Everyone knows that hydrogen peroxide is great for cleaning wounds, but there is so much more to this chemical compound!
From sanitizing surfaces, to busting out stubborn carpet stains, and everything in between – hydrogen peroxide works wonders. After checking out this long list of "unheard of" uses, this strange liquid will be your go-to tool for almost everything!
– The majority of these tips call for a 3% consistency of hydrogen peroxide (which is what's commonly used in bottles).
– The abbreviation "HP" will be used to replace "hydrogen peroxide" in the tips below.
So, let's start learning about all of the great thing hydrogen peroxide has to offer!
Beat Most Bodily Viruses: All you have to do to help rid your body of infections and viruses such as the common cold and flu is place 3 drops of HP in each ear. Allow the solution to sit for 10 minutes, then drain it from ears by turning head slowly to each slide.
An Effective Mouth Rinse: Due to its chemical composition, HP is wonderful for fighting mouth-bred germs and bacteria. Simply gargle a cup of water combined with two capfuls of HP.
Get Shiny, White Teeth: Most people don't know that HP is a common ingredient in most commercial teeth whitening recipes. To get the most out of this powerful oxidation process, just brush your teeth like normal. Once you're done brushing, mix two tablespoons of water with 1 teaspoon of HP. Then gargle the mixture for 60 seconds, spit it out and rinse your mouth thoroughly with clean water. You can do this up to three times a week!
Highlight Your Hair In Minutes: Use a spray bottle to spritz HP on damp hair. Allow the HP to sit on your locks for 15 minutes before rinsing it off in the shower. After just a few times doing repeating this process, you'll be left with lighter tresses!
No More Painful Toothache: Combine a half-ounce of HP and a half-ounce of coconut oil (works best to do this in a shot glass) and gargle the mixture! The antibacterial properties will get rid of infection and will help soothe any pain you may feel.
Instant Wound Cleaning: When you have small cuts and abrasions, pour a capful of HP directly over it. This will instantly disinfect and help the wound heal faster!
Silky, Smooth Skin: Get rid of annoying acne and discoloration by washing your face with HP. Not only will the chemical clean your pores, but it will also fight against any new acne that might pop up!
Say Goodbye To Earwax: Hidden inner earwax is harder and most irritating to eradicate! But by pouring two drops of HP in each ear, followed by two drops of olive oil, the wax will drain right out! You'll normally have to allow the mixture to sit in each ear canal for 3-4 minutes before the wax becomes liquified.
The Best Hand Sanitizer: Your hands will be bacteria-free if you spritz a tiny bit of HP solution over them. The chemical compound acts like an antibacterial soap and will protect against the spread of germs!
A Fun Foot Scrub: Rough feet and hard calluses can be removed with just a bit of HP! Simply add a half-cup of HP to your bathwater and allow your tootsies to soak for roughly 30 minutes!
Clean Your Germy Toothbrush: Your toothbrush harbors all types of germs and bacteria. But if you allow it to soak for an hour or so, the bristles will be germ-free and you can brush your teeth with a cleared conscious.
Every-Type-Of-Stain Remover: Stubborn, stuck on fabric stains (especially blood, sweat and other bodily causes) can be buffed out with ease. Just pour a bit of HP directly on the stain and allow it to sit for 60 seconds. Then gently rinse the area with cold water – you can repeat this process as many times as needed until the stain disappears!
Dishwashing Powertool: Another great use for HP is as a replacement dishwasher soap. If you chose to use this for a dishwashing cycle, be sure to thoroughly rinse the dinnerware before placing them in the machine. HP isn't as effective as other detergents for removing hardened food remnants.
No More Annoying Odors: It's a little-known secret that HP removes unpleasant odors from pets and foods – and it works especially well on fabrics. Just combine white vinegar and HP in a bucket and allow the smelly fabrics to soak. Then place them into the washing machine and allow a normal cycle to run! The odors will be no more!
The Best Lunchbox Cleaner: After storing food day-in and day-out, lunchboxes become the perfect places to harbor germs. But just use a water-HP solution in a spray bottle and give it a spritz. After a few seconds, wipe it down and feel comfortable sending your loved ones off with a bacteria-free meal!
Your Toilet Will Look Like New: All you need to do to get shiny porcelain is pour a half-cup of HP into the bowl and allow it to sit for 30 minutes! Not only will it leave it looking brand new, but it will also disinfect one of the most bacteria-prone places in our homes!
Banish Mold For Good: With your handy, dandy water-HP spray bottle you filled earlier, apply a heavy layer onto annoying mold spots. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes and scrub the area with the hard side of a sponge after the allotted time has passed. Be sure to wear gloves and avoid any direct skin contact!
Streak-Free Glass Cleaner: Pesky soap, dirt and daily grime on glass surfaces can be busted out in a second with HP. Use the same water-HP spray bottle as before and apply a light layer of liquid. Let it sit for a few minutes and use a paper towel or newspaper to wipe it off! The best part is that there's not a streak in sight!
Clean Your Cutting Boards: With all of the raw meats, vegetables and other food items prepared on your wooden cutting boards, it's only right to clean them the correct way. To disinfect them thoroughly (without ruining the wood surface), spray the water-HP mix on both sides and allow it to soak into the grains for several minutes. Then rinse the surface with cold water!
A Spotless Refrigerator: Just like the lunchbox from earlier, the fridge is an ideal place for germs to stick around! But with just a quick spray of the water-HP solution and a few minutes to do the work, you'll be left with a cleaned, disinfected place to store your foods! Be sure to wipe the excess liquid off before returning your food into the fridge!
Potent Toy Cleaner: New playmates, curious pets, dirty hands and a million other common reasons causes the spread of germs onto your precious kid's toys! But use the water-HP solution in the spray bottle to battle these types of dangerous bacteria. Just wipe them down with a paper towel or rag after a few minutes to act!
Burnt Foods Aren't A Problem Anymore: Stuck-on food stains can ruin your favorite bakeware. But not anymore! Just mix HP with baking soda to form a thick paste. Scrub the paste on the stubborns stains with an old toothbrush and allow it to sit for 10 minutes or so. After the time is up, scrub the area with warm water until the stain is removed!
Purify Stagnant Humidifier Water: Millions of children around the country benefit from a humidifier in their room while they sleep! But after weeks of use, that water can become a breeding ground for cold and bacteria! Luckily, all you have to do is add one pint of HP for every gallon you place in the humidifier. This will keep the water clean and prevent molds from spreading to your little one's lungs!
Now that you know all of the true benefits of hydrogen peroxide, it's time to spread the knowledge to your friends and loved ones! They need to know how to get the most out of this magical liquid as well!
Image Credit:
drdemetyazici.blogspot.com, pixnio.com
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