Senin, 17 Oktober 2016

An Accessible Enzyme Supplement That Cleans Arteries, Heals Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Fibrocystic Breasts, Lung Problems, and More


Looking for an alternative to steroid pain relievers that is just as effective? Looking to make sure you don't get blood clots where they don't belong? You might look into a naturally occurring enzyme that doctors in Europe have been prescribing to treat pain, arterial plaque, scarred lung tissue, blood clots and more.

Serrapeptase is a type of proteolytic enzyme, not a brand name. It digests protein. Not only does it help digest any complete protein food you have just eaten, it scavenges unwanted proteins throughout the body. This makes it ideal for getting rid of internal organ scar tissue, plaque and fluid that builds up after an injury.

Serrapeptase was originally discovered in silkworms that use the enzyme to digest the tough Mulberry leaves they live on and, more importantly, to rapidly bore through their cocoons and fly away if predators show up.

When the enzyme is isolated and formed into a capsule, it has been shown to have powerful anti-inflammatory effects and pain-blocking abilities that rival those of aspirin and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), without their dangerous side effects.

It can also help eliminate cancer cells before they form tumors and assist cancer remedies after tumors form.

Enzymes are catalysts that enable or speed up biochemical reactions. Just like we were told in high school chemistry, enzymes do not get consumed by the chemical reactions they start. We have around 4000 biochemical reactions that require enzymes as catalysts.

The particular enzyme activity of Serrapeptase is unique. German Dr. Hans Napier, had positive results with clearing blocked arteries and preventing the need for by-pass operations. In other words, it is effective and safe as an arterial chelation agent.

Dr. Napier also treated a woman with Serrapeptase who was scheduled to have her hand amputated. She recovered without the amputation.

This miracle enzyme works in even more ways. It is able to dissolve and break down the fibrin by-products of blood coagulation, thereby controlling blood clotting. Current research suggests it can even dissolve the fibrin coating that tumors develop to keep themselves from being spotted by the immune system.

This dissolving action gets rid of arterial plaque without harming the insides of arteries. Serrapeptase stops pain by dissolving and inhibiting the release of amines, the proteins that send the pain signal. It also facilitates the draining of excessive fluid in tissues that may cause swelling and pain.

Serrapeptase has been a standard medicine among unrestricted real healers for the past 30 years in the East and more recently in Europe. It has been found to be more effective and less problematic than the more common medical use of EDTA (ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid) chelation for removing arterial plaque.

Unlike pharmaceutical statins used to remove plaque or lipids (fats) in the blood stream, serrapeptase does not block the biosynthesis of cholesterol. Ironically, cholesterol even acts as a band-aid for arterial lesions from inflammation.

Cholesterol in its pure form forms most of the brain's tissue, it is part of our cell's out walls, and helps create hormones that affect the body's endocrine balance.One of those hormones initiates the process of converting sunlight into vitamin D3 organs in the body. If cholesterol's biosynthesis is hampered, long term health such as dementia and others come about.

In addition to its cardiovascular uses, serrapeptase has been used successfully to treat arthritis, fibrocystic breast disease, lung problems, sinus problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, and sports injuries.

Some recommend serrapeptase as an anti-aging agent simply because much of aging has to do with the accumulation of scar tissue, inflammation and disregulation.

Disregulation occurs when the inflammation process loses discrimination and no longer differentiates between harmful and benign substances. After that, inflammation leads to long term autoimmune problems.

There are many anecdotal reports of aches and pains vanishing from people's lives after using serrapeptase. This natural enzyme does not suppress the immune system, and there are no known side effects, not even indigestion.

There are many sources of serrapeptase in both capsule and tablet form available online and in health food stores.Most holistic practitioners recommend that heavy doses be taken at first until a positive change occurs. Then taper off to a lighter dose.

So why is serrapeptase not a household term after being used for 30 years and found effective, safe and inexpensive?

The primary answer is that it can't be patented by Big Pharma. And serrapeptase produces no known side effects. Therefore visits to prescribe more drugs for side effects are unnecessary. Big Pharma wont' allow MDs to push something like that.

Paul Fassa is a contributing staff writer for His pet peeves are the Medical Mafia's control over health and the food industry and government regulatory agencies' corruption. Paul's contributions to the health movement and global paradigm shift are well received by truth seekers. Visit his blog by following this link and follow him on Twitter here.


Original source: Real Farmacy

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