Kamis, 19 Januari 2017

Watch How Cannabis Ravages Cancer Cells. This Is Mind-Blowing.

Believe it or not, marijuana actually has a long-standing use in Native American traditional medicine and was considered a cure-all in the early days of modern western medicine.

In fact, the plant was only outlawed from hospitals and doctor's offices in the mid-1900s.

Thankfully, marijuana is gaining more and more traction in the United States as a respected medicinal treatment. Many people have even come forward with testimonies of having cured themselves of cancer thanks to the powerful plant.

However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not yet approved Cannabis as a treatment for cancer or any other medical condition, but many states have legalized its medicinal use (1).

Ironically, although the FDA refuses to recognize its value, cannabis-derived drugs like as dronabinol and nabilone have been approved for the treatment of cancer-related side effects.

Currently, there is research being conducted to create more marijuana-based drugs for diseases of the nervous and immune systems.

The History Of Hemp

As of 1970, through the initiation of the Controlled Substances Act, marijuana continues to be classified as a Schedule I drug (like heroin, LSD and GHB), meaning that distinguished by having no accepted medical use and has a high potential for abuse (2).

Yet countless case studies dating back to the 1840s prove otherwise.

A respected study conducted in 1999 even found that cannabinoids likely had a natural role in pain modulation, control of movement, and memory function, and that the compounds played a complex role in immune response.

They also found that the substance had insignificant side effects, withdrawal symptoms and low potential of dependence, especially when compared to commonly used drugs.
In fact, side effects were mostly positive and included better digestion, pain relief, euphoria and better sleep quality.

This is incomparable to the effects of chemotherapy, which can cause pain, nerve damage, hair loss, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, blood disorders, memory loss, reproductive disorders, damage to healthy cells, and the list goes on (3).

To top it off, cannabinoids were actually found to be superior to some chemotherapy treatment options in killing cancer cells.

How Cannabis Kills Cancer

Cannabis contains active compounds called cannabinoids, which bind to cannabinoid receptors in your cells. The most bioactive cannabinoid known to man is called Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, but it requires other naturally-occuring cannabinoids to properly do its job (4).

There are two types of cannabinoid receptors: Cb1, which are mainly found in your brain, but also occur in your heart, liver, kidneys and pancreas and Cb2, which exists in your immune cells.

When cannabinoids enter your bloodstream, they find their way into your cells and bid to these receptors. Think of them as a key trying to find its way to a lock. Once it reaches the receptor, the compound makes its way into your cell.

If the compound reaches a healthy cell, it has little to no effect. However, if it reaches a cancerous cell, it induces apoptosis, or programmed cell death.This means that it forces the cancer cell to commit suicide.

Researchers believe this occurs because cancerous cells have a greater number of receptors and entice a different reaction from the compound once it binds to their receptors.

Additionally, cannabinoids have been proved to direct inhibition of transformed-cell growth, as well as inhibition of tumor angiogenesis and metastasis.
Some trial have found that cannabinoids could kill 100% of cancerous cells in lab studies and 25-30% of tumors in mice studies, reducing tumor size significantly in the remainder of the mice.

How To Make Your Own Cannabis Oil

Cannabis oil has been studies as a cure to over 187 diseases and medical conditions ranging from insomnia, epilepsy, diabetes, stroke, and brain injury to asthma, dementia, fibromyalgia, ADHD, and almost every type of cancer.

There many recipes available on the web, but the one below is detailed and easy to follow.  All you need to do is make sure to follow the instructions carefully and use high-quality ingredients. More detailed instructions can be found here.

Original source: Daily Health Post

Image Credits

Rabu, 18 Januari 2017

How To Flush Nicotine Out of Your Body Naturally

Smoking a cigarette releases nicotine into your bloodstream which is pleasurable for the smoker, but for that nicotine to leave your body it takes 6-8 hours, of which most is released when urinating. Regarding nicotine stored in your body, it takes 48-72 hours and 20-30 days for the nicotine's byproduct cotinine to leave your body.

Studies show that if you eat more fruit and vegetables rich in metabolism boosting vitamin C nicotine leaves your bloodstream faster. Namely, a survey made by public health researchers from the University of Buffalo surveyed 1,000 smokers aged 25 or older throughout the country. Fourteen months later, the researchers checked if the participants had abstained from tobacco during the previous month. The result was that the ones who ate the most vegetables and fruit were 3 times more inclined to stay off tobacco compared to those who consumed smaller amounts, for at least 30 days. Also they scored better on a nicotine-dependency test and smoked less frequently per day.

The reasons people who ate more vegetables and fruit have an easier time quitting cigarettes include: they make people feel sated, because smokers occasionally confuse hunger with cigarette craving; lowered nicotine dependence; fruit and vegetables could make the taste of tobacco repulsive, unlike alcohol, coffee or meat; a healthier lifestyle has a better chance at making smokers give up their smoking.

1. Water hydrates the body unlike dehydrating nicotine. Water flushes nicotine from the system because nicotine forms salts with acids that are usually solid and water soluble.

2. Vegetables, such as eggplant, beans, cucumbers, and celery influence cigarette taste, decreasing nicotine dependence. However, don't consume too much sweet vegetables since their sugar level is high and that could disturb the balance in the brain pleasure areas, in turn increasing the desire for smoking.

3. Nettle has a high concentration of iron, great for combating infection.

4. Kiwi purges nicotine from your body and restores vitamins A, C and E, which are reduced from smoking.

5. Pine needle tea has been used for mouth and throat disinfection for a long time, although it could also help with lung health.

6. Orange has high levels of vitamin C which can replace its loss in your body, since smoking reduces it. It also reduces stress and fastens your metabolism, enabling faster nicotine removal.

7. Spinach has an abundance of vitamins and folic acid which is excellent for your body as well as making tobacco taste repulsive.

8. Broccoli has high amounts of vitamin B5 and C, replenishing lost vitamin C and protects your lungs from toxin damage.

9. Carrot juice helps with nicotine removal by having high levels of vitamin A, B, C and K. Because nicotine damages your skin, carrot juice works wonders for your skin's health.

Source: healthyfoodplace

Selasa, 17 Januari 2017

The Real Truth About Emergen-C Packets That Nobody Talks About

Is The Immune Boosting Elixir Making You Sicker With It's Synthetic Vitamins?!

Emergen-C® is vitamin C-based fizzy powdered drink mix that suggests it provides people with energy boost, elevated immunity response, and the benefit of overall health.

First things first.. The manufacturers website admits to using GMO products but they do not discuss which ingredients are GMO. From Alacer, Emergen-C manufacturers website: "We have chosen to source materials that are non-GMO whenever possible. That being said, we cannot guarantee that all of our raw materials are sourced from non-GMO ingredients and do not currently have this requirement in place for our vendors."

A facility in New Jersey, owned by Hoffman-LaRoche, is one of the world's biggest drug manufacturers (1 800 526 0189). Over 90% of ascorbic acid in this country is manufactured in this facility. Most U.S. vitamin companies buy ascorbic acid made from cornstarch and volatile acids, in bulk from this facility. Each company makes its own product formulations, labels and products claims including the exact same synthetic vitamin C.

What's Wrong with Ascorbic Acid?

Contrary to popular belief, ascorbic acid and vitamin C are not the same thing.  Did you know that almost all vitamin C in dietary supplements is synthetic? Because it's almost impossible to get much more than 100-150 mg of vitamin C from food into a tablet.

The vitamin C that is sold at the grocery is a man-made chemical copy of naturally occurring ascorbic acid, which is not vitamin C at all. It's a chemical, a by-product of sulfuric acid and a GMO sourced cornstarch derivative. Synthetic vitamins in mega-doses have toxic effects and actually can increase the white blood cell count.

Gerard Mullin, director of integrative gastrointestinal nutrition services at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and author of The Inside Tract: Your Good Gut Guide to Great Digestive Health, stated "In high-enough doses, vitamin C can cause kidney stones." Any amount larger than 500 milligrams per day can be enough to cause a problem, he says. That's only half a 1-gram packet of Emergen-C. "It rarely happens, but there have been case reports."

  • Synthetic vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, kills beneficial probiotic bacteria in the gut
  • Ascorbic acid impairs muscle's mitochondrial function and adaptability to exercise.
  • Increases risk of cardiovascular disease in people with diabetes. (AJCN)
  • Shown to cause an increased risk of kidney stones.
  • Reacts with iron in "enriched" foods, causing neurological conditions.

Sandquist says, adverse reactions to synthetic vitamin C, such as stomach cramps, diarrhea and nausea can occur. Less common side effects include, insomnia, decrease in progesterone, headache, vomiting, heartburn, throat irritation, gluten reactions, poor drug interactions and allergic reactions could also occur.

If you are feeling a little run down and are looking for a natural energy and immune boost, I suggest you consider organic foods rich in vitamin C. These options are citrus fruits, green peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, white potatoes, and sweet potatoes. Other good sources include dark leafy greens, cantaloupe, papaya, mango, watermelon, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, red peppers, raspberries, blueberries, winter squash, and pineapples.

Sometimes eating enough fruits and vegetables daily to maintain good health isn't easy. Whole food vitamins maybe an ideal addition. Whole food vitamins are derived from whole foods, which contain complex nutrients that are needed by our bodies.

Original article and credits: LivingTraditionally.com republished with permission.

Image Credits: Flickr

What Are The Health Benefits of Fermented Foods?

It seems like every month, a new "superfood" comes to the forefront in the health and nutrition community. When pursuing a healthy diet, it can almost be distracting! Should we stick with what we're doing or move onto the next shiny new fad?

One powerful source of nutrition that isn't just a short-lived trend is fermented foods. Fermented foods are here to stay - they've been around for centuries. Our ancestors used them to improve digestion and preserve foods that would otherwise have a short shelf life.

The precise health benefits of fermented food are numerous and varied. However, their main claim to fame nowadays is their probiotic content. In this article, I'll talk a little about probiotics, and the unique benefits that come with fermented food.

What Are Probiotics?

The World Health Organisation defines probiotics as supplements that contain beneficial bacteria intended to improve some facet of your health. Although research is still in the early stages, several studies have shown digestive (source), immune (source), dental (source) and mood benefits (source).

The Probiotic Content of Fermented Foods

Fermented foods are a great alternative to popping a probiotic pill. Not only are they cheaper, but many of them taste great too.

Fermented foods begin as whole foods such as soybeans (tempeh) or cabbage (sauerkraut) . They're then processed with "good" microorganisms such as specific strains of bacteria and yeast. This converts some of the sugar and carbohydrate content into lactic acid - giving these foods their characteristic sour flavor. This process prolongs the shelf life of the foods and also creates a population of live probiotics.

Many people equate the term lacto-fermented with the milk sugar lactose. However, that's not the case at all and fermented foods don't necessarily have anything to do with dairy. "Lacto" simply refers to lactic acid in the fermentation process.

Benefits of Probiotics in Fermented Food

A healthy digestive tract, along with its population of microorganisms, is thought to impact health far beyond the gut. The microbiome, or the microbial makeup, is thought to reflect your overall health. The probiotics in fermented food can help to balance your body's microbiome.

One interesting example is the connection between gut and brain health. Early life stress such as maternal separation has been shown to permanently change the profile of your microbiota (source). Consuming probiotics, either in food or supplements, may be able to ease stress (source) and improve mood (source), research has shown.

Other probiotic benefits include digestion of lactose by bacteria to ease symptoms of discomfort in lactose intolerant patience (source), prevention of diarrhea post antibiotics (source), protection from traveller's diarrhea and prevention of Crohn's disease relapses (source).

Non-gastro benefits include treatment of seasonal allergies (source) and prevention of dental caries (source).

11 Probiotic Foods You Should Be Eating

Fermented Foods Are More Easily Digested

It is thought that fermented foods are more easily digested by the body. This is because the bacterial cultures inside have already done a lot of the hard work. Breaking down raw food takes a lot more effort from your digestive system compared to fermented foods.

The consequence of this is that your body can get nutrients from these foods more easily. It follows that these foods are ideal for people with chronic constipation or the elderly.

Safer Than Raw Vegetables

Several times a year, a recall is issued or an outbreak of E. coli begins due to contaminated raw produce. While washing fresh produce is a good way to prevent the spread of potential illness, it's not foolproof. The fermentation process tends to kill off other bacteria, meaning fermented foods are often safer.

Fermenting May Make Some Foods More Nutritious

The fermentation process gives foods unique enzymes and in some cases, additional nutrients. This can make them even better for you than the fresh vegetables they came from.

Some examples of fermented foods

You can ferment food at home (it's easier than you think!), or you can buy several types of fermented foods in stores. Miso, natto, pickles, and sauerkraut are just a couple types of fermented foods that are popular in various cuisines from around the world.

Kombucha and kefir are types of fermented drinks that can provide you with probiotic benefits. You can find them in the dairy, produce, or health food section of your local supermarket. Kefir is very easy to make at home by using purchased kefir 'grains' that induce fermentation at room temperature. I wrote more about probiotic foods in this article.

Consume Fermented Foods with Care

As most fermented foods tend to be very acidic, you should consume them in small quantities. The high acid content could damage tooth enamel. It could also upset your stomach and cause heartburn If you notice these types of symptoms, cut back your intake for a while and see if it improves.

Fermented foods are often intended for consumption as condiments. Their strong flavors make them the perfect accompaniment to your main dish.

Here's an interesting infographic from www.fix.com

Natural Remedies for Common Skin Problems (Warts, Dark Spots, Blackheads, Skin tags)

Are you bothered with moles, skin tags, clogged pores or skin breakouts? It is common to develop skin problems at any point in your life due to changes in your lifestyle and hormones. There are thousands of skin and beauty care products that promise to give you clear and glowing skin. Instead of relying on these products, you can attempt some simple and easy home remedies to improve the overall health and appearance of your skin. Try these natural remedies for common skin problems that you can utilize to achieve healthy, clear skin.

Warts are small bumps on the skin or mucous membranes caused by the human papillomavirus or HPV. They are common and normally treated with salicylic acid or freezing. Some people also like to wrap warts in duct tape. However, there are some other more natural options you could try.


According to Natural Society, you can remove a wart in two weeks with the use of crushed garlic and garlic juice. Rub crushed garlic on the wart every night and put a bandage over it. You should also apply garlic juice to the wart twice a day.

Pure Raw Honey

The benefits of honey are well recorded and wart removal is one of them. All you have to do is rub honey on the wart at night and wrap it with a bandage. The honey will slowly remove the wart. There are even cases of warts not returning after honey had been used to treat them.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another natural wart remover. Like most natural wart removers, you apply apple cider vinegar at night. You soak a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and hold it in place with a bandage. It can be left in place overnight or for 24 hours, although it should be replaced every day. The wart will slowly shrivel up and disappear.


The easiest method for wart removal is to use a banana peel. According to Earth Clinic, all you have to do is rub the wart every night with a banana peel for two weeks. The wart will vanish.

Skin tags are growths of skin that stick out from the skin surface. They normally form around the neck, upper chest, underarms and eyelids. The most common cause of skin tags is from skin rubbing against skin. The common treatments for skin tags include tying off, cutting off, and freezing. Nevertheless, there are some natural remedies available for you to use at home.

Tea Tree Oil

Skin Tags Gone has an excellent video on how to remove skin tags with tea tree oil. This process is a bit slower than most (up to one month) but is much safer for skin tags found around the eyes. All you need to do is soak a cotton ball with water and add a couple drops of tea tree oil. Then you dab the cotton ball on the skin tag and cover with a bandage. You repeat this process two to three times a day.

Baking Soda and Castor Oil

According to LiveStrong, a castor oil, and baking soda combination is a great way to remove skin tags. You mix the baking soda and castor oil together so that it forms a paste. You then apply the paste to the skin tag and cover with a bandage. Repeat the process two to three times a day and store extra paste in the fridge for up to 48 hours.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Skin Tags Gone also has a method for removing skin tags that involve apple cider vinegar. Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and squeeze it to remove any excess. Then dab the skin tag with the apple cider vinegar. You can leave the apple cider vinegar on for as long as you want, it does have a strong smell. It will take several days, but the skin tag will darken and fall off.

Moles are common, and many adults and children have them. They can appear at any time of life and are actually close groupings of skin pigmentation cells called melanocytes. Some causes of moles include genetics and exposure to the sun.

Castor Oil and Baking Soda

LiveStrong suggests a mixture of castor oil and baking soda to remove moles. All you need to do is mix the castor oil and baking soda into a gummy paste, put it on the mole, and cover it with a bandage. Remove the bandage in the morning and rinse the area. This should be done every other evening.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Don't Waste the Crumbs has a fantastic method for removing moles with apple cider vinegar. You soak up the apple cider vinegar with a cotton ball, tape the cotton ball to the mole with a bandage or medical tape and leave it there for eight hours a day. The mole will blacken and fall off.


According to LiveStrong, you can use garlic extract or just plain garlic to remove a mole. First, you must protect the skin around the mole with masking tape or petroleum jelly (as they recommend). Instead, a petroleum jelly alternative (as we recommend) (alternatives are usually made from beeswax and oil). Then you either apply garlic extract or pressed garlic to the mole. Cover with a bandage for four hours and repeat the process daily.

Dark spots or age spots are discolored patches that appear on the skin. They are more commonly found on the face, hands and forearms. Although most doctors are unsure of the real cause for dark spots, many believe it is due to sun exposure and an aging liver. Here are some natural ways to remove dark spots.

Vitamin C Serums

Vitamin C serums for the skin must contain topically active vitamin C. Looks for hand-crafted, chemical-free, organic products. If you find the right product, the results against dark spots and damaged skin can be miraculous.


Mind Body Green states that onion is a great ingredient for removing dark spots. All you have to do is juice or blend the onion and apply it to the dark spot. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse off. Apply once a day until the dark spot disappears.


Mind Body Green also claims that horseradish is an excellent dark spot remover. If you mix horseradish with vinegar, it will slowly remove the dark spot on your skin. Mix vinegar and horseradish together and apply to the dark spot daily. The dark spot will slowly fade away.


Lemon is another dark spot remover according to Mind Body Green. Soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and rub it on the dark spot twice a day. The lemon will naturally bleach the dark spot.

Aloe Vera

We Love Aloe! States that aloe is a great substance for removing dark spots. All you need to do is put fresh aloe on the dark spot and leave it on for 30 minutes. You can visit We Love Aloe! for a more advanced recipe if plain aloe is not working. We always recommend that you use the inner gel of fresh aloe that may be grown almost anywhere as a house plant.

Oil buildup on the skin can cause pores to clog and make the skin look bumpy. This is not a serious condition, but they need to be removed if you want smooth skin. Also, if clogged pores are left alone for too long, they may become infected.


According to LiveStrong, steaming is a great way to unclog pores. Pull your hair back and wash your face. Then boil water on the stove and place your face over the pot. Cover your head with a towel, so you get as much steam as possible and continue for 10 to 15 minutes. Afterward, wash your face and rinse it a few times with warm water. Then apply some vinegar to clean up any extra debris.

Sugar Scrub

Exfoliating is another great way to unclog pores and according to Remedies and Herbs, a sugar scrub is best. Create a paste with sugar and lemon and rub it with an organic cotton washcloth on the area with clogged pores in a circular motion. Wash your face and rinse it with warm water when you are done the scrubbing.

Original article and credits: davidwolfe.com

What Are The Health Benefits of Yogurt?

Picture the dairy aisle at your local grocery store. Traditionally, this would have been filled with an abundance of butter, cottage cheese and a small selection of yogurt. However, lately an influx of new yogurt products have started to dominate the shelves.

When you learn about to the vast amount of health benefits yogurt has to offer, it's no wonder this creamy favorite is starting to take command of the dairy arena.

What is Yogurt?

Simply put, yogurt is fermented milk. Doesn't sound very appealing when I put it that way, eh? Despite its unusual origins, I think yogurt tastes pretty great.

Yogurt's thick creamy texture and tangy flavor are actually a result of colonies of "good" bacteria introduced during production. These bacteria digest the carbohydrates in the milk and produce lactic acid. This in turn causes the milk to gel.

It's hard to believe, but the origins of yogurt trace back as far as 5000BC! It was used both for its health benefits and pleasant taste across Europe and the Middle East (source).

Why Say Yes to Yogurt?

Once upon a time, many turned their noses up at yogurt. However, it has become more apparent over recent years just how good for us yogurt can be. Even those who once dismissed the Greek goodness are turning to it to reap its healthy rewards.

Truth be told, all of us should strive to add some yogurt to our lives. From boosting our essential nutrients, to improving our immune system and even aiding weight loss, yogurt packs a healthy punch in a small package.

But what are the health benefits of yogurt I hear you say? Well, let's find out.

It's All About The Probiotics

Probiotics are a big thing in the health and wellness space at the moment. And rightly so - these little "good bacteria" are pretty awesome!

The National Center For Complementary and Integrative Health tells us that "although people often think of bacteria and other microorganisms as harmful "germs," many microorganisms help our bodies function properly."

Most of these good bacteria are found in our intestines. As 70% of our immune system is located in our gut, eating probiotic foods like yogurt actually encourages more good bacteria to grow, keeping our immune system strong.

Probiotics are also great for your digestive system and can prevent a whole host of gut issues. As over 60 million Americans are thought to struggle with digestion, adding probiotics into your diet can have a huge positive impact on your health.

Yogurts With Active Cultures Improve G.I. Conditions

The Jean Mayer U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University concluded that yogurt can help a number of gastrointestinal (G.I.) conditions, including:

  • Lactose intolerance
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Colon cancer
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • H. pylori infection

This result was attributed to changes in gut microflora, enhancements to the bodies immune system and the time it takes food to go through the bowel.

The Power of Protein

Most of us know how important protein is to our diets. Regardless of our particular lifestyle, we all need protein. It's necessary for building and repairing every cell in our bodies as we age. Those who workout a lot need even more protein.

Although there are numerous sources of dietary protein, yogurt is a great light alternative to heavy, meals packed with meat. A bowl of plain yogurt with walnuts and blueberries thrown in is a light, protein packed breakfast of champions.

Related- The Best Source of Protein, Unscrambled

Get Some Vitamin B12

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists vitamin B12 deficiency as one of the most common deficiencies among Americans. According to a report from the CDC, more than 2% of the entire population are severely deficient in this essential nutrient. Getting more B12 into our diets should most definitely be a priority.

Vitamin B12 has a major role in ensuring the brain and nervous system develop and function correctly.

Yogurt (particularly Greek yogurt) is an excellent natural alternative to vitamin B-12 supplements. This can be incredibly beneficial to vegetarians as B-12 is most commonly found in meat, therefore, yogurt can be a great meat-free alternative.

Yogurt is also filled with some other essential vitamins and minerals including calcium, vitamin B-2, potassium and magnesium. All of these play vital roles in the body making yogurt a powerful natural alternative to multivitamins.

Can vitamin B12 make you happy?

Help Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition that affects millions of men and women. The International Foundation for Osteoporosis defines osteoporosis as "a disease in which the density and quality of bone are reduced" (source).

As we get older, the quality of our bones is reduced in comparison to during childhood or adolescence. Therefore, our risk of developing osteoporosis increases with age. This is especially the case with women who have gone through the menopause, due to the vast hormonal changes they encounter.

One way to lower your risk of osteoporosis is to make sure you're getting enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet. Vitamin D is essential in order for our body to absorb calcium.

We've already established that yogurt is a great source of calcium. However, it's even better to select a yogurt with added vitamin D. A daily fortified yogurt can be an excellent alternative to using supplements.

Boost Your Metabolism and Keep Your Waistline in Check

Due to yogurt's essential nutrient content, including fat-burning nutrients like calcium, plus protein to help build muscle, yogurt can help boost your metabolism.

Moreover, yogurt is packed with iodine which is essential for thyroid function. Deficiency in iodine can lead to thyroid issues where one of the most common problems is rapid fluctuations in weight.

Plus, eating yogurt leaves you feeling fuller for longer. So all of these benefits mean eating yogurt daily could help you stay slim.

Get The Benefits After A Workout

For those who are fanatical about fitness, you probably already use a post workout shake. For many, those shakes are thickened with milk or even low-fat ice cream.

However, one alternative is to use yogurt in your after fitness fix. When going cup to cup, light and low-fat yogurt is higher in protein and calcium and lower in saturated fat and calories than low-fat ice cream. It will also give a thick and creamy consistency that will fill you up. All round, it's a win-win.

Why Not Try Some Today

With so many health benefits, it is easy to see why adding yogurt to your weekly shopping list can have a positive impact on your life. The hardest decision is whether to go for full fat, Greek or filled with live cultures. But choosing to say yes to yogurt is one decision that is easy!

Here's an interesting infographic from health.clevelandclinic.org

3 Mineral Waters That Can Remove Aluminum from the Brain


There has been a dramatic increase in neurological diseases linked to aluminum toxicity. The blood brain barrier doesn't stop aluminum's intrusion into our gray matter. Aluminum accumulates and remains in tissue that doesn't have a rapid cellular turnover.

Apoptosis is the natural cell death and replacement process that occurs throughout the body, excluding cancer cells. Cancer cells keep reproducing and colonizing into tumors unless apoptosis is introduced or the cells are outright killed from chemical compounds, both natural and synthetic.

Aluminum accrues to toxic levels over time in slow apoptotic cell turnover tissues, such as bone matter, the heart and the brain. The brain and its associated nervous system is where diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, MS, chronic fatigue and other neurological or auto-immune diseases manifest, including the complete autistic spectrum, from learning disorders to full blown autism.

There is no shortage of aluminum toxins in our environment. It's in cookware, beverage containers, foil, cigarette smoke, cosmetics, antiperspirants, sunscreen, antacids, and those ubiquitous chemtrails that most ignore from which aluminum nanoparticles can be breathed into our lungs and routed directly into our blood or through the sinuses into our brains.

Aluminum is in all vaccines. Injecting aluminum bypasses the possibility of eliminating it through normal channels. Straight into the blood it goes to be carried into the brain and heart, adding to their accumulated aluminum toxicity loads.

According to Dr. Chris Exley, PhD, we have come into the aluminum age. Many trolling commentators love to explain how aluminum is the must common mineral on the planet and therefore it's harmless. Dr. Exley has dedicated over two decades of his scientific life to researching aluminum toxicity. He calls the period of time from the early 20th Century to now the "Age of Aluminum."

Before then, aluminum remained in the ground as the most abundant mineral in earth that hadn't yet been mined. Dr. Exley claims mining aluminum and using it in so many ways corresponds to the marked increase of neurological diseases.

Dr. Chris Exley's Message to the 2011 Vaccine Safety Conference

A key aspect of his conference delivery concerned helping vaccinated kids improve their neurological damage. Ironically, it involves the second most abundant mineral in mother earth – silica. Exley has put kids who had autism spectrum disorders or other neurological damage from vaccinations on a form of silica known as silicic acid with excellent results.

Silicic acid is basically oxygenated silica. Exley considers this the best and most bio-available way to get silica through the gut and into the blood, then into brain matter where it binds with the aluminum molecules and leads them out of brain cell tissue safely through the urine.

He had used a Malasysian mineral water called Spritzer on aluminum toxic children suffering from autism spectrum disorders with significant success. Aluminum is in almost all vaccines. Later he and his team had 15 Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients use that water at the same rate of one liter per day for 13 weeks.

Aluminum levels were lower by anywhere from 50 to 70 percent in all the subjects involved, and of the 15 AD patients, eight no longer deteriorated and three actually showed substantial cognitive increase. Perhaps coconut oil is better for reversing AD, but mineral waters high in Orthosilicic or ionic silicic acid will reduce aluminum toxicity in the brain to help ward off AD.

The more USA accessible mineral waters with similar levels of silicic acid to Spritzer, which can penetrate the blood-brain barrier, are Volvic and Fiji. My personal favorite is Fiji because it has the highest level of ionic suspended silica as silicic acid and is the least expensive. I've seen it in WalMart at $1.99 per liter.

Also, People's Chemist Shane Ellison analyzed various water bottles and said Fiji water bottles are free of BPA and "its chemical cousins". Others he rates highly as BPA free are Voss, Evian, and Smart Water.

The suggested protocol is at least five days consuming a 1.5 liter bottle of water daily. More is required for high levels of aluminum toxicity. Dr. Exley considers drinking the whole bottle within an hour as the most efficient method of detoxing aluminum from the brain.

Dr. Exley explains that there are three commercial bottled waters listing silica amounts as milligrams (mg) per liter on the bottle. Fiji has the highest amount of the three. Neither of us is affiliated with Fiji.

Silica mineral waters can be supplemented to help prevent dementia. Obviously it can also be used as an adjunct with pure cold pressed coconut oil to stop early onset Alzheimer's or even reverse most of the symptoms after AD symptoms appear. More on coconut oil for Alzheimer's can be found here.

Aluminum (Al) is passed out through the urine when one supplements silica sufficiently. It seems there's little danger of taking too much, as long as adequate water is consumed and vitamin B1 and potassium levels are maintained.

More About Silica

Silica helps ensure collagen elasticity of all connecting tissues in the body, including tendons and cartilage. This reduces aches and pains and maintains your body's flexibility. It has also been determined that high levels of blood serum silica keep arterial plaque from building and clogging blood vessels.

A major culprit for arterial plaque has recently shifted from cholesterol buildup to arterial calcification from serum calcium that is not absorbed as bone matter. It's known that silica is an important part of building bone matter.

Without sufficient silica, magnesium, and vitamin K2, calcium doesn't become part of bone matter and remains in the blood to potentially calcify in the soft tissue of inner artery walls and the heart.

Silica is vital for keeping strong bones and a healthy cardiovascular system. This qualifies silica as an essential anti-aging mineral that is much more than a skin deep beauty mineral. Other good sources of silica are the herb horsetail, cucumbers, and diatomaceous earth powder.

Although these three other sources are helpful for the recent aforementioned reasons, they lack the ionic suspension of silicic acid found in the mineral waters to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. I just found these other sources for ionic silica or silicic acid as well, here and here.

Original article and credits: RealFarmacy.com by Paul Fassa

Paul Fassa is a contributing staff writer for REALfarmacy.com. His pet peeves are the Medical Mafia's control over health and the food industry and government regulatory agencies' corruption. Paul's valiant contributions to the health movement and global paradigm shift are world renowned. Visit his blog by following this link and follow him on Twitter here.


What Are The Kombucha Tea Health Benefits?

Have you heard about kombucha yet? It's one of the most fashionable beverages floating around the health scene at present. People are raving over the vast number of health benefits linked to this ancient chinese "immortal health elixir".

With claims ranging from fighting cancer to preventing degenerative diseases, it's no wonder so many are jumping on the kombucha bandwagon. But what are the kombucha tea health benefits? I'm going to share everything you need to know in this article.

What is Kombucha Tea?

In simple terms, kombucha is a fermented tea. Kombucha is made by mixing black or green tea with specific strains of bacteria, yeast and sugar. Over the course of about a week, the bacteria and yeasts digest components of the tea, giving it a more acidic flavor (source).

During this process, a small mushroom-like substance forms and floats on top of the liquid. The substance is a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast, or a SCOBY. This is what gives kombucha its nickname 'mushroom tea'. The SCOBY can then be used to ferment new kombucha.

During fermentation, small trace levels of alcohol are formed alongside gasses and various acidic compounds which carbonate the liquid (source).

What Are the Health Benefits of Kombucha Tea?

A lot of research into the health benefits of kombucha has been carried out in the first half of the 20th century. This was mainly as an attempt to find a cure for cancer.

In the 1990s kombucha made its first appearance in the US. Research here was scant as the pharmaceutical industry didn't stand to benefit from something so cheaply made. However a lot of Russian and German research was made available in English and which sparked enormous interest in the beverage.

Kombucha is a powerhouse of health benefits - mainly due to fermentation and its raw ingredients. I think that the majority of people could can benefit positively from drinking kombucha on a regular basis. The following are just some of the effects it has on the body:

It's Packed With Probiotics

Ah probiotics, my old friends. I've already written a number of articles on the magnitude of benefits probiotics have to offer. During kombucha fermentation, huge amounts of probiotics are produced (source).

Any type of probiotic food is a good thing to add to your diet. These healthy microorganisms do everything from aiding digestion to boosting immunity.

Don't Forget About The Benefits of Green Tea

One of kombucha's raw ingredients is green tea. This means it carries many of the same health properties.

Most people know green tea is possibly the healthiest beverage known to man. It's rich in antioxidants and bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols (Source). A number of studies have even shown that drinking green tea reduces the risk of breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer.

Kombucha Kills Bacteria

During fermentation, kombucha produces a number of acidic components - one of which is acetic acid, a key ingredient in vinegar. Similar to the polyphenols in tea, acetic acid kills microorganisms which can be harmful to the human body (Source).

Studies have also shown that kombucha has strong antimicrobial properties against a number of bacteria that can lead to infection as well as candida yeast (source).

It May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), heart disease is the biggest cause of death throughout the entire world.

Most recently, studies performed on rats have concluded that find that kombucha can greatly improve two markers of these diseases - LDL and HDL cholesterol.

It May Improve Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes is a disease which affects over 300 million people throughout the world. The Center For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have released most concerning figures, stating that over 29 million people in the United States alone are suffering from type 2 diabetes, one in four of which are unaware.

Moreover, a staggering one in three Americans are prediabetic. This means that their blood sugar is abnormally high, but not high enough to be classified as type 2 diabetics. With these numbers, it's clear that methods of prevention are a medical necessity.

One study on rats with diabetes showed that kombucha tea improved both liver function and reduced blood sugar levels by slowing the rate of carbohydrate digestion.

It May Reduce Risk of Cancer

Every day is a fight to find a cure for cancer. As one of the world's most aggressive and unbiased diseases, cancer can strike anyone at any time, regardless of age or gender.

There are thousands of forms of cancer. Cancer is simply characterized as cell mutation with uncontrolled growth. Therefore, any cell within the human body has the potential to mutate and become cancerous.

As one of the world's leading causes of death, it is completely understandable that we seek any form of alternative medicine which could potentially lower our risk.

A number of studies have been conducted to research the benefits of kombucha in preventing growth and spread of cancerous cells. Although more research is necessary, kombucha is thought to have a positive impact due to its high content of antioxidants and polyphenols.

The current thinking is that polyphenols can prevent gene mutation and the growth of cancer cells, moreover, promote death of existing cancer cells.

The Importance of Good Quality Kombucha

Kombucha is something that can be store bought or can be made at home. However, fermenting your own is a skill to be mastered and if made incorrectly, kombucha can be incredibly dangerous.

If kombucha is over-fermented or contaminated in any way, it can be harmful to your health. A number of such situations have resulted in serious health complications and even death. Therefore, extreme care must be taken when making your own.

The best option for anyone wishing to try kombucha is to buy a premade version. Commercial products are good quality and considered safe. They also contain only 0.5% alcohol and are therefore classed as alcohol free, where the homemade version can contain up to 3% alcohol.


Learning about the scientific research into the numerous health benefits of kombucha tea has certainly convinced me to give it a try. Adding a cup or two to your diet could just improve your overall health.

Here's an interesting infographic from positivehealthwellness.com

Can Taking Too Much Probiotics Be an Issue?

The science-backed benefits of probiotics for digestion, immunity and inflammatory conditions are enough to convince most people to give them a try. Many physicians and other healthcare professionals recommend their use in specific cases too (source).

As the popularity of probiotics has skyrocketed, manufacturers have been producing more powerful formulas with high CFU (colony forming unit) counts. However, is it possible to get too much of a good thing? Can you take too much probiotics?

You're right to be cautious - I always recommend doing your own research before taking any health supplement. In this article I'm going to cover the limits of probiotic consumption and how to get the right dose.

Are There Any Risks Associated With Probiotics?

For most of us, probiotic supplements are perfectly safe. The most common side effect is mild stomach discomfort - gas, diarrhea, bloating and nausea. You're certainly more likely to experience these side effects at higher doses, but they usually resolve in a few days anyway.

There are some people for whom probiotics are not recommended. People with compromised immune systems are at a higher risk of complications due to probiotic use. This includes people with immune disorders such as HIV and those using immunosuppressant drugs like chemotherapy.

There have been reports of probiotics causing serious infections in people with weak immune systems. Whether taking too much probiotics could have played a role in these instances is unknown. People who are at an elevated risk of infection should not use probiotics unless directed to by their physician (source).

Another potential, but rare, issue is an allergic reaction to a bacterial strain contained in the probiotic supplement. Humans can be allergic to almost anything, so this risk isn't specific to probiotics, however if you are affected, it can be quite severe. If you have an allergy to probiotics, even low doses can have serious effects.

Is Probiotic Overdose Possible?

We're used to health supplements coming with a recommended daily allowance. However, because probiotics are live bacteria rather than vitamin or mineral nutrients, it's a bit more difficult to quantify. It's estimated that we contain ten times more bacterial cells than our own body's cells (source). It's hard to imagine that an extra capsule of probiotics can make too much of an difference.

However, as I've already mentioned, taking too much probiotics will most likely increase incidence of digestive side effects.

The number of bacteria found in probiotic supplements is unlikely to cause problems, particularly when taken as directed. If you accidentally take too much probiotics, you may want to stay near a toilet but unless you have a weakened immune system you're unlikely to experience major health impacts.

That said, you should always use supplements as per the instructions on the packaging or your doctor's instructions. There's no reason to adjust the dose yourself unless you want to lower it to avoid side effects.

It's All About Balance

The goal of probiotic supplements is to maintain a good balance of microorganisms in the gut and beyond. This in turn is believed to have positive effects on our health.

The bacterial makeup of each individual person is different. There is no specific amount or type of probiotic bacteria that's perfect for everyone. While studies pertaining to certain strains are conducted, each person's reaction will vary.

The best way to determine how your probiotic supplement is working for you and whether the dose is right is to gauge how you feel. Cut down on your probiotic use if you experience gassiness, bloating, or runny stools. Otherwise, stick with the directions on the package.

Other Probiotic Sources

We often forget that probiotics are also found in some foods. Fermented foods in particular contain the types of good bacteria found in probiotics. Sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir, and kimchi all have hefty doses of probiotics.

If you're worried about taking too much of a probiotic supplement, simply up your intake of probiotic-containing foods rather than relying on a pill.

Related- 11 Probiotic foods you should be eating

Final Thoughts

So, can you take too much probiotics? The body can stand a fairly hefty portion of probiotic yeasts and bacteria without adverse effects. However, you should always consult with your healthcare provider if you feel like the supplement you're taking isn't doing a good job. A different strain could do the trick rather than a higher dose.

Here's an interesting infographic from homecuresthatwork.com

What Are The Best Fish Oil Supplements

Lately I've written so many articles on Omega 3 fish oil supplements that I feel I'm becoming a bit of an expert on the topic! Of course, this is because everyone wants to know everything about fish oil.

It's a wonder supplement with an abundance of health benefits for pretty much everyone. I'm not surprised that our readers have wanted us to research everything possible about these fishy little pills.

Today I'm going to give you some practical info and find out what the best omega 3 fish oil supplements on the market at present. The answer depends on who and what you intend to use fish oil supplements for. Are they for kids or adults? For general health and wellbeing or to help with a particular ailment? Well, let's take a look.

What Are Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplements?

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are long chain, polyunsaturated fatty acids which we more commonly know as omega-3 (alpha-linolenic acid) and omega-6 (linoleic acid).

These fatty acids are essential because your body is incapable of producing them. So, we can only get them from the food we eat. When you eat food rich with omega 3 it is broken down into broken down into EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). These are crucially important for a number of bodily functions and play a huge role in both physical and mental health.

For the most part, a diet rich with cold water, oily fish like salmon and trout is the best way to get your daily dose of omega 3. But the truth is many people just simply can't stand to eat fish. An omega 3 fish oil supplement is the simple way to fill the gaps in their diet and offers the opportunity to reap the many benefits fish oil supplements have to offer.

Does Fish Oil Help Weight Loss?

What Are The Best Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplements?

There are so many products to choose from, so to make it easier for you, I've narrowed it down to the top 5 fish oil supplements that I've found. This list features the best of the best, from some of the topics our readers have asked us to cover previously and I present you with our all time favorites.

BodyVega Omega 3 Fish Oil, 120 Lemon Softgels, High EPA & DHA

Our skin is the largest organ of our body. It has a number of important jobs to do, most importantly, holding all of our insides together. Looking after your skin properly is something to take seriously but is often a job that is neglected.

Of course, there are huge numbers of skincare products available offering results of beautiful skin. But more often than not, beauty comes from the inside and one of the best ways to take care of your skin is with supplements like omega 3 fish oils.

Omega 3 fatty acids can give you beautiful skin, hair and nails so for anyone looking to reap these benefits who doesn't like to eat fish, fish oil supplements can be an excellent option.

This brand offers a high dose of EPA and DHA in each serving and comes in at a great price.


  • Lemony flavor covers fishiness well
  • High omega-3 dosage
  • Smaller than some other fish oil supplements
  • Excellent customer service
  • Tested for contaminants


  • Fishy burps may still occur
  • Some users report rancid smell
  • Needs to be taken with food

Dr. Tobias Omega 3 Fish Oil Triple Strength

There is a vast amount of research into the affect fish oil has on weight loss. Some studies have found that diets high in omega-3 fatty acids result in lower overall body fat stores.

Each dose of this brand contains 800 mg EPA and 600 mg DHA and is designed specifically for weight loss.


  • Easy to swallow capsules
  • 3 month supply
  • High EPA and DHA
  • Numerous health benefits
  • Reasonable price


  • Some users noticed adverse effects

Coromega Omega-3 Supplement

When you are trying to start a family it can become more stressful with each unsuccessful month. For those trying to conceive, you will try anything to boost your fertility.

As it happens, fish oil is shown to promote both male and female fertility. In women, there are several reasons why fish oil may be able to boost fertility. From balancing your mood and hormones, to helping you have a strong and healthy heart.

With men, the DHA in fish oil supplements is crucial to the health and motility of sperm. Therefore, taking a fish oil supplement once a day may help you and your partner begin your journey into parenthood.

The best thing about this orange flavoured supplement is that it comes in easy to swallow gel form. Meaning no more horse pills! Yay!


  • Gel is easier to swallow than a pill
  • Manufacturers claim increased bioavailability
  • Flavoring does a fair job of covering fish
  • Deep water, wild caught sources
  • Single serving packets
  • Ideal levels of omega-3s in one packet


  • Contains egg
  • Contains preservatives
  • Uses stevia, a controversial sugar substitute
  • Unpleasant aftertaste noted by some

L'il Critters Omega-3 DHA

When it comes to our kids, getting them to eat anything healthy can be a challenge, nevermind passing them a plate of rainbow trout! The thing is, omega 3s are crucial to a child's development.

Not only can the right amount of DHA and EPA boost your little angels brain power it can also help kids with childhood disorders such as ADHD.

Not only does this supplement that is aimed directly at kids come in at excellent value for money, the dose is 281 mg of omega-3s per serving along with multivitamins.


  • Gummy form
  • Great value for money
  • 3 flavors
  • Nice taste
  • 2 month supply
  • Reasonable dose of omega-3
  • Can be used from 2 years of age

Nature's Branch Triple Strength

When it comes to omega 3 fish oil supplements, everyone can benefit from their use, regardless of gender. However, there are a number of benefits that can be gained from fish oil which would appeal more to women such as:

Because of this, there are a number of supplements out there aimed specifically at the ladies.

This product is super high quality and offers omega-3 fatty acids at a whopping 860 mg EPA and 650 mg DHA. They are marketed as having no fishy reflux issues although as expected they are rather large!


  • High dose EPA and DHA
  • Lemon flavored
  • Softgels
  • Burpless
  • Reasonable price


When it comes to omega 3 fish oil supplements the benefits can be seen by everyone and these products are the best of the best. I hope that there's something here that would be suitable for everyone.

However, if there is any other specific benefits of fish oil you would like us to research, leave us a comment below and I will do my best to cover the topic.

Senin, 16 Januari 2017

This is Why You Absolutely Must Ditch Your Non-Stick Cookware This Year

There's a killer lurking in your kitchen….

At least, there is if you cook with non stick Teflon cookware. Teflon cookware, when heated to high temperature (when cooking, for example) can release fumes that are harmful to humans and lethal to pet birds. Canaries were used in coal mines to determine air quality – if they couldn't breathe or died suddenly, miners knew that the air quality was hazardous and they needed to exit immediately. Every year, hundreds of pet birds, however, keel over and are rushed to the vet. The cause of death is the same in every case – Teflon toxicity.

The makers of this cookware continue insist that it's safe – you should just keep your birds out of the kitchen!

Do you really want your family breathing fumes that can kill a small animal outright?

Why is cookware treated with Teflon so dangerous? The answer is simple; it's made of chemicals that the human body was never meant to ingest. Chemicals with long names like perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). These chemicals are released if you heat your Teflon cookware over too high of a flame or heat the pan with no food in it. AT just 600 degrees, Teflon pans release multiple chemicals, carcinogens, and pollutants.

At 1,000 degrees, Teflon releases PFIB, which is also used as a chemical nerve agent. Teflon itself, or polytetrafluorethylene, was originally a waste byproduct of freon production.

How many of you have ever burned a dish or accidentally preheated the oven with your pans inside? It doesn't take much to reach these temperatures, and it only takes one cooking accident to expose your family to dangerous gasses.

If you're a bird owner, Teflon kills – even at normal cooking temperatures. No human error or overheating required – simply using this toxic cookware is enough to kill your precious family pet. The fumes released are often harmful to birds, and are usually fatal. Exposure to Teflon fumes after heating a pan to just 400 degrees can cause flu like symptoms in humans, as well. This condition is known as polymer fume fever, and is dismissed by DuPont (Teflon's creator) as a mild condition.

Unlike some chemical contaminants, the chemicals released from Teflon only get worse over time. The pans were made of cheaper materials in the past, and often flaked and chipped. In fact, studies show that as the cookware ages, the amount of chemical ingredients released into food increases – so if you're cooking with old nonstick pans, you're not only breathing the fumes, but ingesting the chemicals in your food, as well. This can make for dangerous levels of chemical contaminants in both your environment and your diet. In fact, most Americans have some of the chemicals in Teflon in their bloodstream.

Unfortunately, there are currently no federal government regulations for cookware. Teflon nonstick pans sometimes come with a warning to keep birds away, but consumers are sadly undereducated about the dangers of nonstick cookware. Veterinarians report hundreds of bird deaths every year from Teflon toxicity – often, the bird owners had no idea that such a common, everyday item could be so dangerous to their feathered friend.

The bottom line is this – avoid using Teflon cookware at all costs. Be especially wary of using older Teflon pots or pans that have been scratched, dinged, or damaged, as they can leach even more toxins into your food. Every year, more research supports the danger of the chemical contaminants this cookware produces, and I don't expect the fallout to stop anytime soon. Until the government takes action, consumers are responsible for protecting themselves and their families. This means that it's up to you to keep this killer away from your family and pets.

Luckily, there are many types of chemical free cookware available. Clay and glass cookware are excellent for baking – if you've never had pizza prepared on a real baking stone ,you're missing out! Stainless steel and copper pans are also favored by many cooks, including professional chefs. Cast iron pots and pans are durable, easy to care for, and only get better with time – a well seasoned cast iron frying pan is a pleasure to use and rarely sticks.

Best two options in my book:

-Stainless steel is a terrific alternative to a non-stick cooking surface. Most chefs agree that stainless steel browns foods better than non-stick surfaces.

-Cast iron remains a great alternative to non-stick cooking surfaces. Lodge, America's oldest family-owned cookware manufacturer, refers to its cookware as "natural non-stick." Cast iron is extremely durable and can be pre-heated to temperatures that will brown meat and will withstand oven temperatures well above what is considered safe for non-stick pans."

Original article and credits: Healthy Holistic Living via livingtraditionally.com

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Wellbeing: An Introduction of the Holistic Health Model By Mr. Vatsal Doctor HELP Talk Videos For info log on to www.healthlibrary.com. ...