets until bedtime.

Forte said making your bed after you eat your breakfast and get ready for the day ahead is a good rule of thumb. Also, wash your sheets every one to two weeks — and don't forget about those pillow cases.

However, if you leave your bed unmade – the dust mites, moisture and skin cells are left exposed to light and fresh air.

"We know that mites can only survive by taking in water from the atmosphere using small glands on the outside of their body," Dr. Stephen Pretlove of Kingston University's School of Architecture said.

"Something as simple as leaving a bed unmade during the day can remove moisture from the sheets and mattress so the mites will dehydrate and eventually die," he added.

So yes, experts have recommended leaving your bed unmade for the entire day – saving this chore for when you get home at night.

After a day's exposure to fresh air and light, many of the dust mites in your bed will have died, leaving you to breathe a little easier, and scientific excuse as to why you haven't made your bed.

Source: Prevent Disease

Image Credits

These 10 Scents Can Relieve Stress Almost Instantly

Ever wonder why some scents make you feel relaxed or energized? It's no coincidence and we have our olfactory system to thank for its intimate relationship with the brain, which affects both our memory and mood. Here are 10 scents which will enhance this system with just one whiff.

1) Lemon
Promotes concentration and allows the mind to calm especially when angry, anxious or very exhausted. Lemon boosts the body's immune system, improving circulation and is known to reduce anxiety and depression.

2) Cinnamon
The stimulating properties in cinnamon can help fight mental fatigue and improve concentration and focus. Researchers from Wheeling Jesuit University studied participants and found that those who took a whiff of cinnamon improved in cognitive functions like visual-motor response, working memory and attention span.


3) Lavender
Lavender helps calm the mind and body almost instantly. But perhaps its most useful benefit is its ability to help treat insomnia. This essential oil has calming ands sedative properties that help control emotional stress. Lavender has a soothing effect on nerves and can relieve nervous tension and depression as well as treat headaches and migraines.


4) Rain
After a rainstorm, especially a rain storm that breaks a long dry spell, the world smells different. The clean scent after a rainfall is partially caused by ozone cleaning away some of the scents we take for granted. The smell of rain can literally relieve stress and improve your mood by over 60%

5) Fresh Cut Grass
Scent researchers found that a chemical released by a newly-mowed lawn can make people feel joyful and relaxed. The smell apparently is so powerful that neuroscientists came up with a perfume and air fragrance that matches it so the lawnless can also reap the benefits of the feel-good scent.


6) Peppermint
Try peppermint when brainstorming. An energy booster, this scent invigorates the mind, promotes concentration and stimulates clear thinking. Smelling peppermint is linked to greater cognitive stamina, motivation and overall performance

7) Vanilla
In a study published in the Proceedings of ISOT/JASTS 2004, researchers found that taking a whiff of vanilla bean elevated participants' feelings of joy and relaxation. The results were measured through mood mapping, which included emotions ranging from happiness and stimulation to apathy and irritation.


8) Rosemary
The stimulating effect of rosemary may enhance certain aspects of mental function. People who work in rosemary-scented cubicles have better long-term memory than those who worked in unscented cubicles. Rosemary improves long-term memory, alertness and has properties that fight physical exhaustion, headaches and mental fatigue.


9) Pine
Pine decreases anxiety and alleviates stress. In one Japanese study, participants who went on a walk through pine forests reported significantly lower depression and stress levels. The research also discovered that anxious subjects had a greater feeling of relaxation after indulging in the scent.


10) Jasmine
Like lavender, jasmine it is also used to calm nerves, but this oil is also commonly used as an anti-depressant because of its uplifting capabilities that produce a feeling of confidence, optimism and revitalized energy.

Source: Prevent Disease

15 Effective Foods For Mood and Happiness

There are many foods that may be hurting your mood, making you sick, and even pushing you toward depression! On the flip side there are many foods that promote your health, give you energy, turbocharge your memory and focus, and improve your mood. These are some of the most effective foods in that category.


80% of the caffeine in the world is consumed as coffee. Prospective studies of men and caffeine use showed a strong inverse association between coffee drinking and depression, with no association for tea or cola. A piece of epidemiology from the Nurses' Health Study was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2011: Coffee, Caffeine, and Risk of Depression Among Women. So the more the merrier, but forget those weaker brews. Three cohort studies in the past have shown an inverse relationship between coffee consumption and suicide.


They're a great alternative to standard spuds as they are rich in folate, plus they are better than white potatoes at keeping blood sugar levels steady. And since folate contributes to the production of serotonin, it may help ward off depression and improve mood. In addition, vitamin B6 helps create dopamine, a mood neurotransmitter that may help combat PMS.


The brain is loaded with receptors for capsaicin. We also know that our brains respond to the heat of capsaicin by releasing endorphins, natural compounds that are related to morphine and have a calming effect.


Peas and beans are good sources of magnesium, a mineral that plays a core role in your body's energy production. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) lists magnesium as being necessary for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body.


If you're more a salad type than a carnivore, spinach is one of your best go-to sources for iron, which helps deliver energy-sustaining oxygen to your cells. It wards off fatigue and aids concentration. It's also a good source of vitamin B6 and folate, which support the brain's ability to produce mood-boosting neurotransmitters, such as serotonin.


These super fruits help stave off the brain aging that can lead to slower thought processing. Thank the anthocyanins (antioxidants that lend berries their hues); these substances may work with other compounds in the fruit to block enzymes that short-circuit normal communication between brain cells. Since each type of berry has its own mix of phytochemicals, go for a variety.


They're one of the best sources of the mood-boosting mineral selenium, which can ward off low mood and anxiety.


While the rind is bitter, it contains a lot of citrulline, as nutrient that relaxes blood vessels by activating the same mechanism as the impotency drug Viagra. This compound also helps the brain get rid of the metabolic waste product ammonia, which can damage neurons. The red flesh of watermelon is bursting with the powerful antioxidant lycopene, much more so actually than the tomato. Studies show you can boost the levels of this important nutrient by up to 40 percent (and beta-carotene by 150 percent) by letting it sit outside the refrigerator at room temperature for several days.


Even if you're not a guacamole fan, this green fruit can bring you happiness. Avocados contain serotonin, a type of feel-good neurotransmitter in the brain. They're bursting with depression-fighting folate, mood-lifting tryptophan and stress relieving vitamin B6.


Step away from the white rice and breads, which can cause blood-sugar crashes that leave you dragging. A better sub? Quinoa is a complex carb but also a complete protein that can give you a steady stream of energy. Quinoa is one of the rare plant-based foods that contains all nine of the essential amino acids that your body can't make itself.


Beets are one of the best sources of the B vitamin folate that is crucial for good mood, memory retrieval, processing speed, and lightning reflexes. Beets are also packed with betaine, which our brain uses to form SAM-e, a natural antidepressant. Uridine, another important nutrient found in these root vegetables, stimulates the production of phosphotidylcholine, a building block of the brain's synaptic connections, helping to increase your mind's processing power. A combination of uridine and omega-3s is as effective as prescription antidepressants in animal studies, and trials of uridine combined with omega-3s are being studied in the treatment of bipolar disorder by Harvard University.

12) EGGS

Especially raw, eggs contain a beneficial blend of omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, B vitamins, and iodide, nutrients that work together to battle fatigue and reverse bad moods. They're a great source of zinc, which helps you to feel more alert and energised by regulating your metabolism and blood sugar levels.


Walnuts are one of the richest dietary sources of serotonin. Providing new evidence that serotonin may be directly absorbed from food into the body, a recent Spanish study found that those who ate a daily 1-ounce combo of walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds had more of this feel-good substance than a nut-free group.


Bananas can balance hunger and mood between meal energy slumps as they help to stabilise blood sugar levels.The fruit's high vitamin B6 content can help relieve anxiety and stress, and it's also a great source of tryptophan -the essential amino acid the brain converts into happiness hormone serotonin.


Alliums promote healthy arteries and ensure proper blood flow to the brain. These savory vegetables relax your blood vessels, decreasing your blood pressure, which prevents small strokes in the brain, a major cause of depression and dementia later in life. But more than that, it influences the uptake of tryptophan, the precursor to the important neurotransmitter serotonin. It also enhances the release of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine.

Source: Prevent Disease

The Best Way To Prepare Tofu Is Throw It In The Trash

It's promoted as natural, gluten-free, low-calorie, no cholesterol and an excellent source of protein, iron and calcium. It's also one of the most common sources of protein for those who pursue plant-based diets. But let's be honest and bring tofu back to where it belongs…in the trash.

As early as 1963, tofu was regarded as a dependable source of vegetable protein. Unfortunately, today 99% of soy is genetically modified and sources labeled organic or non-GMO are often exposed to the same problems as conventional soy. In 2011, the USDA uncovered a plot to import fraudulent organic certificates produced by an uncertified supplier in China. These types of things are happening every year and only a fraction are being discovered. Even domestically sourced organic soybean crops are now being investigated for having GMO origins. Organic soy also does not change the toxicity of unfermented sources so abundant in the food supply.

Tofu is a highly processed form of soy that made its way into the mainstream American diet more than 50 years ago. Today, it is nothing like what was prepared in Asia and consumed by millions. Many types of tofu especially those that mock meats are similar to processed deli meats and sausages. It's processed food and not particularly healthy in any way.

Most people stuck on the soy bandwagon are consuming far more phytate by the sheer volume through mass consumption of things like soy milk, tofu, cereals, and processed foods. It doesn't even compare to the amount they would consume through seeds and nuts.

Phytic acid

The effect of phytic acid on iron absorption has been thoroughly studied. As evident in a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, as phytic acid increases, it has a diminishing impact on iron while inhibiting its absorption. This applies to almost every major mineral including zinc–one of the most important minerals for the human body. Two billion people may now have zinc deficiency. Phytates bind to zinc and thereby decrease its bioavailability. Phytic acid levels in soy reduce assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc.


Most tofu is unfermented. Phytates in unfermented soy products such as tofu actually obstruct absorption of protein and four key minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. In their natural form, soybeans contain phytochemicals with toxic effects on the human body. The three major anti-nutrients are phytates, enzyme inhibitors and goitrogens. These anti-nutrients are the way nature protects the soybean plant so that it can live long enough to effectively reproduce. They function as the immune system of the plant, offering protection from the radiation of the sun, and from invasion by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. They make the soybean plant unappetizing to foraging animals. All plants have some anti-nutrient properties, but the soybean plant is especially rich in these chemicals. If they are not removed by extensive preparation such as fermentation or soaking, soybeans are one of the worst foods a person can eat. The net protein utilization of unfermented soy is 61 which quite low.

The most common soy (99%) sold at major grocery retailers in soy milks and processed foods such as tofu is unfermented soy. It is deadly. Unfermented soy has been linked to digestive distress, immune system breakdown, PMS, endometriosis, reproductive problems for men and women, allergies, ADD and ADHD, higher risk of heart disease and cancer, malnutrition, and loss of libido. Fermented sources of soy such as natto, miso, tempeh and some fermented tofus are likely the only types of soy that should be consumed by humans and that's only if you can get around the crap shoot that they're non-GMO and organic (which there is no guarantee despite labeling).

Enzyme Inhibitors

When food is eaten, digestive enzymes such as amylase lipase and protease are secreted into the digestive tract to help break it down and free nutrients for assimilation into the body. The high content of enzyme inhibitors such as trypsin in unfermented soybeans interferes with this process and makes carbohydrates and proteins from soybeans impossible to completely digest. When foods are not completely digested because of enzyme inhibitors, bacteria in the large intestine try to do the job, and this can cause discomfort, bloating, and embarrassment. Anyone with naturally low levels of digestive enzymes such as elderly people would suffer the most from the enzyme inhibiting action of soy. In precipitated products, enzyme inhibitors concentrate in the soaking liquid rather than in the curd. Thus, in tofu and bean curd, growth depressants are reduced in quantity but not completely eliminated.


Natasha Longo has a master's degree in nutrition and is a certified fitness and nutritional counselor. She has consulted on public health policy and procurement in Canada, Australia, Spain, Ireland, England and Germany.

Source: Prevent Disease

Rabu, 23 November 2016

Nurse Practitioners: Filling a Vital Need

In the evolving healthcare field, career opportunities and options are rapidly expanding. This swift growth brings with it demands for additional numbers of skilled caregivers, and the numbers of both traditional and online class formats have increased to meet these needs. One particular medical career called a nurse practitioner is in high demand, and it has a bright future.

The Basics of Being a Nurse Practitioner

Nurse practitioners are advanced practice registered nurses who provide a full spectrum of healthcare services to patients of all ages, from newborns to the elderly. They can give patients most of the services that primary care physicians offer, including:

Comprehensive physical exams
Prescribing medicines, including controlled substances
Diagnosing and treating acute illnesses and injuries
Managing depression, diabetes, and other chronic conditions
Ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests
Performing procedures
Educating patients

The number of primary care physicians is decreasing, leaving a gap in the spectrum of caregivers. Nurse practitioners fill that space. They are an integral part of modern healthcare, and they provide healthcare not only in populous urban regions but also in remote areas.

Depending on where they work and the type of practice they have, nurse practitioners could have standard work week schedules, or they might be required to work weekends and holidays or be on call after hours.

Where Nurse Practitioners Work

The versatile career of nurse practitioners offers many workplace options. They can work in hospitals and clinics as well as offices and managed care organizations. Nurse practitioners also may deliver healthcare on college campuses, worksite employee health centers, community health centers, and in rural areas.

Career Variations

Those entering the nurse practitioner field have a variety of career options, depending upon individual interests. In addition to directly administering medical care to patients in various locations and situations, nurse practitioners may also work for health technology companies such as pharmaceutical manufacturers, teach in schools and universities, perform healthcare research, and serve in government agencies.


There are many degree options for those interested in becoming a nurse practitioner. If you are one of these people, you can learn more about this career and various education programs online. For example, you can learn more about UC's nurse practitioner programs and think about the best options for you. There are also many online programs, such as those at Maryville.

A Positive Outlook

In today's medical care climate, the decreasing number of primary care physicians coupled with the increasing need for healthcare in our population's changing demographics means that nursing practitioners are in demand now and in the future.

Employment of nurse practitioners is expected to grow at a rate greater than 30 percent for some years to come. Other important factors contributing to this high growth rate include a heightened emphasis on preventative care and newly insured people with coverage under the Affordable Care Act who will be seeking medical care.

The career opportunities for nursing practitioners are wide and diverse. The prospects for this field are positive. If you care about people and want to help them recover from illnesses and stay healthy, becoming a nurse practitioner might be a good career choice for you.

Image Credits: Wikipedia

Mix THIS With Fresh Orange Juice Every Morning To Flush Nicotine Out Of Your Body

It's a known fact that trying to quit smoking is a pretty hard ordeal. Well, we will show you a great new way you can quit smoking and improve other health factors immensely! Find out how our two-ingredient drink could improve your health forever!

Nicotine in Cigarettes

Cigarettes contain nicotine, which is a highly addictive substance. It is extremely toxic and can cause many diseases to develop in your body. Almost 30% of American adults smoke, despite knowing the basic knowledge of its health implications (1). Considering the addictive qualities of nicotine, people find it tough to quit and if they do try, they experience withdrawal symptoms such as; 'depressed mood, anxiety, irritability, and craving' (2).

Quitting has never been easier with our top tip to squash those cravings and make your lungs sing with clarity! By having a glass of orange juice mixed with half a teaspoon of cream of tartar every day, you will notice quitting smoking is easier than you thought.

The vitamin C in the orange juice will also help you regain any vital vitamin loss. This study shows how cigarette smokers do not absorb vitamin C as well as non-smokers. So get that orange juice down you!

Cream of Tartar Revealed

Cream of tartar is potassium bitartrate; it comes from the winemaking process when grapes are fermented, it is formed. Commonly used in cooking and cleaning, cream of tartar has many different purposes (4). Below are 5 incredible medical uses for cream of tartar!

Quit Smoking

Different sources say that cream of tartar is a great trick to use when quitting smoking. It literally pulls the nicotine out of your body and reduces the number of cravings. This study showed a decrease of potassium levels in blood plasma in smokers. This means that by consuming cream of tartar, which is rich in potassium, you will help balance out the levels in your body.

You may be wondering why we need potassium levels to be on point. Well, 'Potassium has many biological functions. It is a co-factor for many enzymes, and it is required for insulin secretion, carbohydrate metabolism and protein synthesis.(6)' So it's pretty important in keeping your body functioning properly and efficiently!

So drink 1/2 a teaspoon of cream of tartar mixed into an 80z glass of orange juice every day, and you will notice few cravings and it will ease the process of quitting smoking.

Reduce Arthritis Pain

Rheumatoid arthritis is a common form of arthritis that affects about 300,000 Canadians, affecting 2-3 times more women than men (7)! It can affect small joints in your hands and feet, wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, and ankles (8).  This study shows that people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis have a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is important in the maintenance of joint cartilage so by consuming the right amount of magnesium you can lessen the effects of arthritis.

Magnesium is found in abundance in cream of tartar. So you can help heal arthritis and soothe the aches and pains by soaking in a bath of cream of tartar and Epsom salts. Watch the video below to make a DIY bath bomb containing cream of tartar and all natural ingredients!

Reduce Blood Pressure

Once again, potassium levels are important in keeping blood pressure at the right point. Potassium is an essential mineral involved in regulating blood pressure (11). By consuming the same recipe of orange juice and cream of tartar, as mentioned above, every day, you will help lower blood pressure to a healthy level.

Hyperkalemia Disclaimer

Too much potassium can also be detrimental to your health. Hyperkalemia can be an unfortunate side effect of high concentrations of potassium in your body; it's symptoms are usually quite nonspecific, ranging from fatigue, muscle weakness, numbness or tingling (12). Very high levels of potassium in the blood can lead to cardiac arrest, which can the cause death.

Please Note: If  you are planning on trying to integrate cream of tartar into your diet, make sure you consult with your doctor beforehand, as it contains high levels of potassium. High levels of potassium can mix with other medications and affect your health in different ways, so always make sure you can take it before you try it. better safe than sorry!

From quitting smoking to lowering blood pressure, by either consuming cream of tartar or soaking in a tub of it, you will help improve your health. Why not give it a go, you may not even know you need it!

Source: The Hearty Soul

This Is The Way You Can Find Out That The Rice You Are Eating Contains Plastic

China remains the world's largest producer of rice. The Middle Kingdom harvests over 200 million tons per year and a large share of it gets exported all over the world.

But cooks and diners alike should take care: not only are untold amounts of pesticides used in Chinese agriculture, but according to a report in The Korea Times rice is also now being manufactured artificially.

Potato starch gets mixed with plastic (synthetic resin, for instance) and then formed into rice-shaped kernels. Finally the grains are steamed with a typical rice aroma. Doctors have emphatically warned against consuming the artificial product: three full portions apparently contain as much plastic as there is in a little plastic bag.

That's alarming!

With these simple tricks you can test whether your rice is wholesome and plastic-free:

The Water Test

Pour a tablespoon of uncooked rice into a glass with cold water. If the rice all sinks to the bottom of the glass, it's fine. If the grains float up to the surface, be careful!

The Fire Test

Try setting a little bit of your rice on fire with a match or lighter. If it starts burning right away and smells like burning plastic, then you know what to do! (Do not eat it!)

The Mortar and Pestle Test

When you crush a few grains of rice with a mortar and pestle they should be reduced to a fine, white, starchy powder. But with artificial rice, you will see a light yellow discoloration instead.

The Mold Test

If you want to know for sure whether your cooked rice is quite safe, put a small quantity of cooked rice into an airtight container and leave it in a warm place. Within a couple of days it will have gotten moldy. Only fake rice stays mold-free….

This is how to be on the safe side. Show these tricks to your rice-eating friends and that way no one will have to eat plastic for dinner!

Source: hefty

Workplace Burnout: 5 Signs Doctors Should Know About

With the lives and well-being of people in their hands, doctors have quite a heavy weight on their shoulders. While being devoted and hard-working is never a bad thing for medical professionals, physicians should make it a point to know when to take a breather to avoid workplace burnout.

Workplace burnout is an extended state of exhaustion that can wreak havoc on your body, mind, and emotions if left unchecked. It can also result in a decline in your job performance. This type of stress is often caused by many stressors acting up all at once. You could be dissatisfied with work, overexerting yourself, or you could be experiencing a lack of control in your work-life balance.

To combat the effects of burnout before it gets out of hand, here are 5 signs you should look out for:

You feel exhausted all the time

Do you feel tired even after having a good night's sleep? Physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion that a simple break can't fix is a clear sign of burnout. A variety of factors can cause this feeling of persistent exhaustion, but the most common reason is overworking while neglecting your personal health and life. As such, the best way to combat this is to maintain a healthy work-life balance. You can do this by setting aside time for your loved ones or to pursue your passions outside of work.

You suffer from a lack of concentration

Burnout can affect our physical well-being, which can interfere with our cognitive processes. Difficulty in paying attention, lack of concentration, and forgetfulness are common products of chronic stress. Also, it is said that when we are stressed, we experience a "fight or flight" tunnel vision that makes it hard for us to solve problems or make logical decisions.

You mess up even with simple tasks

Slipping up at simple work and daily tasks is a sign of distraction and tiredness attributed to stress.  This symptom is one you should address right away because for medical practitioners, a single mistake can have serious repercussions on patients. If you want to check if your job performance has dropped in quality, compare it to how well you did in the past few years. . Through this, you can also find out if you're just stuck in a slump or experiencing burnout for real.

You often experience a wave of negative emotions

Have you ever felt like what you're doing is worthless? Do you feel agitated often? Feelings of irritability, uselessness, cynicism and frustration can't be avoided when you feel burnt out. In fact, it is even considered as a coping mechanism for stress. Of course, these negative feelings can occur regardless of stress levels, but if you feel more pessimistic and disillusioned than usual, it could be a sign that you need to take some time off.

You feel unmotivated and dissatisfied with your work

Were you an enthusiastic and eager worker in the past but have somehow lost your brightness in a short amount of time? Do you drag yourself out of bed with difficulty every morning? A lack of enthusiasm and dissatisfaction with your job that wasn't present before might mean that you are under heavy, chronic stress. These lackluster feelings may be a result of unclear job expectations and dysfunctional workplace dynamics you're undergoing. The best way to remedy this is to reflect and think about your career.

Having a strong desire to work hard is a great thing, but always remember to take a break every now and then. Too much stress can have negative effects on your health and overall happiness which can, in turn, affect your work performance. Stay healthy and satisfied by maintaining a good work-life balance!

6 Warning Signs of Low Testosterone Levels In Your Body

Testosterone, a vital hormone produced by the testicles of men is essential for stimulating the muscle and bone mass in the body as well as for the sperm production. Not only this, but men's physical, mental and emotional health is highly dependent on the adequate levels of testosterone in the body. Thus, the deficiency of testosterone can cause serious health issues apart from a breakdown in the bodily functions. This decline can manifest some seemingly unrelated ailments such as heart diseases, back pain, sexual dysfunction, fatigue, depression and many more.

So, it's important to ensure that your body is producing adequate quantity of testosterone, and if it's not, you can consider the testosterone therapy clinics for taking its supplements. For instance, you can consider consulting the physicians in Clinic Nexel Medical to understand about testosterone supplements and therapy.

Warning Signs of Low Testosterone Levels In Your Body

The lower testosterone levels in the body can become the cause of several health issues and that's why it's vital to identify the warning signs indicating that the testosterone levels are decreasing in your body. Here are top indications of low testosterone levels in your body.

Physical Changes

Some physical changes such as increased body fat, increased fatigue, hot flashes, decreased body hair and the effects on the cholesterol metabolism are some of the visible physical changes which indicate that your testosterone levels might be decreasing.

Emotional Changes

Testosterone is one of the hormones which affect emotional regulation and depression is one of the biggest warning signs of lower levels of this vital hormone. The other emotional signs of lower testosterone include increased anger, irritability and loss of patience. Most of the people, when struggling with lower testosterone often experience increase in anger and agitation.

Mental Changes

Brain fog and memory problems are also the indicators of emotional changes that might be occurring in your body due to lower testosterone levels.

Sleep Disturbances

The lower testosterone levels can cause insomnia and several other changes in the regular sleep patterns. So, if you are facing troubles in sleeping or are not able to sleep for longer hours, you must get your testosterone levels checked.

Erectile Dysfunction

Reduced sex drive and occurrence of erectile dysfunction are among the most common warning signs of the lower testosterone levels. Testosterone plays a significant role in stimulating the sex drive in men, and thus, when it decreases people start experiencing decline in the sex drive. The inability in developing and maintaining an erection, and decrease in libido indicate that your testosterone levels might be lower down.

Lack of Energy

When you start feeling lack of energy all the time, and feel tired even in the mornings, it implies that you are suffering from fatigue which may be the result of lower testosterone levels. If you have been undergoing constant back pain along with the lack of energy, you must consider getting your testosterone levels checked.

While testosterone is produced naturally by the body, but if natural testosterone levels decrease, its supplements can be used.

Selasa, 22 November 2016

This Is What The World’s Oldest Person Eats Every Day

Emma Morano turns 117 next month, and she has a secret. She loves eating eggs. Over 90 years of eating eggs mean's she has had over 100,000 eggs in her lifetime, and she doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon.

A brush with anemia in her twenties sent Emma to the doctor who prescribed eating three eggs a day, and her health never faltered again. But some people still believe that eggs contain too much cholesterol to be good for you. Simply put, they are wrong.

Eggs the super food

Eggs by themselves are some of the most nutritious food on the planet. A single egg contains Vitamin A, Folate, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B2, Phosphorus, Selenium, and reasonable amounts of Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Calcium, and Zinc. As you can see, there's hardly anything an egg does not offer. Including the fact that an egg is roughly 77 calories, 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of healthy fats, it's easy to call it a super food.

Eggs and cholesterol

The problem that people have always seen with eggs is that they are high in cholesterol and they are not wrong. An egg contains about 212 mg of cholesterol, which is over half of your daily recommended amount. But proponents of eggs like to point out that cholesterol in the diet doesn't mean higher cholesterol in the blood. Our livers, which produce cholesterol every day, make less when we eat eggs. One study determined that 70 percent of people who eat eggs have no effect on their cholesterol levels whatsoever.

In fact, eggs have been shown to increase the 'good' form of cholesterol known as High-Density Lipoprotein or HDL and are linked with reduced heart disease and stroke.

Eggs and antioxidants

In addition to all the nutrients, an egg hosts two critical antioxidants that have a fundamental impact on your eye health. Lutein and Zeaxanthin are found in large amounts in egg yolks and tend to congregate in the eye, and high levels of both of these reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. It's been found that eating just 1.3 egg yolks a day for 4.5 weeks increased blood levels of Lutein by nearly 50 percent and Zeaxanthin by 140 percent.

Eggs and weight loss

Eggs bring so much to the table, they are delicious and filling and can even contribute to a diet in which weight loss is the goal. In one study done at the Rochester Centre for Obesity Research, it was found that eating eggs for breakfast helps limit overall caloric intake by as much as 400 calories per day. Not only are eggs low in calories but they are also high in protein, so you can get a lean snack out of eggs without tipping the scales.

In an eight-week study, overweight men and women on a diet were given either a breakfast of two eggs or bagels. The group that had eaten the eggs every day had a greater weight loss by more than 65 percent, 34 percent reduction in waist circumference and 16 percent greater reduction in body fat. The secret is that eggs satisfy your hunger more quickly.

Eggs the cancer fighter

If you weren't already sold on the benefits of eggs, one study done by researchers from the University of North Carolina found that eating eggs can even have an impact on the risk of breast cancer in women by 24 percent due to the presence of Choline in the egg yolk. A single egg contains 125.5 mg of Choline which is roughly a quarter of your daily intake.

So if you want to be like Emma Morano and live to be older than a hundred, better start cracking those eggs.

Source: The Hearty Soul

Video Wellbeing: An Introduction of the Holistic Health Model By Mr. Vatsal Doctor HELP Talk Videos

Wellbeing: An Introduction of the Holistic Health Model By Mr. Vatsal Doctor HELP Talk Videos For info log on to www.healthlibrary.com. ...