Minggu, 14 Agustus 2016

8 Tips to Reduce & Hide your Cellulite

Have you stood in the bright lights of a department store fitting room and looked in horror at your butt and thighs while trying on bathing suits? If so, you may be one of the millions of women who is affected by cellulite.

Cellulite isn't pretty - and it's pretty hard to eliminate completely. But where there's a will there's a way. If you're genetically predisposed to this lumpy, bumpy skin (take a look at your mom's legs), then you might have a harder time trying to make it disappear.

Worry not however, I'm going to show you exactly how to reduce the appearance of cellulite, starting today. With these tips and tricks, your next trip to the department store won't be so terrifying.

After reading this post you'll be ready to bring on the bright lights and bathing suits before the end of summer. Before we get to the solutions, let's take a quick minute to talk about why and how we get cellulite in the first place.

What is Cellulite?

Aside from being unsightly and the reason you might miss your friend's summer pool party, cellulite isn't anything that can hurt you. It's literally just the protrusion of fat through your connective tissue causing lumpy or dimpled flesh on your skin.

At first I didn't know that there are actually different grades of cellulite. These grades can help you understand the severity of your condition. The different grades of cellulite include:

  • Grade 1: Cellulite is not visible, even when you pinch your skin
  • Grade 2: Cellulite is not visible when you lay down or stand. If pinching your skin, an "orange peel texture" can be seen
  • Grade 3: You have visible cellulite when standing but it goes away when lying down.
  • Grade 4: Cellulite is visible when standing or lying down.

Grade 1: Cellulite is not visible, even when you pinch your skinGrade 2: Cellulite is not visible when you lay down or stand. If pinching your skin, an "orange peel texture" can be seenGrade 3: You have visible cellulite when standing but it goes away when lying down.Grade 4: Cellulite is visible when standing or lying down.

Which grade do you fall into? If you're embarrassed to say, remember you aren't alone. Over 90% of women deal with cellulite sometime in their lifetime which means you'd likely be hard-pressed to find a friend who doesn't have cellulite.

What Causes Cellulite?

People almost always associate cellulite with being overweight but that's not the only reason you can have it. Thin people can get cellulite too. Cellulite is mainly the product of genetics and more commonly, unhealthy lifestyle habits.

Cellulite can affect anyone, male or female, though women are more prone due to our tendency to carry more weight in our butt, hips and thighs.


If you want to know if your genetics make you prone to cellulite, take a look at the older men or women in your family. Naturally, you likely haven't noticed cellulite on your male counterparts since they are normally wearing pants or shorts. However if you've been to the pool with your mom, aunts or grandmother, you have probably noticed if they suffer from cellulite.

According to Fitness Magazine, "Genetics definitely plays a role, both in how likely your body is to store fat and how much the bands of tissue pull down on the fat."

The good news is that your genes only play a small and singular role in the development of cellulite. Sometimes leading an unhealthy lifestyle in terms of weight management can be a bigger root of the issue.

On an unfortunate note, your gender might have something to do with your cellulite development as well. Most women tend to carry more fat around their hips, thighs and butt, and therefore are more likely than men to deal with cellulite. Lucky us, eh?

Leading an Unhealthy Lifestyle

Genetics aside, the main thing you need to analyze when dealing with cellulite is the type of lifestyle you are leading. Are you active or mostly sedentary? Do you tend to overeat? Do you smoke or drink in excess? Do you keep yourself hydrated well enough? All these factors can play a role in the development of cellulite.

The good news is you can keep cellulite at bay through some simple lifestyle changes that I explain below. Eliminating bad foods from your diet and incorporating some moderate exercise into your day will go a long way.

Fitness Magazine reminds of this simple fact: "If you stay fit, you're more likely to have less fat on your body and more muscle, which means you'll develop less cellulite."

How to Hide Cellulite

Whether you are genetically predisposed to cellulite or know you have a few pounds you could lose, there are ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite starting right now.

1. Book a Massage

You can't complain about this suggestion, right? The good news is that massage helps boost circulation and plump your skin. The effects will only last a few days so if you have a bare-skin event coming up it's best to get your massage a day or two in advance.

You'll find different suggestions on which type of massage is best. Whether you pick a "Cupping Massage" or perhaps a Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) Massage, you'll be on your way to lessening the appearance of cellulite in no time…unfortunately these aren't the most painless options. For many, beauty knows no pain.

2. Apply Self-Tanner

Are you a fair-skinned lady? If so, cellulite can look worse on your skin. Dark skin hides cellulite a bit better which is why I suggest applying a self-tanner to reduce its appearance. As always, try to purchase an all-natural, non-toxic tanner.

The last thing you want to do is add more toxins to your body just to reduce cellulite. One of my favorite tanning products can be found on Amazon.

For the best results, apply a self-tanning lotion to your cellulite problem areas and then opt for an all over misting spray to even out application. This will ensure the best coverage and specifically address your most affected areas.

3. Drink Plenty of Water

You know that water is essential to healthy living but do you truly understand the effects of dehydration on your body? When you don't get enough H20, you'll experience headaches, constipation, dizziness, low blood pressure, rapid heartbeat and even unconsciousness if you let it get too severe. Pretty intense right?

When it comes to cellulite, water intake is super important. According to the Mayo Clinic, dehydration can cause "shriveled and dry skin that lacks elasticity and doesn't "bounce back" when pinched into a fold." Chugging your daily recommended intake of water will ensure your skin is properly hydrated, elastic and glowing.

4. Try Firming Creams

Firming creams do actually have an effect on cellulite, temporarily. So while they won't make your cellulite go away, they can make it disappear for a little while. There are tons of creams out there to try. Many have silicon which will help fill in the dimples of your skin, making it appear more smooth. This product has the added benefit of grape extracts which helps tighten the skin from underneath as well.

If you're feeling motivated or are a DIYer then you can try making your own homemade firming cream.

YouTube has a decent amount of tutorial videos you can check out. You'll find all types of ingredient suggestions from coffee grinds to beeswax to bananas and even egg whites.

To boost the effect of these creams, Cosmopolitan suggests rubbing them in a kneading motion. The added benefit of massage "releases the trapped fluids that make cellulite look worse."

5. Do Lower Body Exercises

Let's face it, muscle usually looks better than fat. Developing strong muscles in cellulite problem areas is going to work wonders for reducing the appearance of cellulite. Muscle is firmer and takes up less space in your body therefore it will suck your skin back, eliminating the dreaded lumps.

The best thing about lower body exercise is that you can do plenty of moves with no equipment all. That means as you're reading this you can begin trying exercises that reduce cellulite!

My favorite lower body exercises are squats and lunges. To squat, stand with your feet hip-width apart. As you squat down, be sure to stick your butt back as far as possible so that your knees do not go past your ankles. Repeat this move 12-15 times, take a break and then repeat for 2-3 rounds. To spice this exercise up, try these squat variations.

For lunges, a video may better explain the move. Check out this YouTube video to learn the best way to lunge.

Then when you're comfortable with a basic lunge you can explore these lunge variations.

What are your favorite lower body exercises? Anything that targets your butt, hips and thighs is going to be beneficial. If you are new to exercise, a simple walk around the neighborhood is a great starting point.

6. Try Dry Brushing

Dry brushing is a recent trend I have yet to try but I've heard amazing things about it. For those who don't know, dry brushing combines exfoliation and massage using, you guessed it, a dry brush.

When dry brushing, the bristles of the brush help to exfoliate your skin while the circular brushing motion helps promote lymphatic drainage also known as removing toxins from your tissues.

Dry brushing is said to create soft, even skin and help boost circulation. People who have tried it have found great results, claiming to have immediately disguised cellulite on the upper thigh area.

7. Clean Up Your Diet

If you have excess fat or weight on your body, you'll likely have some cellulite to deal with. In order to stay in the clear you'll want to keep your diet in check. I have some general rules of thumb when it comes to cleaning up your diet. These include:

  • Eliminating sugar and processed foods
  • Minimizing your carbohydrate intake
  • Incorporating a variety of colorful produce.

Another thing to watch out for when it comes to cellulite is salt intake. Sodium can cause fluid retention and make your cellulite appear worse. Aim to avoid foods with more than 200 mg of sodium. Along with this goes water intake as well, too much salt and not enough water can also have negative effects.

I'm sure you've heard this before, but sticking to the outside perimeter of the grocery store can really help you avoid the bad stuff. This rule will help you easily find foods that reduce cellulite. Choosing a variety of fruits and vegetables will give you the biggest array of vitamins and nutrients and help you keep any excess fat at bay.

8. Eat Flaxseed

Flaxseed is an amazing source of protein and fiber and I recently found out that it's great for your skin too! This Dr. Oz post explains, "Flaxseed supports estrogen levels and boosts collagen growth. Collagen is the main component of connective tissue; by strengthening the skin, it helps reduce the appearance of cellulite."

The best thing about flaxseed is that you can add it to a variety of foods and not even notice it. Add 2 tablespoons to your morning smoothie, oatmeal, or yogurt. You can also add it to baked goods such as muffins and breads. I prefer to blend mine into my morning smoothie.

The Road to Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite isn't pretty but there are some pretty simple ways to reduce and hide your cellulite no matter what the cause. You can rest assured that your next trip to the beach doesn't have to be a terrifying ordeal.

Using my simple suggestions above you can reduce the appearance of cellulite starting today. It's possible you can even eliminate it completely with a little determination and patience.

To hide cellulite try applying a self-tanner, getting a massage, dry brushing or using a firming cream.

To work toward eliminating cellulite completely, start cleaning up your diet and exercising. Lower body exercises are especially beneficial because that is the area that is more prone to cellulite.

Do you have some good ideas of how to hide cellulite? I'd love to hear if you've tried any yet! If so, tell me about them below or let me know if there are any cellulite fixes I'm missing out on!

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