Minggu, 06 November 2016

This Juice Can Help Stop Asthma Attacks For Good!

Asthma is caused by chronic inflammation and thickening of the bronchial tubes. It's an extremely serious conditions as it can lead to a number of health problems and potentially suffocation. Most asthma sufferers are also hypoallergic and/or sensitive.

This means that whenever a sufferers lungs are irritated, the muscles tighten and produce phlegmy mucus in the throat. The attacks are usually combined with a shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing.

People with asthma are prescribed the use of an inhaler, a medical device which helps them breathe the medicine straight into the lungs where it is needed. However, inhalers are a potential risk for additional health issues, as they contain many chemicals which are detrimental from the lungs. Interestingly, some people have managed to cure asthma by reducing the use of inhalers.

Asthma is a chronic lung condition caused by chronic inflammation and thickening of the bronchial tubes. It is extremely serious conditions as it can lead to suffocation. Most asthma sufferers are allergic and sensitive. Therefore, whenever their lungs are irritated, the muscles tighten and produce phlegm in the throat. The attacks are usually accompanied with shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing.

People with asthma are advised use an inhaler, a device which helps them breathe the medicine straight into their lungs where it is needed. However, inhalers are a potential risk for additional health issues. They contain many chemicals which are detrimental to the lungs.

Interestingly, some people have managed to reduce the effects and even cure their asthma by reducing the use of inhalers and turning to a more holistic approach.

There are a number of asthma friendly foods that have be shown to reduce the effects of an asthma attack. Carrot is one of the best foods in dispelling excessive mucus from the body. Drink carrot juice just on its own, or add a few ribs of celery for its super cleansing power.

High intake of beta carotene and vitamin C (with flavonoids) helps to increase lung capacity and relieve respiratory problems, as well as protecting you from breathing disorders such as asthma, bronchitis and emphysema.

Other great asthma beating foods are:

– ¼ pineapple+ 1 fennel+ 8-10 leaves of kale+ 3-4 radish(pungent)+ ½ lemon

– 2 cups of strawberries+ 1 cup cranberries+ 1 pomegranate

– 1 oz(1 shot) wheatgrass juice+ a squeeze of lemon juice

– ¼ pineapple+ 1 cucumber+ 2 capsicums (yellow/red)+ ½ bunch watercress+ ½ lemon

– 2 green apples+ 6 ribs celery+ a bunch of spinach+ a bunch of parsley+ ¼ lemon

– 1 cucumber+ 2 medium-sized beetroots+ 3 sticks lemongrass+ ½ lemon

Adversely, not every food is good for a sufferer with asthma. Here is a list that you should avoid if you suffer from the condition:

– Sodium and monosodium glutamate ( as they can increase the constriction of the bronchial tubes that the histamine causes)

– Citrus fruits

– Animal products like eggs, cow milk, dairy, meat( beef, pork, mutton, chicken and fish)

– Alcohol and soft drinks

– Vegetable oil like corn, sunflower, safflower

Even though citrus fruits should generally be avoided, lemons and lemon juice are  actually considered beneficial for this condition. In fact, lemon juice owes its anti-asthmatic property to vitamin C and unlike other citrus fruits, it has an alkalizing effect on the mucus.





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